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ear BODY PARTHIE5, $Irn [C]either of the two organs, one on each side of the head, by which people or animals hear sounds, or the piece of skin and tissue outside the head connected to this organ耳朵;耳郭The hearing in my left ear's not so good--can you sit on my other side?我左耳的听力不太好,你能不能坐在我的另一边?Van Gogh cut off part of one of his ears after a quarrel.梵高在一场争吵后,割下了一只耳朵的一部分。(fig.) I tried to close my ears to (=tried not to listen to) the sounds coming from next door.我试图不去听隔壁传来的声音。I'm all ears (= eagerly waiting to hear) --tell us what they had to say.我洗耳恭听,告诉我们他们不得不说了些什么。If you have an/your ear to the ground or keep an/your ear to the ground, you pay attention to all that is happening round you and to what people are saying.注意周围发生的一切和人们所说的话If you say that someone's ears are burning you mean that they feel as if they are being talked about.耳朵发热(怀疑有人正在背后议论自己)All this talk about the boss--her ears must be burning!这次谈话全在议论老板,她的耳朵一定会发热的!(infml) If you say that someone's ears are flapping you mean that they are trying to hear what you are saying, although they are not part of your conversation.竖耳偷听If I have to listen to something I don't understand, it just goes in one ear and out the other (= is immediately forgotten and has no effect).如果要我听我不理解的东西,那只会是左耳进右耳出。You must have good ears (= be able to hear well), if you can hear high-pitched sounds like that.如果你能听那样的高音,你的听力一定很好。If someone has an ear for music or languages, they are good at hearing, repeating or understanding these sounds.(尤指在音乐和语言方面辨别声音的)听觉能力强She's never had much of an ear for languages.她在语言方面的辨音能力从来就不强。If someone has the ear of an important and powerful person, their ideas are listened to and given importance by that person.得到赏识Now that he has gained / lost the ear of the Director, he's going to have/lose a lot of influence on policy.现在他得到了/失去了董事长的赏识,他将对政策产生/失去重大的影响。(slang) One minute I was in a good job and the next I was out on my ear (=suddenly dismissed).(俚)一分钟前我还有个好工作,接着就被炒了鱿鱼。I'm afraid I won't be able to help you--I'm up to my ears in (=very busy with) work.我恐怕不能帮你----我忙得不可开交。She's up to her ears in debt (=very much in debt).她债台高筑。An ear-splitting / ear-piercing sound is one that is so loud/high that it hurts your ears.非常响的;震耳欲聋的an ear-splitting explosion震耳欲聋的爆炸声ear-piercing screams.刺耳的尖叫声 [AURAL Sound]