释义 |
throw (obj) SEND THROUGH AIRHWrEJ, $WroJvpast simple threw Pru:to send (something) through the air with force, esp. by a sudden movement of the arm投; 抛; 丢; 掷; 扔You can throw next. [I]你可以下一个投。My friend threw the ball back over the fence. [T]我朋友把球从围栏上掷回去。The coat was thrown over the back of the chair. [T]大衣丢在椅背上。She threw herself into a chair exhausted. [T]她筋疲力尽地倒在椅子上。The builders have thrown all this dirt about. [T]建筑工人把这些脏东西到处乱扔。Would you like me to threw the rope down/up/over? [M]你要我把绳子扔下来/上来/过来吗?Throw me the keys. / Throw the keys to me. [+two objects]把钥匙扔给我。The rider was thrown as the horse jumped the fence. [T]当马跳过栅栏时骑手给摔了下来。I shook the dice and threw two fours. [T]我摇了摇骰子,掷出两个四点。He threw a punch at (=hit) his attacker. [T]他向攻击他的人出击。If you throw out the baby with the bath-water, you lose valuable ideas or things in your attempt to get rid of what is unwanted.把孩子和洗澡水一起倒掉,为剔除糟粕部分而把精华部分一起扔弃。She threw all his failures back in his face (=said unkind things during an argument about past events).她揭他的短。(infml) After the accident, the safety inspector threw the book at (=very severely criticized) the company's practices.发生事故之后,安检人员狠狠地批评了公司的操作方法。He doesn't earn much, but still seems to have enough money to throw around (=spend obviously or without concern about amount spent).他赚钱不多,但看来还有足够的钱挥霍。To throw caution to the wind(s) is to do something which might have a bad result intentionally.不顾一切,卤莽行事She threw caution to the winds and bought the most expensive one.她草率从事, 买了最贵的那个。You're always throwing cold water on (=being discouraging about) my suggestions.你总是对我的建议泼冷水。When someone throws in the sponge, they admit defeat.(拳击中)扔掉檫身海绵表示被击败; 认输The boy threw a frightened glance/look (=looked in a frightened way) in the direction of the house.男孩向房子的方向惊恐地看了一眼。Having that old car you bought repainted would just be throwing good money after bad (=wasting money by trying to improve something that has already cost money and is no good).让人把你买来的旧汽车漆一下要花更多冤枉钱。(infml) We won't solve this problem by throwing money at it (=spending a lot of money).我们不会花大笔的钱来解决这个问题。(infml) To throw yourself at someone is to make it very obvious to that person that you want a sexual relationship with them.勾引,向…献媚To throw yourself into something means to do it actively and enthusiastically.投身于; 开始积极从事She's thrown herself into this new job.她开始积极从事这一新工作。If you throw your voice, you make something which is not real, such as a toy, seem to be speaking.(用腹语术等) 使(嗓音)让人听来似来自他处The other players did not appreciate how he threw his weight around/about (told them what to do as if in authority) in practice.实际上,其他演员并不赞赏他指手画脚,耀武扬威的样子。