释义 |
blurHblV:5, $blV:rn [U]something whose shape is not clear模糊;模糊的东西If I don't wear my glasses, everything is a blur.如果我不戴眼镜的话,一切都会变得很模糊。The landscape was just a blur as we sped along on our motorbikes.当我们驾驶摩托车飞速驶过时,四周风景都模模糊糊的。A blur is also something that you cannot remember clearly.记不清的东西It all happened so long ago that it's just a blur to me now.这事发生时间太长了,我现在都记不清了。The last few days seem to have gone by in a blur.最后几天似乎是在恍恍忽忽中度过的。