释义 |
bright INTELLIGENTbraItadj-er, -est (of a person) clever and quick to learn聪明的They were bright children, always asking questions.他们很聪明,总爱提问。He was nice enough but he didn't seem very bright.他人很不错,但看起来并不聪明。She was enthusiastic and full of bright ideas (= clever ideas) and suggestions.她很热心,有许多聪明的想法和建议。(humorous) Whose bright idea (= stupid idea) was it to send the documents out before they were complete?是谁的“聪明”点子,把没完成的文件送出去了?(Br) Some bright spark (= stupid person) has broken the computer!哪个“聪明”的家伙弄坏了电脑!