

单词 dispensation

Definition of dispensation in English:


noun dɪspɛnˈseɪʃ(ə)n
  • 1mass noun Exemption from a rule or usual requirement.


    although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her birthday


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She applied to the College for dispensation from the requirement to re-sit her failed assessments, on the grounds that she had been involved in a number of car accidents, and she was suffering financial hardship.
    • City had to secure special dispensation from the Football League to sign Whitehead on a seven-day loan from Reading after on-loan Sunderland goalkeeper Michael Ingham picked up a shoulder injury
    • There has to be special dispensation for goalkeepers and the SFA have got to argue our case with Fifa.
    • Check their Web sites for more detailed information before you sign up for anything requiring shots or special dispensation from the Azerbaijani embassy.
    • Sharon became quite passionate in her antagonism to single mothers who require special dispensation in order to be able to balance the demands of their children with those of work.
    • The Justice Department fought that order by requesting more time to appeal the decision, and special dispensation for its continuing interrogation of Mr. Padilla.
    • But yesterday he said it was ‘a non-starter’ to apply to the prison authorities for special dispensation.
    • To get diamonds for this purpose from conflict zones will require special dispensation from organizations such as the United Nations, they say.
    • He explained that the Government has a national playing fields strategy that in short means schools or local authorities cannot sell any playing fields without getting special dispensation.
    • The Ministry of Food even gave the railway special dispensation to operate its restaurant car without the requirement for food stamps.
    • However, yesterday Kennet's standards committee granted dispensation to four of the five parish councillors who declared an interest, which means they can now debate and vote on the planning application.
    • His eyes glisten with unshed tears as he reaches the threshold of his release, desperate to rid himself of the unwanted pleasure but requiring Kenneth's dispensation to do so.
    • Those who can will be given permanent residency under existing rules; others will be given special dispensation.
    • Unless Celtic are given special dispensation to register the midfielder for the New Year's Day game against Hearts at Tynecastle, Keane will not be eligible until the Scottish Cup tie away to Clyde the following weekend.
    • First of all I have to seek dispensation for compliance with rule 41.2.
    • Selling fireworks should be prohibited other than for the few days immediately before November 5, unless the authorities give special dispensation for other events.
    • Rules on taxation now include dispensation for charitable bodies or individuals engaged in charity.
    • These days, although they're protected by the EU directive on the conservation of wild birds, a quota of 2,000 baby gannets can be harvested annually, by special dispensation of the Scottish executive.
    • Industries now have to lobby and politicise to get dispensation.
    • Clubs can apply for temporary dispensation of the League's rules in terms of having a 6,000 capacity or having 2,000 covered seats, as long as the club could guarantee the criteria would be met in the near future.
    exemption, immunity, exception, exclusion, exoneration, freedom, release, relief, reprieve, remission, relaxation, absolution
    informal a let-off
    1. 1.1 Permission to be exempted from the laws or observances of the Church.
      he received papal dispensation to hold a number of benefices


      count noun the Pope granted Henry a dispensation to marry Elizabeth of York


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As in other ordinations from other faiths, we had to have dispensation from the Pope for the ordination.
      • Henry considered it seriously enough to get a papal bull giving him dispensation to bring the Irish into the Catholic fold.
      • Ordained as a priest, he received papal dispensation to pursue a career as an itinerant scholar and teacher, attaching himself to elite households and powerful printing firms throughout Europe.
      • Initially the early Christians allowed divorce in cases of adultery, but later they taught that only death or Church dispensation could end a marriage.
      • However, I ask this question: why did the church demand Mrs Shepherd do the full course and not give her dispensation for her years of training and study as a Reader in the Church of England, as well as her commitment and service?
  • 2A political, religious, or social system prevailing at a particular time.

    scholarship is conveyed to a wider audience than under the old dispensation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The older dispensation was not as bad as liberal commentators and story-tellers would have us believe, but it is gone forever and will not return.
    • Prior to independence and before the partial democratic dispensation of the British the country had been ruled by absolute monarchy, stretched for centuries.
    • The temples were the preserve of classical arts till the arrival of Colonists whose dispensation, by definition, changed the rules of patronage.
    • She also argues for a reappraisal of the colonial past, and a transformation of the political dispensation in the future.
    • British policy had developed in the early 1970s as a twin track of levying war and constructing a political dispensation.
    • So within these four parameters, one needs to crystallize the political dispensation that one would like to have in Afghanistan.
    • The political dispensation to follow will be either stable or colonial, but not both.
    • Being associated with the old world of fixed horizons and immutable laws, faith is treated as something incompatible with the new dispensation of limitless possibility and individual supremacy.
    • The mistake committed was to audit books in terms of the old dispensation where cheque books were used for payments.
    • He added that the people are feeling insecure during the rule of present dispensation.
    • This new dispensation in turn required the expansion of the political nation to create a legitimate match of taxation and representation.
    • Unless dialogue is allowed to be the hallmark, very little succeeds especially in political dispensations.
    • In fact criticism is a necessary ingredient of any democratic dispensation as it helps to keep those in positions of authority in check.
    • Mr. Gibbings cautioned, however, that media associations and territories that remained disorganized in the new dispensation would be hard pressed to benefit from the free movement of labour.
    • Ever since the present dispensation took over, ministers concerned have been trying to drive home the fact at every given opportunity that the elections due to the said institutions would be held as soon as possible.
    • Under the neo-liberal dispensation, then, what many people seem to yearn for is a world in which they are treated not as consumers or as dispensable cogs in an indifferent machine but as citizens and as human beings.
    • Under the new dispensation of the modern welfare state, with the big job-grinder going round and round, this does not happen.
    • The negotiations for a new dispensation in South Africa that began in 1990 effectively brought an end to South Africa's policy of regional destabilization.
    • US actions are forging a new legal dispensation in which their overarching global authority would be acknowledged.
    • Already the President has cut back on his motorcade; so too has the Prime Minister; and this should just be the start of what should be a far more modest dispensation which is in keeping with the country's coffers.
    system, order, scheme, plan, arrangement, organization
    1. 2.1 (in Christian theology) a divinely ordained system prevailing at a particular period of history.
      the Mosaic dispensation


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We should now very briefly note that there is a fourth context in which Paul mentions the law, that of direct comparison between the dispensation of law and the dispensation of faith in Christ.
      • Third, the canon closed with the death of the apostles, has remained closed for over 1600 years, and Scripture gives us no reason to expect new revelation or any new dispensation.
      • Throughout all dispensations, these have been the unchanging requirements for living in a covenant relationship with God.
      • Dispensationalists differ as to the number and extent of these dispensations.
      • The Bible teaches that this is the age or dispensation of the Spirit.
    2. 2.2archaic An act of divine providence.
      the laws to which the creator in all his dispensations conforms


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The majority are already resigned to the dispensations of Providence.
      • Divine dispensation determined to honor her in this station so that, having scorned the king's servant, she came to be coupled with the king himself and bring forth royal children.
      • He believed that natural selection - or as in his own case, divine dispensation - would provide, and it seldom did.
      • ‘Death,’ wrote Washington, ‘was leveling my companions on every side of me; but, by the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected.’
      • Rudyard Kipling hailed the ‘Imperial Fire of Rome’ as a divine dispensation that had fallen ‘on us, thy son.’
  • 3mass noun The action of distributing or supplying something.


    regulations controlling dispensation of medications


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Bush indicated that the dispensation of the federal surplus for tax cuts is a top priority, and much of the nation seems to agree with him, despite his minority status.
    • For all that, his talent for logical argument, the dispensation of balanced advice and an understanding of politics superseded his talent for music, and he opted for a career in diplomacy, with music as an important sideline.
    • The UKCC has usefully categorized four stages in the therapeutic use of medicines: prescription, dispensation, administration, and patient acceptance.
    • Last week by one of those strange political dispensations we accept from Cabinet overlords, he granted another million euro plus grant to his native constituency.
    • As professionals, pharmacists should offer information on use and dispensation of medication, not their particular religious convictions.
    • As the controversies over dispensation of the western territories grew unavoidable, so the Jacksonian political alignments crumbled.
    • Physicians must learn to engage in gentle but direct truth-telling in the dispensation of their duty to patients who depend on them for accurate yet compassionate descriptions of their condition.
    • To this effect, it is imperative that Zambia takes stock of its investment in health infrastructure before originating grandiose plans on medical dispensation.
    • A young man in a bizarre and colorful outfit, with a makeshift bandolier in which plastic cups were tucked for rapid dispensation of his wares, observed my fascination and offered me a drink.
    • The dispensation of the award for overtly political purposes is by no means unprecedented.
    • The point of the near-constant dispensation of lies, half-truths and irrelevancies is to create an atmosphere in which it becomes almost impossible to distinguish honesty from deception, fact from fantasy.
    • This is not an exception, all the prisons in the country has more remand prisoners than convict prisoners because of the delay in dispensation of justice.
    distribution, provision, providing, supply, supplying, issue, issuing, passing round, passing out, giving out, handing out, dealing out, doling out, sharing out, dividing out, parcelling out
    division, allocation, allotment, apportionment, assignment, bestowal, conferment, disbursement
    informal dishing out


  • dispensational

  • adjective
    • They were deeply loyal to the biblical text, not dispensational, devoted to a style of conservative theology that could hold its own in the world of ideas, and they believed in the central importance of evangelism.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Note the dispensational process of 2,000 civil rights violations brought during a five-year period.
      • By the 1960s, a group of Fellowship Baptists founded London Baptist College so that a more thoroughly dispensational position was articulated.
      • Strongly tied to biblical inerrancy was dispensational premillennialism, which predicted the imminent return of Jesus Christ to earth.
      • Parts of it were ceremonial and dispensational.


Late Middle English: from Latin dispensatio(n-), from the verb dispensare (see dispense).

Definition of dispensation in US English:


  • 1Exemption from a rule or usual requirement.


    although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play two matches


    they were given a dispensation to take most of the first week off


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Check their Web sites for more detailed information before you sign up for anything requiring shots or special dispensation from the Azerbaijani embassy.
    • He explained that the Government has a national playing fields strategy that in short means schools or local authorities cannot sell any playing fields without getting special dispensation.
    • But yesterday he said it was ‘a non-starter’ to apply to the prison authorities for special dispensation.
    • She applied to the College for dispensation from the requirement to re-sit her failed assessments, on the grounds that she had been involved in a number of car accidents, and she was suffering financial hardship.
    • Those who can will be given permanent residency under existing rules; others will be given special dispensation.
    • These days, although they're protected by the EU directive on the conservation of wild birds, a quota of 2,000 baby gannets can be harvested annually, by special dispensation of the Scottish executive.
    • Industries now have to lobby and politicise to get dispensation.
    • Clubs can apply for temporary dispensation of the League's rules in terms of having a 6,000 capacity or having 2,000 covered seats, as long as the club could guarantee the criteria would be met in the near future.
    • The Ministry of Food even gave the railway special dispensation to operate its restaurant car without the requirement for food stamps.
    • To get diamonds for this purpose from conflict zones will require special dispensation from organizations such as the United Nations, they say.
    • His eyes glisten with unshed tears as he reaches the threshold of his release, desperate to rid himself of the unwanted pleasure but requiring Kenneth's dispensation to do so.
    • Selling fireworks should be prohibited other than for the few days immediately before November 5, unless the authorities give special dispensation for other events.
    • Rules on taxation now include dispensation for charitable bodies or individuals engaged in charity.
    • Unless Celtic are given special dispensation to register the midfielder for the New Year's Day game against Hearts at Tynecastle, Keane will not be eligible until the Scottish Cup tie away to Clyde the following weekend.
    • However, yesterday Kennet's standards committee granted dispensation to four of the five parish councillors who declared an interest, which means they can now debate and vote on the planning application.
    • First of all I have to seek dispensation for compliance with rule 41.2.
    • City had to secure special dispensation from the Football League to sign Whitehead on a seven-day loan from Reading after on-loan Sunderland goalkeeper Michael Ingham picked up a shoulder injury
    • The Justice Department fought that order by requesting more time to appeal the decision, and special dispensation for its continuing interrogation of Mr. Padilla.
    • There has to be special dispensation for goalkeepers and the SFA have got to argue our case with Fifa.
    • Sharon became quite passionate in her antagonism to single mothers who require special dispensation in order to be able to balance the demands of their children with those of work.
    exemption, immunity, exception, exclusion, exoneration, freedom, release, relief, reprieve, remission, relaxation, absolution
    1. 1.1 Permission to be exempted from the laws or observances of the Church.
      he received papal dispensation to hold a number of benefices


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Henry considered it seriously enough to get a papal bull giving him dispensation to bring the Irish into the Catholic fold.
      • However, I ask this question: why did the church demand Mrs Shepherd do the full course and not give her dispensation for her years of training and study as a Reader in the Church of England, as well as her commitment and service?
      • Ordained as a priest, he received papal dispensation to pursue a career as an itinerant scholar and teacher, attaching himself to elite households and powerful printing firms throughout Europe.
      • As in other ordinations from other faiths, we had to have dispensation from the Pope for the ordination.
      • Initially the early Christians allowed divorce in cases of adultery, but later they taught that only death or Church dispensation could end a marriage.
  • 2A system of order, government, or organization of a nation, community, etc., especially as existing at a particular time.


    scholarship is conveyed to a wider audience than under the old dispensation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • US actions are forging a new legal dispensation in which their overarching global authority would be acknowledged.
    • She also argues for a reappraisal of the colonial past, and a transformation of the political dispensation in the future.
    • He added that the people are feeling insecure during the rule of present dispensation.
    • So within these four parameters, one needs to crystallize the political dispensation that one would like to have in Afghanistan.
    • This new dispensation in turn required the expansion of the political nation to create a legitimate match of taxation and representation.
    • The older dispensation was not as bad as liberal commentators and story-tellers would have us believe, but it is gone forever and will not return.
    • The mistake committed was to audit books in terms of the old dispensation where cheque books were used for payments.
    • Unless dialogue is allowed to be the hallmark, very little succeeds especially in political dispensations.
    • Under the new dispensation of the modern welfare state, with the big job-grinder going round and round, this does not happen.
    • Under the neo-liberal dispensation, then, what many people seem to yearn for is a world in which they are treated not as consumers or as dispensable cogs in an indifferent machine but as citizens and as human beings.
    • The temples were the preserve of classical arts till the arrival of Colonists whose dispensation, by definition, changed the rules of patronage.
    • The negotiations for a new dispensation in South Africa that began in 1990 effectively brought an end to South Africa's policy of regional destabilization.
    • Prior to independence and before the partial democratic dispensation of the British the country had been ruled by absolute monarchy, stretched for centuries.
    • In fact criticism is a necessary ingredient of any democratic dispensation as it helps to keep those in positions of authority in check.
    • Already the President has cut back on his motorcade; so too has the Prime Minister; and this should just be the start of what should be a far more modest dispensation which is in keeping with the country's coffers.
    • British policy had developed in the early 1970s as a twin track of levying war and constructing a political dispensation.
    • Being associated with the old world of fixed horizons and immutable laws, faith is treated as something incompatible with the new dispensation of limitless possibility and individual supremacy.
    • Mr. Gibbings cautioned, however, that media associations and territories that remained disorganized in the new dispensation would be hard pressed to benefit from the free movement of labour.
    • The political dispensation to follow will be either stable or colonial, but not both.
    • Ever since the present dispensation took over, ministers concerned have been trying to drive home the fact at every given opportunity that the elections due to the said institutions would be held as soon as possible.
    system, order, scheme, plan, arrangement, organization
    1. 2.1 (in Christian theology) a divinely ordained order prevailing at a particular period of history.
      the Mosaic dispensation


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Dispensationalists differ as to the number and extent of these dispensations.
      • Third, the canon closed with the death of the apostles, has remained closed for over 1600 years, and Scripture gives us no reason to expect new revelation or any new dispensation.
      • The Bible teaches that this is the age or dispensation of the Spirit.
      • Throughout all dispensations, these have been the unchanging requirements for living in a covenant relationship with God.
      • We should now very briefly note that there is a fourth context in which Paul mentions the law, that of direct comparison between the dispensation of law and the dispensation of faith in Christ.
    2. 2.2archaic An act of divine providence.
      the laws to which the creator in all his dispensations conforms


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘Death,’ wrote Washington, ‘was leveling my companions on every side of me; but, by the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected.’
      • He believed that natural selection - or as in his own case, divine dispensation - would provide, and it seldom did.
      • Rudyard Kipling hailed the ‘Imperial Fire of Rome’ as a divine dispensation that had fallen ‘on us, thy son.’
      • The majority are already resigned to the dispensations of Providence.
      • Divine dispensation determined to honor her in this station so that, having scorned the king's servant, she came to be coupled with the king himself and bring forth royal children.
  • 3The action of distributing or supplying something.


    regulations controlling dispensation of medications


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is not an exception, all the prisons in the country has more remand prisoners than convict prisoners because of the delay in dispensation of justice.
    • The UKCC has usefully categorized four stages in the therapeutic use of medicines: prescription, dispensation, administration, and patient acceptance.
    • As professionals, pharmacists should offer information on use and dispensation of medication, not their particular religious convictions.
    • For all that, his talent for logical argument, the dispensation of balanced advice and an understanding of politics superseded his talent for music, and he opted for a career in diplomacy, with music as an important sideline.
    • To this effect, it is imperative that Zambia takes stock of its investment in health infrastructure before originating grandiose plans on medical dispensation.
    • The dispensation of the award for overtly political purposes is by no means unprecedented.
    • The point of the near-constant dispensation of lies, half-truths and irrelevancies is to create an atmosphere in which it becomes almost impossible to distinguish honesty from deception, fact from fantasy.
    • Physicians must learn to engage in gentle but direct truth-telling in the dispensation of their duty to patients who depend on them for accurate yet compassionate descriptions of their condition.
    • As the controversies over dispensation of the western territories grew unavoidable, so the Jacksonian political alignments crumbled.
    • Last week by one of those strange political dispensations we accept from Cabinet overlords, he granted another million euro plus grant to his native constituency.
    • Bush indicated that the dispensation of the federal surplus for tax cuts is a top priority, and much of the nation seems to agree with him, despite his minority status.
    • A young man in a bizarre and colorful outfit, with a makeshift bandolier in which plastic cups were tucked for rapid dispensation of his wares, observed my fascination and offered me a drink.
    distribution, provision, providing, supply, supplying, issue, issuing, passing round, passing out, giving out, handing out, dealing out, doling out, sharing out, dividing out, parcelling out


Late Middle English: from Latin dispensatio(n-), from the verb dispensare (see dispense).





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