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dis.creetdI5skri:tadjintentionally not attracting attention by noticeable behaviour or appearance, often in order to hide something小心遮掩的,慎重的,不显眼的Most church leaders have kept a discreet silence during this war.大多数的教会领袖在这场战争期间小心翼翼地保持了沉默。There were discreet signs of wealth all over the house.整幢房子上下有种(小心遮掩着的)力图不露人的财富迹象。The family made discreet enquiries about his background.这家人小心翼翼地询问他的背景。They asked me to be discreet when requesting the application form, "since we don't want everyone to ask".我要申请表时他们要我谨慎,“因为我们不想每个人都来要。”To be discreet is also to keep information secret or to share it with only a few trusted people.守口如瓶的They are very good assistants, very discreet--they wouldn't go shouting to the press about anything they discovered while working for you.他们是很棒的助手,小心谨慎----他们不会跑到报界去,嚷嚷为你干活时发现了什么。