释义 |
tor.tureH5tC:7tFE5, $5tC:r7tFLn(the act of causing) great physical pain in order to persuade someone to do something or to give information, or as an act of cruelty to a person or animal拷打,拷问; 虐待About half of the prisoners were murdered or died after torture or starvation. [U]大约有半数的囚犯被谋杀或因拷打或饥饿而死亡。In a number of cases, senior army officers had carried out the torture. [U]在许多案子中,高级军官实行了严刑拷打。The book suggests that women are more used to pain than men, as so are not as likely to divulge secrets under torture. [U]这本书向人表明了女人要比男人更能忍痛,在严刑拷打下不大会泄露秘密。The report describes deprivation of sleep, threats about family members and various forms of mental torture. [U]这篇报道描绘了剥夺睡眠、威胁家人以及各种各样使人精神遭受折磨的方法。In the castle is a medieval torture chamber still furnished with the original instruments of torture, such as racks and thumbscrews. [U]城堡中一间中世纪的拷问室里依然放着原先的拷打工具,如肢刑架和拇指夹。(fig.) The rush-hour traffic was sheer torture as usual. [U]交通的高峰时间和往常一样折磨死人。(fig.) We suffered the twin tortures of heat and boredom as we waited in a long line for our turn to come. [C]当我们在长长的队伍中等待着轮到我们自己的时候,我们同时遭受着高温和乏味的折磨。