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birth.rightHbV:W7raIt, $5bV:rW-n [C/U]something which is received or owned because of esp. your family or social situation, without having to be worked for or bought与生俱来的权力(或所有物);遗产Let's face it, career women pose a real threat to men who see the better-paid, more powerful jobs as their birthright.让我们面对现实,职业妇女对那些把报酬高权力大的工作看作是自己与生俱来的特权的男人形成了真正的威胁。Many people were suddenly deprived of the power and influence they've come to enjoy almost as a birthright.许多人突然被剥夺了他们几乎生下来就享有的权势。This culture takes food, wine and leisure as its birthright.这种文化视食物、美酒和安逸为天经地义。The documentary traced how a people who had no concept of territory as absolute possession were driven out of their birthright.这部纪录片追溯了一个不把领土看作是绝对占有物的民族是如何被驱赶出自己的家园的。(fig.) He claimed the government were persuaded to sell their birthright and betray their friends, in order to cling to office (= give up something valuable in order to get something which is wanted more).他声称政府为了继续执政已经不惜出卖他们的祖产和背叛朋友。