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de.press obj CAUSE SADNESSdI5presv [T]to cause (a person) to feel unhappy and without hope使(人)难过或沮丧Bad weather depresses me.糟糕的天气令我郁郁寡欢。It depresses me knowing that I'll probably still be doing exactly the same job in ten years'time. [+ obj + to infinitive]知道10年后我可能还会在做完全一模一样的工作,我就沮丧。It depresses me to think that I'll probably still be doing exactly the same job in ten years'time. [+ obj + to infinitive]想到10年后我可能还会在做完全一模一样的工作,我就沮丧。It depresses me that I'll probably still be doing exactly the same job in ten years'time. [+ obj + that clause]10年后我可能还会在做完全一模一样的工作,这真叫人沮丧。