

单词 symmetry

Definition of symmetry in English:


nounPlural symmetries ˈsɪmɪtriˈsɪmətri
mass noun
  • 1The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.


    this series has a line of symmetry through its centre


    a crystal structure with hexagonal symmetry


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Moreover, the segments characterized have a common helical symmetry.
    • He examined the three dimensional figures obtained by rotating a regular polygon about an axis of symmetry.
    • Consider those examples of Georgian architecture where a door doesn't even open, built there simply because a functioning door lies across the axis of symmetry.
    • Zygomorphic flowers are monosymmetric having a single line of symmetry.
    • Furthermore, with the spine as the line of symmetry, ‘right’ and ‘left’ sides are proportionally equal, but inverses of one another.
    • 6.3 m high shells will be built out of lightweight blocks up to third floor level and juxtaposed with each other in rotational symmetry.
    • In principle, it is possible that the hexagonal symmetry of the inner structure is a result of superposition of stacks of membranes oriented at different angles.
    • A bipolar nebula is one that is created by ejecting material primarily in a flat disk perpendicular to a single axis of symmetry.
    • Just as geometrical figures can exhibit symmetries, so can whole dynamical systems.
    • New taxa include branching forms up to 1 cm in diameter that display hexagonal symmetry.
    • Some of our rectangles had radial symmetry, while others achieved asymmetrical balance.
    • The axis of symmetry is indicated by a red broken line, along which pharyngeal slits are positioned.
    • The y-axis was defined by the axis of symmetry.
    • There is a greater density beneath the lunar nearside, displacing its center of mass away from its axis of symmetry, and the pull of the Earth keeps that greater mass directed towards us.
    • One was designed to form a cage-like structure with tetrahedral symmetry, consisting of 12 subunits.
    • Each molecule has on average six neighbors, generating a six-fold hexagonal symmetry.
    • Certain corals, for example, build structures with hexagonal symmetry, but not in seafloor sediment.
    • In snowflakes there is always this hexagonal, six-fold symmetry; that's because of the properties of water molecules.
    • When an egg is spun on its side, its axis of symmetry - a line stretching between the eggs' two tips - starts off by being horizontal.
    • Because of this and rotational symmetry, all the red segments in Fig 8 have the same length.
    • This clearly depends on the high degree of symmetry of the hexagons of Figure 5.
    regularity, evenness, uniformity, equilibrium, consistency, congruity, conformity, agreement, correspondence, orderliness, equality
    1. 1.1 Correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing.
      the overall symmetry makes the poem pleasant to the ear


      Example sentencesExamples
      • However perfect its symmetry and proportions, a room might still leave us cold without such direct appeals to the eye, the body, and the spirit.
      • The workshop participants spend a whole day, working on their paintings and getting the proportion, tone and symmetry just right.
      • Such inconsistencies as there are in her statements of evidence of are in my judgment minor and do not challenge the overall symmetry and substance of her story.
      • Every detail exudes careful workmanship, from the perfect symmetry of the grind lines to the final hand rubbed blade finish.
      • Inspired by the architecture of ancient Greece and Rome, classic rooms have clean, simple lines and formal symmetry.
      • Following the rules of proportion and symmetry of the ancients was important to Brunelleschi but he wanted these mathematical principles of beauty to be those seen by all observers.
      • He found studying Greek art and architecture humbling, realising that all those years ago people knew so much about proportion and symmetry.
      • An out-of-court settlement cannot be one-sided; it must be based on parity, equity and symmetry, on the principle of give-and-take by both parties.
      • Sometimes he identifies the beautiful with the typical in nature, but in De re aedificatoria he constructs a theory of beauty around mathematical symmetry and proportion of parts.
      • This claim uncovers why we find certain formal properties such as symmetry and regularity aesthetically pleasing.
      • The judges were more interested in size than overall balance, proportion and symmetry.
      • Such was the proportion and perfect symmetry of her body, each part in harmony with the rest, that no one till then had ever seen its like among human kind - a living work of art, an object of desire to lovers of beauty.
      • I'm talking about classical proportions, perfect symmetry and ideal conditioning.
      • It's also the antithesis of a well-tailored suit, where you're looking for symmetry, flowing lines, and the ability to draw your attention to the face.
      • Yet somehow the house works thanks to Adler's innate sense of symmetry and proportion - and so does the Italian suburban villa in chilly Milwaukee.
      • In bodybuilding, symmetry is the balance of the various muscles to each other, as well as the upper body to the lower body and the right side to the left.
      • Admire its graceful entryway and its classic sense of proportion and symmetry.
      • In art it is often the departures from symmetry that are aesthetically pleasing or disturbing, and in science those same asymmetries are both revealing and informative.
      • The symmetry is pleasing, at the end of a narrative that is bracing, adventurous, touched by surprises, perfectly balanced and completely engrossing.
      • LAC Martin said the competition was judged on symmetry, proportion and balance - whether the body is balanced top to bottom and side to side.
      balance, proportions, regularity, evenness of form, harmony, harmoniousness, consonance, concord, coordination
    2. 1.2 Similarity or exact correspondence between different things.
      the political symmetry between the two debates
      count noun history sometimes exhibits weird symmetries between events


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In other words, these projects are distinctive for not following the classic paradigm of symmetry between object of study or topic, fieldwork, and written product.
      • But there is also a curious symmetry between opponents of the death penalty, and opponents of euthanasia and living wills.
      • It's also a tidy world, with a degree of moral symmetry between the past and the present.
      • The symmetry between the two markets breaks down because whenever the central bank intervenes, it is always in the bond market, never in the commodity market.
      • Lino A. Graglia of the law school at the University of Texas is exceedingly impatient with such suggestions of symmetry between right and left.
      • There is a significant lack of symmetry between the two acts of the play, separated by a fifteen minute interval, which I found a distraction.
      • How do you establish some sort of symmetry between those ideas about civil society and what happens in the institutional church in your country?
      • I note as well that although there is overlap between the prior beneficial owners, and the present beneficial owners, there is no exact symmetry.
      • ‘There is a disconcerting symmetry between Prozac and Ritalin,’ he writes.
      • There was too great a link and matching symmetry between the different movements, each one anchored by a duet.
      • There is generally close symmetry between the opinions rendered by Doctors Woodside and Gojer.
      • As she was busy making sure that the spoons and forks were in perfect symmetry with each other, Damian took a good look at her.
      • The key point is its re-establishment of symmetry between social relations.
      • There is no necessary or easy symmetry between the contexts of reading and writing, nor between the scope of intention and motivation on the one hand and that of interpretation and response on the other.
      • The symmetry between Dan and Carter is clear and perhaps too overt at times, although never seems forced, or uncomfortable, which fits in nicely with the relaxed nature of the film.
      • There is also a certain symmetry between the two species, for the adherents of a politicised religion, like soldiers in an army, are in a permanent state of combat and vigilance.
      • This provides symmetry between deductibility by the companies and taxability of the employees which he says is the purpose of the section.
      • The symmetry between the fate of the Middle Eastern Nobel laureates and their Irish counterparts continues looking at those who have displaced them.
      • While there is likely to be a symmetry between the two ideas in this answer - pleasant work and nice people - there is no necessary correspondence between them.
      • Mr Roth was immediately outraged at what he regarded as gross insensitivity and an attempt to create a false symmetry between the two deaths.
    3. 1.3Mathematics Physics count noun A law or operation where a physical property or process has an equivalence in two or more directions.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Physicists have always looked for symmetries - and broken symmetries - because they can lead to fundamental principles.
      • In this theory a nonlinear symmetry unifies the Standard Model particles with heavy new particles.
      • The usual group of spacetime symmetries in relativistic quantum field theory is called the Poincaré group.
      • The mathematical beauty and experimental success of this idea have led physicists to extend it to higher energies and possible higher symmetries, as will be described below.
      • This connection provides the major conceptual apparatus of modern physics, through the concept of physical symmetries, or invariance principles, and valid transformations.
      • String theory and/or supersymmetry, for example, involve higher dimensions of space that introduce new degrees of freedom and possible violations of space-time symmetries such as Lorentz symmetry.


  • symmetrize

  • verb ˈsɪmɪtrʌɪzˈsɪməˌtraɪz
    [with object]
    • Make symmetrical.

      a reduction designed to symmetrize the breast
      Example sentencesExamples
      • symmetrized coordinates
      • To check whether the results were affected by this definition, we also symmetrized each matrix using the rule that there was a link between two people only if each member of the pair nominated the other.
      • He is somebody who saw himself in a way as purifying, simplifying, symmetrizing - bringing out elements of a less baroque physics.
      • The huge machines plowed away the ridge and symmetrized all the fields as systematically as possible.


Mid 16th century (denoting proportion): from French symétrie or Latin symmetria, from Greek, from sun- 'with' + metron 'measure'.



Definition of symmetry in US English:


  • 1The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.


    this series has a line of symmetry through its center


    a crystal structure with hexagonal symmetry


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Moreover, the segments characterized have a common helical symmetry.
    • In snowflakes there is always this hexagonal, six-fold symmetry; that's because of the properties of water molecules.
    • There is a greater density beneath the lunar nearside, displacing its center of mass away from its axis of symmetry, and the pull of the Earth keeps that greater mass directed towards us.
    • 6.3 m high shells will be built out of lightweight blocks up to third floor level and juxtaposed with each other in rotational symmetry.
    • Consider those examples of Georgian architecture where a door doesn't even open, built there simply because a functioning door lies across the axis of symmetry.
    • He examined the three dimensional figures obtained by rotating a regular polygon about an axis of symmetry.
    • Just as geometrical figures can exhibit symmetries, so can whole dynamical systems.
    • A bipolar nebula is one that is created by ejecting material primarily in a flat disk perpendicular to a single axis of symmetry.
    • Furthermore, with the spine as the line of symmetry, ‘right’ and ‘left’ sides are proportionally equal, but inverses of one another.
    • Some of our rectangles had radial symmetry, while others achieved asymmetrical balance.
    • One was designed to form a cage-like structure with tetrahedral symmetry, consisting of 12 subunits.
    • Each molecule has on average six neighbors, generating a six-fold hexagonal symmetry.
    • The axis of symmetry is indicated by a red broken line, along which pharyngeal slits are positioned.
    • In principle, it is possible that the hexagonal symmetry of the inner structure is a result of superposition of stacks of membranes oriented at different angles.
    • New taxa include branching forms up to 1 cm in diameter that display hexagonal symmetry.
    • The y-axis was defined by the axis of symmetry.
    • When an egg is spun on its side, its axis of symmetry - a line stretching between the eggs' two tips - starts off by being horizontal.
    • Certain corals, for example, build structures with hexagonal symmetry, but not in seafloor sediment.
    • This clearly depends on the high degree of symmetry of the hexagons of Figure 5.
    • Because of this and rotational symmetry, all the red segments in Fig 8 have the same length.
    • Zygomorphic flowers are monosymmetric having a single line of symmetry.
    regularity, evenness, uniformity, equilibrium, consistency, congruity, conformity, agreement, correspondence, orderliness, equality
    1. 1.1 Correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing.
      an overall symmetry making the poem pleasant to the ear


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In art it is often the departures from symmetry that are aesthetically pleasing or disturbing, and in science those same asymmetries are both revealing and informative.
      • The judges were more interested in size than overall balance, proportion and symmetry.
      • The workshop participants spend a whole day, working on their paintings and getting the proportion, tone and symmetry just right.
      • Yet somehow the house works thanks to Adler's innate sense of symmetry and proportion - and so does the Italian suburban villa in chilly Milwaukee.
      • Admire its graceful entryway and its classic sense of proportion and symmetry.
      • This claim uncovers why we find certain formal properties such as symmetry and regularity aesthetically pleasing.
      • LAC Martin said the competition was judged on symmetry, proportion and balance - whether the body is balanced top to bottom and side to side.
      • The symmetry is pleasing, at the end of a narrative that is bracing, adventurous, touched by surprises, perfectly balanced and completely engrossing.
      • An out-of-court settlement cannot be one-sided; it must be based on parity, equity and symmetry, on the principle of give-and-take by both parties.
      • In bodybuilding, symmetry is the balance of the various muscles to each other, as well as the upper body to the lower body and the right side to the left.
      • I'm talking about classical proportions, perfect symmetry and ideal conditioning.
      • However perfect its symmetry and proportions, a room might still leave us cold without such direct appeals to the eye, the body, and the spirit.
      • He found studying Greek art and architecture humbling, realising that all those years ago people knew so much about proportion and symmetry.
      • Such was the proportion and perfect symmetry of her body, each part in harmony with the rest, that no one till then had ever seen its like among human kind - a living work of art, an object of desire to lovers of beauty.
      • It's also the antithesis of a well-tailored suit, where you're looking for symmetry, flowing lines, and the ability to draw your attention to the face.
      • Sometimes he identifies the beautiful with the typical in nature, but in De re aedificatoria he constructs a theory of beauty around mathematical symmetry and proportion of parts.
      • Every detail exudes careful workmanship, from the perfect symmetry of the grind lines to the final hand rubbed blade finish.
      • Inspired by the architecture of ancient Greece and Rome, classic rooms have clean, simple lines and formal symmetry.
      • Following the rules of proportion and symmetry of the ancients was important to Brunelleschi but he wanted these mathematical principles of beauty to be those seen by all observers.
      • Such inconsistencies as there are in her statements of evidence of are in my judgment minor and do not challenge the overall symmetry and substance of her story.
      balance, proportions, regularity, evenness of form, harmony, harmoniousness, consonance, concord, coordination
    2. 1.2 Similarity or exact correspondence between different things.
      history sometimes exhibits weird symmetries between events


      a lack of symmetry between men and women
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is a significant lack of symmetry between the two acts of the play, separated by a fifteen minute interval, which I found a distraction.
      • There was too great a link and matching symmetry between the different movements, each one anchored by a duet.
      • Lino A. Graglia of the law school at the University of Texas is exceedingly impatient with such suggestions of symmetry between right and left.
      • The symmetry between the two markets breaks down because whenever the central bank intervenes, it is always in the bond market, never in the commodity market.
      • There is also a certain symmetry between the two species, for the adherents of a politicised religion, like soldiers in an army, are in a permanent state of combat and vigilance.
      • It's also a tidy world, with a degree of moral symmetry between the past and the present.
      • While there is likely to be a symmetry between the two ideas in this answer - pleasant work and nice people - there is no necessary correspondence between them.
      • As she was busy making sure that the spoons and forks were in perfect symmetry with each other, Damian took a good look at her.
      • This provides symmetry between deductibility by the companies and taxability of the employees which he says is the purpose of the section.
      • There is no necessary or easy symmetry between the contexts of reading and writing, nor between the scope of intention and motivation on the one hand and that of interpretation and response on the other.
      • The symmetry between Dan and Carter is clear and perhaps too overt at times, although never seems forced, or uncomfortable, which fits in nicely with the relaxed nature of the film.
      • In other words, these projects are distinctive for not following the classic paradigm of symmetry between object of study or topic, fieldwork, and written product.
      • How do you establish some sort of symmetry between those ideas about civil society and what happens in the institutional church in your country?
      • The key point is its re-establishment of symmetry between social relations.
      • ‘There is a disconcerting symmetry between Prozac and Ritalin,’ he writes.
      • I note as well that although there is overlap between the prior beneficial owners, and the present beneficial owners, there is no exact symmetry.
      • There is generally close symmetry between the opinions rendered by Doctors Woodside and Gojer.
      • Mr Roth was immediately outraged at what he regarded as gross insensitivity and an attempt to create a false symmetry between the two deaths.
      • But there is also a curious symmetry between opponents of the death penalty, and opponents of euthanasia and living wills.
      • The symmetry between the fate of the Middle Eastern Nobel laureates and their Irish counterparts continues looking at those who have displaced them.
    3. 1.3Mathematics Physics A law or operation in which a physical property or process has an equivalence in two or more directions.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Physicists have always looked for symmetries - and broken symmetries - because they can lead to fundamental principles.
      • String theory and/or supersymmetry, for example, involve higher dimensions of space that introduce new degrees of freedom and possible violations of space-time symmetries such as Lorentz symmetry.
      • This connection provides the major conceptual apparatus of modern physics, through the concept of physical symmetries, or invariance principles, and valid transformations.
      • The mathematical beauty and experimental success of this idea have led physicists to extend it to higher energies and possible higher symmetries, as will be described below.
      • In this theory a nonlinear symmetry unifies the Standard Model particles with heavy new particles.
      • The usual group of spacetime symmetries in relativistic quantum field theory is called the Poincaré group.


Mid 16th century (denoting proportion): from French symétrie or Latin symmetria, from Greek, from sun- ‘with’ + metron ‘measure’.





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