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fastHfB:st, $fAstadv-er, -est快速地The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad conditions.事故是由那些在糟糕的路况下开快车的人造成的。This type of rural village is disappearing fast.这种类型的农村快绝迹了。The number of flights in and out of the airport is fast approaching saturation point.出入这个飞机场的班机数量即将很快达到饱和点。Children's publishing is a fast-growing business.儿童书籍的出版是一个发展很快的行业。He scuttled back into the house as fast as his legs would carry him (= as quickly as possible).他全速奔回房子里。The fast-forward on a cassette recorder or video recorder is a device that allows you to move quickly to the end of a CASSETTE (= magnetic strip used to record music or film).(录音机,录像机的)快进键Press the fast-forward.按下快进键。I'll just fast-forward the tape to the end.我只要把带子快进到末尾。(disapproving) A fast-talker is someone who is good at persuading people to do what he or she wants.能说会道、花言巧语的人(esp. Am disapproving) He fast-talked his way into a powerful job (= He got the job by persuading people, usually in a dishonest way).他靠花言巧语取得了一个权力很大的职位。