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de.ten.tiondI5ten7tF[nn拘留,监禁He claimed that his detention for anti-government activities was unlawful. [U]他声称他因反政府活动而受到拘留是非法的。They were arrested under a law which allows for indefinite detention without trial. [U]依据某一条允许不经审判即行无限期拘留的法律,他们受到拘留。Concern has been expressed about the death in detention of a number of political prisoners. [U]人们对若干政治犯死于监禁中的事件表示关注。(A) detention is also a form of punishment in which school children are made to stay at school for a short time after classes have ended.关晚学She's had four detentions this term. [C]她这学期已有四次被关晚学。We were kept late in detention. [U]我们被罚留得很晚才回家。A detention centre is a type of prison where young people can be kept for short periods of time or (Am also) a place where people who have entered the country without the necessary documents can be kept for short periods of time.(为青少年罪犯设立的)教养所,海关非法移民拘留中心