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roy.al5rCI7Eladj [not gradable]belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of their family国王的,女王的,王室的the royal family王室a royal visit皇家访问the royal yacht皇家游艇The law has not yet received the royal assent (= approval of the ruling king or queen).该法律尚未得到御准。The colour royal blue is a medium bright blue.品蓝In card games, if you are have a royal flush, you have a set of all the five highest cards in one SUIT (= one of the four types of cards).(扑克牌游戏中的)同花大顺(指以A为首的同花色顺子)When you speak to a member of the family of a king or queen, you address them as Royal Highness.殿下(用于称呼王室成员)"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."“谢谢,殿下。”His Royal Highness, Prince Andrew安德鲁王子殿下The Royal Navy, the Royal Society, etc., are organizations that serve or have the support of the British king or queen.(英国的)皇家海军,学会等组织A royal pardon is an official order given by a king or queen to stop the punishment of a person accused of a crime.御赦Historically, the royal pardon stems from an era when the monarch was considered to function on a higher plane than the courts.在历史上,御赦起源于君主的权力被认为大于法庭权力的时代。 ☆ FREE 中的free pardonThe royal prerogative is the special rights of the ruling king or queen.王权,君主特权Royal can also mean good or excellent as if intended for or typical of royalty.极好的,一流的a royal reception/welcome热烈的欢迎in royal spirits情绪极好(esp. Am) Royal can also be used to mean 'big'or'great'极度的,极其的a royal pain/a royal mess剧痛/极大的混乱