释义 |
do with obj CONNECTEDv prep [T]to be/have something to do with to be connected with有关"What's your book about?" "Well, it's to do with human behaviour."“你的书是关于什么的?”“是有关人类行为的。”"Why did you want to talk to me?""Well, it's to do with a complaint that's been made about your work."“你为什么想跟我谈话?”“我想跟你谈谈有关对你工作的投诉。”"What do you think causes violence?" "I'd say the way men are brought up has a lot to do with it."“你认为引起暴力的原因是什么?”“我想与有些人成长的方式有很大关系。”"But I didn't have any money.""What has that got to do with it? You still shouldn't have taken my purse without asking me."“但是我当时身无分文。”“和这有什么关系呢?你还是不该不经我同意就拿我的钱包。”She's refused to have anything (more) to do with him since he was arrested for drinking and driving.自从他因酒后驾车而被捕后,她断绝了与他的来往。"I thought I should tell you I saw your son smoking today." "Mind your own business, would you? It has nothing to do with you what my son does!"“我想我应该告诉你,今天我看到你的儿子抽烟了。”“管你自己的事,好吗?我儿子做什么与你无关!”"What does Sheila do?""Oh, she has something to do with civil engineering."“希拉的工作是什么?”“噢,她是搞土木工程的。”