释义 |
old EXISTED MANY YEARSHEJld, $oJldadj-er, -est having lived or existed for many years老的, 年老的An old man and his dog walked slowly along the street.一个老人和他的狗沿着街慢慢地走。I must be getting old -- those few steps have left me quite out of breath.我肯定老了----那几级台阶已经让我气喘吁吁了。"I was shocked by how old he looked." "Well, he isn't a young man any more, you know."“他看上去那么老真让我大吃一惊。”“是啊,你知道他不再是个年轻人了。”Now come on, you're old enough to tie your own shoelaces, Carlo.好,来吧,卡萝尔,你那么大了该自己系鞋带了。Isn't he a bit old to be playing with toy soldiers? [+ to infinitive]玩玩具兵,他是不是大了一点?They've got a beautiful old farm house somewhere out in the country.他们在乡村的某个地方有一幢漂亮的古老农舍。I prefer old furniture to new stuff.我喜欢老家具,不喜欢新家具。He was driving a battered old car.他开着一辆残破的旧车。We're collecting old clothes for charity.我们在为慈善捐献收集旧衣物。That's an old joke -- I've heard it about a thousand times.那是个老掉牙的笑话----我已经听过不下1000次了。I think this cheese is a bit old (= has existed for a long period of time) judging by the smell of it.根据这味道我觉得这块奶酪已经挺陈了。He's as old as the hills (= very old).他很老。(humorous) The oldest profession (in the world) is PROSTITUTION (= the job of having sex for money).(世界上)最古老的职业(卖淫)Old age is the period in a person's life when he or she is old.老年She got very depressed in (her) old age.她年老后变得很抑郁。Loneliness is one of the major problems of old age.孤独是老年人的一个主要问题。(Br and Aus) An old age pension (also retirement pension, state pension, Am social security) is the money that is paid regularly by the state to people who have reached an age when they can no longer work.养老金, 退休金(Br and Aus) An old age pensioner (abbreviation OAP, Am retiree) is a person who regularly receives money from the state because they have reached an age when they are considered too old to work.领取养老金的人(esp. Br infml) An old boy is an old man or (dated) a way that some men address male friends that they have known for many years.(用作招呼)老兄There was a poor old boy tottering across the road with a walking stick.有个可怜的老兄拄着根手杖蹒跚地穿过马路。(dated) Come on, old boy, drink up. [as form of address]来,老兄,喝光它。(infml) An old buffer is a foolish old man.傻老头(esp. Br infml) An old girl is an old woman.老妇人The poor old girl can't get out much these days.这个可怜的老妇人现在不能多外出了。(Am and Aus) Old growth is trees that have been growing for a very long time.成年树木New legislation will protect vast areas of old growth in the Pacific Northwest from the logging companies.新立法将保护位于太平洋西北沿岸区的大量成材林木不受木材采运公司的砍伐。Someone who is an old hand is very experienced and skilled in a particular area of activity.富有经验的人, 老手We should be able to trust Silva to negotiate a good deal for us -- he's an old hand at the game.我们应该能相信西尔瓦会为我们谈出好结果----他在这方面是老手。(disapproving) Something which is old hat is not modern and is not considered exciting.过时的, 老式的He may be old hat among the trendy younger generation, but his shows draw more viewers than any other comedian.在追赶新潮的年轻一代中他可能是过时的,但是他的演出比其他喜剧演员吸引了更多的观众。(slang) People sometimes refer to their mothers, or men to their wives, as their old lady.母亲, 妻子I haven't seen your old lady for months, Bill --what've you done with her?比尔,我有几个月没有看到你的妻子了----你把她怎么了?(dated esp. disapproving) An old maid is a middle-aged (= over 40) or old woman who is not married and has never had a sexual relationship.老处女(slang) People sometimes refer to their fathers, or women to their husbands, as their old man.父亲, 丈夫Thought I'd take the old man out for a drink tonight.今天晚上我想要带父亲出去喝一杯。My old man says he's going to buy me a new washing-machine.我丈夫说他打算给我买一台新的洗衣机。An old master is a painting by a famous European artist of the past, esp. from the 13th to the 17th century.13到17世纪欧洲大画家的画Old money is used to refer to rich people whose families have been rich for a long time.祖传的富人Much of big business is still controlled by old money.大型企业的一大部分仍由祖传的富户控制着。She's from an old-money family who didn't think much of her choice of husband.她来自于一个祖上殷实的家庭,家里人认为她选择的丈夫不怎么样。 [OLD 中的old money](humorous dated) Old Nick is another name for the Devil.魔王,撒旦An old people's home is a place where old people can live together and be cared for when they are too weak or ill to take care of themselves.敬老院(infml) An old-timer is an old man, or someone who has been or worked in a place for a long time.老居民,老职员An old wives' tale is a piece of advice or a theory, often related to matters of health, that was believed in the past but which we now know to be wrong.(健康方面的)带有迷信色彩的建议、说法(disapproving) If you describe a man as an old woman, you mean that he gets anxious over unimportant matters and details.大惊小怪的人,婆婆妈妈的人You know what an old woman Dave is --he nearly had a fit because he got a few specks of mud on his shoes!你知道戴维是多么大惊小怪的一个人----就因为他的鞋子上沾了几粒泥巴,他差一点昏过去!"Old soldiers never die / They simply fade away" (song written by J.Foley, 1920) “老兵不会死/他们只是不见了踪影”(歌曲,杰·富勒作)"Ol' man river ...he keeps on rollin' along" (from the song Ol' Man River by Oscar Hammerstein II, 1927)“老人河…他不断翻滚着向前”(选自歌曲《老人河》,奥斯卡·哈默斯坦第二作) [ELDERLY]