释义 |
main MOST IMPORTANTmeInadj [before n; not gradable]larger, more important or more influential than others of the same type主要的,较大的,较有影响力的The main reason I don't like him is that he is boring.我不喜欢他的主要原因是他十分乏味。The main thing is that you shouldn't worry.最重要的是你不应忧虑。In grammar, main can also be used to refer to a clause which forms part of a sentence but can also form a separate sentence.(语法)(复合句中的)主句The main course is the largest or most important part of a meal in which there are different parts served separately.主菜It was a three-course meal, with stuffed tomatoes as a starter and salmon as the main course.这餐共有三道菜,第一道是塞了馅的西红柿,主菜是鲑鱼。(Am and Aus infml) The main drag is the largest or most important road in a town.(村镇的)主要通道There's a little restaurant just off the main drag in Maplewood.枫树镇的主要通道旁有家小餐馆。A main line is an important railway route between large towns or cities.铁路干线the main line between Belfast and Dublin贝尔法斯特和都柏林之间的铁路干线Three main-line railway stations were closed because of bomb threats.由于受到炸弹威胁,三个主要车站被迫关闭。A main road is a large road which goes from one town to another.(城镇之间的)大路,主要道路Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost.沿着大路走,就不会迷路。They live on the main road out of town.他们住在城外的主道旁。Main street is Am for high street.大街The main verb in a clause is the verb that carries the meaning, esp. as compared with any auxiliary verbs that go with it.实义动词In 'I should have been studying', 'studying'is the main verb.在“I should have been studying”句中“studying”是实义动词。