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sur.faceH5sV:7fIs, $5sV:r-n [C]the outer or top part or layer of something面,表面,表层Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.热带雨林过去曾覆盖地球表面10%的土地。Marble has a smooth, shiny surface.大理石的表面光滑而有光泽。All the pots she makes have glazed surfaces.她做的陶罐表面都上了釉。Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon.尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一个登上月球表面的人。A thin film of oil was floating on the surface (= top part) of the sea.海面上漂浮着一层薄薄的油。The body was clearly visible just beneath the surface of the water.尸体清晰可见就在水面下。He believes that it isn't dangerous for a baby to be born underwater, provided that it is brought to the surface (= brought above the top part of the water) within seconds of being born.他认为婴儿在水下出生并不危险,只要在出生后几秒钟内立刻把它送到水面上来。The trapped miners were eventually brought to the surface (= top part of the land).被困的矿工最后终于被送到地面上。The world's deepest mine is South Africa's Western Deeps, where gold is mined 24 miles below the surface.世界上最深的矿井是南非的西部深井,那里的金子是在地面下24英里处开采的。It was so hot that the surface (= top layer) of the road melted.天气太热了,以致公路表层熔化。This frying-pan has a non-stick surface.这只煎锅的表面不会粘连食物。A lot of head injuries to children are caused by their falling onto hard surfaces (= top layers of the ground) in playgrounds.许多孩子头部受伤都是因为摔倒在操场的坚硬地面上。A surface is also the top layer of a field or track on which particular types of sports are played.(田径场或跑道的)地面The match will be played on an artificial/all-weather surface.比赛将在人工/全天候跑道上进行。She's a very talented tennis player and can win on any surface.她是个天资很高的网球运动员,无论在什么场地上比赛她都能获胜。A surface is also the flat top part of a table, cupboard, etc.(桌子等的)表面Roll the pastry out on a lightly floured surface.在微洒过面粉的桌面上摊面饼。Don't put anything wet on a polished surface, or it will leave a mark.不要把任何湿的东西放在擦亮的表面上,否则会留下痕迹的。The surface of a situation or person is what is obvious about them or the qualities they have which are not hidden or difficult to see.(人或事的)外表,外观The television documentary we watched examined no more than the surface of the issues it was supposed to be dealing with.我们看的那部电视纪录片只不过反映了它想探讨的问题的表面而已。On the surface, this seems like a difficult problem, but in fact there's an easy solution to it.表面看来,这个问题似乎很难,但实际上答案很简单。He's like a swan--so calm on the surface, but paddling away like mad underneath (= but very anxious in reality).他就像一只天鹅----表面很冷静,内心却急得要命。Beneath the surface of contemporary West Indian life lurk memories of slavery.透过当代西印度的表面生活仍潜伏着对奴隶制的回忆。He seems relaxed, but actually he has a lot of tension simmering just below the surface.他看上去很轻松,但实际上内心紧张极了。Suddenly, all her anger came (bubbling) to the surface (= became obvious).突然,她的满腔怒火都爆发出来。Their resentment is beginning to rise to the surface (= beginning to become obvious).他们的怨恨情绪逐渐显露出来。To scratch/scrape the surface is to deal with only a very small part of a subject or a problem.对…作肤浅的探讨,对…浅尝即止There's far more to be said--I've only had time to scratch the surface in this talk.要说的还很多----我刚才所说的不过是一些皮毛而已。The amount of aid which has been offered is hardly going to scratch the surface of the suffering.援救力量相当薄弱,对解救灾难几乎无济于事。Surface tension is the natural force existing in a liquid which holds its surface together. 表面张力Some types of small insect can walk on the surface of water because its surface tension will support their weight.有些种类的小虫可以在水面上行走,因为表面张力能够支持它们的体重。A MISSILE (= type of flying weapon) that is surface-to-air is fired from land or the sea towards aircraft or other missiles.(导弹)地对空或舰对空发射的a surface-to-air missile (abbreviation SAM)地对空导弹A MISSILE (= type of flying weapon) that is surface-to-surface is fired from land or the sea towards a place on land or a ship.(导弹)地对地或舰对舰发射的