

单词 transcendent

Definition of transcendent in English:


adjective ˌtrɑːnˈsɛnd(ə)nttranˈsɛnd(ə)ntˌtræn(t)ˈsɛnd(ə)nt
  • 1Beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience.


    the search for a transcendent level of knowledge


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Therefore, culture was for them, too distant a mirage, too transcendent an idea, beyond their comprehension and farthest from their grasp.
    • In the first six verses Paul recalls the transcendent experience he had when he was ‘caught up’ to the third heaven.
    • The world of most African Christians doesn't have this firm line between the world of experience and the transcendent world.
    • There's something transcendent in how they hold, kiss and converse with each other.
    • People see this experience as a transcendent reality that is not simply of their own construction, but a gift.
    • Also, we lack any indications of an apocalyptic new age, either on earth or in some transcendent realm.
    • Consequently, what individuals need is a new language that can express and generate transcendent meanings.
    • Indeed, such transcendent realms still possess, for many of us, a clear primacy over the earthly world.
    • But the pain becomes more severe, the transcendent experience more extreme.
    • Mysticism is best understood as an experiential way of relating to religion; mystics are people who practice a discipline such as meditation in order to experience unity with the transcendent.
    • Nor was he the only literary type to embrace Catholicism's indeflectability as the answer to modernity's assault on inherited tradition and the human longing for the transcendent.
    • For me, attendance at a symphony concert is a transporting, even a transcendent experience.
    • It is thus the point of the soul itself, that which marks us as unique from other animals, and allows access to the transpersonal and transcendent realms above.
    • By the end of the eighteenth century, liberal theology transformed traditional doctrines into statements that are metaphors for a general human relation to the transcendent.
    • These transcendent moments go beyond what the mind can comprehend; tears are a response of the heart.
    • He has no concern with any transcendent realm.
    • Whether we know it or not, every one of us is seeking the transcendent experience.
    • Thus, a commitment to rationality actually reinforces a commitment to transcendent meaning.
    • From that perch, one's picture of the cosmos grows to galactic proportions, dwarfing any prior world view and yielding a perspective transcendent beyond imagination.
    1. 1.1 Surpassing the ordinary; exceptional.
      her transcendent beauty
      Example sentencesExamples
      • By using this material the artist both celebrated the beauty of a mortal woman and transformed her into a transcendent being.
      • It sounds rather dreary and Calvinistic but I think that work leads to great things like beauty and extraordinary truth, things that shine and are transcendent.
      • Artists in many fields collaborate, as painters did in the Renaissance, before there was any guff about the artist as transcendent, solitary genius.
      • This bizarre simian cameo is topped only by the final encounter with the tiger which has a hallucinatory, transcendent beauty.
      • When viewed through a magnifying glass it astonishes you not only with its similarity with Torenia's flower sans the purple or violet luxury but also with its transcendent beauty.
      • Although rendered with detailed realism the particular was always subordinate to the general effect of transcendent beauty or sublimity.
      • You'll find more transcendent moments in this film than in most of the pictures released this year combined.
      • No one would deny the transcendent beauty of Gregorian chant, the majesty of Gothic cathedrals, the classical clarity of Mozart and Haydn Masses.
      • You can turn on a radio, put on a record, pop a tape or a disc in the player and listen to her golden voice, the transcendent beauty of the music she creates.
      • It is a film of transcendent beauty that directly touches the soul.
      • Los Angeles, California boasts some of the most transcendent sunsets.
      • There are too many people participating for it not to eventually produce works of staggering intellect, transcendent beauty and infectious humor.
      • The longest scene in the opera, it may be the most transcendent.
      • Was there a transcendent moment for you from the weekend of performances?
      superior, supreme, consummate, predominant, pre-eminent, ascendant, paramount, superlative, unique, unsurpassed, incomparable, unrivalled, unequalled, unparalleled, matchless, peerless, second to none
      excellent, excelling, great, magnificent
    2. 1.2 (of God) existing apart from and not subject to the limitations of the material universe.
      (上帝)超然的(指超越物质宇宙而存在)。常与IMMANENT 相对
      Often contrasted with immanent
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This, he states, is strong evidence in support of religion and of a personal, transcendent God.
      • Our allegiance must be to a transcendent God whose righteousness and mercy are both beyond our understanding.
      • A second and related reason why science is unable to disprove God's existence is that he is transcendent - over, above and beyond time, space and all finite reality.
      • In all spiritual traditions, spirit or divinity is said to be immanent as well as transcendent.
      • If we believe that God cannot change God's own mind, are we limiting, or boxing in, our transcendent God?
      • Naturalism does not deny the existence of God, either as transcendent or immanent.
      • God is thus utterly transcendent, self-sufficient, and all-powerful.
      • One further area which is necessary to analyse is whether or not God is transcendent or immanent.
      • May it remind you of the transcendent, divine reality of God.
      • God is transcendent; the belief deduced from this is that nature was mere scenery in the divine order of things.
      • It was the transcendent God who did not inflict my disability; it was the imminent God who steered me through it and brought it full circle.
      • This conception of Wisdom parallels a less significant, general Jewish explanation of how a transcendent God could participate in a temporal creation.
      • But the bible teaches God is transcendent he is beyond nature as its creator.
      • God becomes transcendent, the question of possible immanence becoming problematical.
      • Again, the idea of a non-material, transcendent Creator provides an answer.
      • Someday, if we do a good job, then somehow a transcendent God will come and bring Mashiach, bring the Messiah, and so transform the world.
      • He's visiting the Catholic community, but fundamentally he's trying to send a message of deep respect for Islam as a religion which has a profound belief in a transcendent god.
      • Siva is also transcendent, beyond time, cause and space.
      • Never lost from memory is the transcendent God who exists not only on the other side of space, but also on the other side of time.
      • Saying that God is transcendent is therefore saying that none of the limitations of finite life apply to him.
      supernatural, preternatural, transcendental, other-worldly, superhuman, mystical, mystic, spiritual, divine, heavenly, exalted, sublime, ethereal, numinous, transmundane, ineffable
  • 2(in scholastic philosophy) higher than or not included in any of Aristotle's ten categories.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In this shift, signs float ever more free of the reality (including transcendent reality) to which they point.
    • He simply could not envision the stable functioning of a democratic order without the psychological restraints produced by a widespread adherence to transcendent metaphysical certainties.
    • Western concepts of God have ranged from the detached transcendent demiurge of Aristotle to the pantheism of Spinoza.
    • This issue - of transcendent moral importance - calls for constructive action, not critical theory.
    • However, he does make a good case that the demand for some more transcendent basis for ethics is misplaced.
    1. 2.1 (in Kantian philosophy) not realizable in experience.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even as intellectuals dismiss the nation-space as a metaphysical concept, a transcendent notion, countless people across the world die and kill in the name of a nation.
      • You're kind of right, because the kind of postmodernism you describe - ‘the philosophy that claims there is no transcendent truth’ - was never really alive.
      • Metaphysical entities are by nature and definition utterly transcendent of the physical.
      • For Kant the issue was a boundary between-between consciousness and matter, subject and object, empirical and transcendent.


  • transcendently

  • adverb
    • But if the issue is war, in which many thousands of people undoubtedly will die, the cause had better be transcendently important.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One thing democracy does best is mobilizing a whole society toward a transcendently important goal.
      • In fact, I'd go as far as to call it transcendently funny.
      • Such moments are melancholy as well as joyful precisely because they are fleeting: transcendently beautiful but so brief as to be immeasurable.
      • Sung a cappella, the song is transcendently impassioned and beautiful.


Late Middle English: from Latin transcendent- 'climbing over', from the verb transcendere (see transcend).


appendant, ascendant, attendant, codependent, defendant, descendant, descendent, intendant, interdependent, pendant, pendent, splendent, superintendent

Definition of transcendent in US English:


  • 1Beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience.


    the search for a transcendent level of knowledge


    Example sentencesExamples
    • From that perch, one's picture of the cosmos grows to galactic proportions, dwarfing any prior world view and yielding a perspective transcendent beyond imagination.
    • Nor was he the only literary type to embrace Catholicism's indeflectability as the answer to modernity's assault on inherited tradition and the human longing for the transcendent.
    • Indeed, such transcendent realms still possess, for many of us, a clear primacy over the earthly world.
    • For me, attendance at a symphony concert is a transporting, even a transcendent experience.
    • Whether we know it or not, every one of us is seeking the transcendent experience.
    • But the pain becomes more severe, the transcendent experience more extreme.
    • It is thus the point of the soul itself, that which marks us as unique from other animals, and allows access to the transpersonal and transcendent realms above.
    • Thus, a commitment to rationality actually reinforces a commitment to transcendent meaning.
    • In the first six verses Paul recalls the transcendent experience he had when he was ‘caught up’ to the third heaven.
    • There's something transcendent in how they hold, kiss and converse with each other.
    • Also, we lack any indications of an apocalyptic new age, either on earth or in some transcendent realm.
    • People see this experience as a transcendent reality that is not simply of their own construction, but a gift.
    • Therefore, culture was for them, too distant a mirage, too transcendent an idea, beyond their comprehension and farthest from their grasp.
    • These transcendent moments go beyond what the mind can comprehend; tears are a response of the heart.
    • Consequently, what individuals need is a new language that can express and generate transcendent meanings.
    • The world of most African Christians doesn't have this firm line between the world of experience and the transcendent world.
    • Mysticism is best understood as an experiential way of relating to religion; mystics are people who practice a discipline such as meditation in order to experience unity with the transcendent.
    • By the end of the eighteenth century, liberal theology transformed traditional doctrines into statements that are metaphors for a general human relation to the transcendent.
    • He has no concern with any transcendent realm.
    1. 1.1 Surpassing the ordinary; exceptional.
      the conductor was described as a “transcendent genius.”


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Artists in many fields collaborate, as painters did in the Renaissance, before there was any guff about the artist as transcendent, solitary genius.
      • It is a film of transcendent beauty that directly touches the soul.
      • This bizarre simian cameo is topped only by the final encounter with the tiger which has a hallucinatory, transcendent beauty.
      • It sounds rather dreary and Calvinistic but I think that work leads to great things like beauty and extraordinary truth, things that shine and are transcendent.
      • You can turn on a radio, put on a record, pop a tape or a disc in the player and listen to her golden voice, the transcendent beauty of the music she creates.
      • Los Angeles, California boasts some of the most transcendent sunsets.
      • Although rendered with detailed realism the particular was always subordinate to the general effect of transcendent beauty or sublimity.
      • When viewed through a magnifying glass it astonishes you not only with its similarity with Torenia's flower sans the purple or violet luxury but also with its transcendent beauty.
      • You'll find more transcendent moments in this film than in most of the pictures released this year combined.
      • No one would deny the transcendent beauty of Gregorian chant, the majesty of Gothic cathedrals, the classical clarity of Mozart and Haydn Masses.
      • Was there a transcendent moment for you from the weekend of performances?
      • By using this material the artist both celebrated the beauty of a mortal woman and transformed her into a transcendent being.
      • The longest scene in the opera, it may be the most transcendent.
      • There are too many people participating for it not to eventually produce works of staggering intellect, transcendent beauty and infectious humor.
      superior, supreme, consummate, predominant, pre-eminent, ascendant, paramount, superlative, unique, unsurpassed, incomparable, unrivalled, unequalled, unparalleled, matchless, peerless, second to none
    2. 1.2 (of God) existing apart from and not subject to the limitations of the material universe.
      (上帝)超然的(指超越物质宇宙而存在)。常与IMMANENT 相对
      Often contrasted with immanent
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Our allegiance must be to a transcendent God whose righteousness and mercy are both beyond our understanding.
      • It was the transcendent God who did not inflict my disability; it was the imminent God who steered me through it and brought it full circle.
      • God is thus utterly transcendent, self-sufficient, and all-powerful.
      • But the bible teaches God is transcendent he is beyond nature as its creator.
      • Never lost from memory is the transcendent God who exists not only on the other side of space, but also on the other side of time.
      • If we believe that God cannot change God's own mind, are we limiting, or boxing in, our transcendent God?
      • Naturalism does not deny the existence of God, either as transcendent or immanent.
      • May it remind you of the transcendent, divine reality of God.
      • This, he states, is strong evidence in support of religion and of a personal, transcendent God.
      • One further area which is necessary to analyse is whether or not God is transcendent or immanent.
      • Saying that God is transcendent is therefore saying that none of the limitations of finite life apply to him.
      • In all spiritual traditions, spirit or divinity is said to be immanent as well as transcendent.
      • God becomes transcendent, the question of possible immanence becoming problematical.
      • Siva is also transcendent, beyond time, cause and space.
      • God is transcendent; the belief deduced from this is that nature was mere scenery in the divine order of things.
      • Someday, if we do a good job, then somehow a transcendent God will come and bring Mashiach, bring the Messiah, and so transform the world.
      • Again, the idea of a non-material, transcendent Creator provides an answer.
      • He's visiting the Catholic community, but fundamentally he's trying to send a message of deep respect for Islam as a religion which has a profound belief in a transcendent god.
      • This conception of Wisdom parallels a less significant, general Jewish explanation of how a transcendent God could participate in a temporal creation.
      • A second and related reason why science is unable to disprove God's existence is that he is transcendent - over, above and beyond time, space and all finite reality.
      supernatural, preternatural, transcendental, other-worldly, superhuman, mystical, mystic, spiritual, divine, heavenly, exalted, sublime, ethereal, numinous, transmundane, ineffable
    3. 1.3 (in scholastic philosophy) higher than or not included in any of Aristotle's ten categories.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This issue - of transcendent moral importance - calls for constructive action, not critical theory.
      • Western concepts of God have ranged from the detached transcendent demiurge of Aristotle to the pantheism of Spinoza.
      • In this shift, signs float ever more free of the reality (including transcendent reality) to which they point.
      • However, he does make a good case that the demand for some more transcendent basis for ethics is misplaced.
      • He simply could not envision the stable functioning of a democratic order without the psychological restraints produced by a widespread adherence to transcendent metaphysical certainties.
    4. 1.4 (in Kantian philosophy) not realizable in experience.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even as intellectuals dismiss the nation-space as a metaphysical concept, a transcendent notion, countless people across the world die and kill in the name of a nation.
      • Metaphysical entities are by nature and definition utterly transcendent of the physical.
      • You're kind of right, because the kind of postmodernism you describe - ‘the philosophy that claims there is no transcendent truth’ - was never really alive.
      • For Kant the issue was a boundary between-between consciousness and matter, subject and object, empirical and transcendent.


Late Middle English: from Latin transcendent- ‘climbing over’, from the verb transcendere (see transcend).





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