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dis.gustdIs5gQstn [U]strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation or person's behaviour, etc.(对情况或人的举止)反感,厌恶We are demonstrating to show our anger and disgust at this treatment of students.我们正在示威,对如此对待学生表示我们的愤怒和厌恶。Vic makes no effort to hide his disgust at Robyn's total ignorance of what factory work is really like.罗宾对工厂工作实际上是如何一回事一无所知,对此威克毫不隐藏他的反感。He was filled with disgust at what he had witnessed in the prisons.他很厌恶在监狱中所见到的情况。She resigned from the committee in disgust at their lack of power to change things.她对委员会无力改变形势深恶痛绝,便辞了职。Beresford, (much) to his disgust, was fined for illegal parking.贝雷斯福德违章停车被罚款,他对此十分反感。Disgust is also a feeling of being ill caused by something unpleasant.恶心The smell from the carcass was so terrible he stepped back in disgust.动物死尸发出的气味太难闻了,他恶心地朝后退。