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na.tur.alH5nAtF7[r7[l, $5-L-adjNatural means not involving anything made by people.天然的,非人工的That's the wool in its natural state before it's spun and dyed.那是天然的羊毛,没有纺过,也没有染过。People say that breast-feeding is better than bottle-feeding because it's more natural.人们说母乳喂养比人工喂养好,因为它更加自然。It 's not natural for a woman to be so thin!妇女这么瘦是不正常的![+ to infinitive] He died from natural causes (= because he was old or ill and not because he was killed in an accident or killed himself)他正常死亡。Floods and earthquakes are natural disasters (= are caused by nature and not by people.)洪水和地震是自然灾害。A natural ability or characteristic is one that you were born with.本能,天生的能力He has a natural talent for sports.他有运动的天才。She's a natural leader.她是个天生的领袖。You shouldn't wear so much make-up--it spoils your natural beauty.你不要这样浓妆艳抹,它会毁损你的自然美。She's a natural blonde (= her hair is not artificially made a lighter colour).她是个生就的金发女郎。A person's natural mother and father are the parents who caused them to be born, although they might not be their legal parents or the parents who raised them.生父母If food or drink is described as natural, it is generally because it is pure and has no chemical substances added to it and is therefore thought to be healthy.天然的,纯的,无添加剂的natural mineral water天然矿泉水Our products are prepared using only the finest natural ingredients.我们的产品是完全用优质天然成分制造的。Natural childbirth is a method of giving birth in which special preparation and breathing exercises are used to make the birth easier, instead of drugs.自然分娩Natural gas is gas, found underground, which is used as a fuel.天然气Natural history is the study of plants, animals, rocks, etc.博物学We went to see the dinosaur skeletons in the Natural History Museum.我们到自然博物馆参观恐龙骨骼。Natural language is language which has developed in the usual way as a method of communicating between people.自然语言Computers are increasingly being used for natural language processing.计算机正越来越多地用于自然语言的处理。Natural resources are materials such as coal and wood which exist or are produced in nature and can be used by people.自然资源It's a country which is very rich in natural resources.它是一个自然资源丰富的国家。Natural science (also natural sciences) is biology, physics and chemistry considered together as a subject.自然科学Natural selection is the process which results in the continued existence of only the types of animals and plants which are best able to produce young or new plants in the conditions in which they live.(物种的) 自然选择(Br) Natural wastage (also wastage, Am and Aus attrition) is a reduction in the number of people who work for an organization which is achieved by not replacing those people who leave.自然减员 [NATURAL , NATURAL ]