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kid.ney5kId7nineither of a pair of small organs in the body which take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine肾Eighteen years ago Adrian suffered complete kidney failure.18年前阿德里安肾功能完全衰竭。Kidneys are also these organs from an animal, used as food.(动物的可食用的)腰子grilled kidneys [C]烤腰子steak and kidney pie [U]牛排和腰子馅饼A kidney machine is a machine used to do the work of a human kidney for people whose kidneys have stopped working or have been removed.人工肾,血液透析器,血液渗析器 [DIALYSIS]A kidney stone is a mass of stone-like material that forms in the kidney and causes pain.肾结石A kidney bean is a small dark-red edible bean which has a curved shape like a kidney.菜豆,四季豆,云豆