

单词 syllabic

Definition of syllabic in English:


adjective sɪˈlabɪksəˈlæbɪk
  • 1Relating to or based on syllables.


    a system of syllabic symbols


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The syllabic structure of Chinese requires memorization of at least three thousand characters to be literate.
    • As a young woman in Kangiqsujuaq, then known as Wakeham Bay, Mitiarjuk taught missionaries Inuttitut and, in return, she learned how to write syllabic script.
    • A clear-cut distinction cannot always be made between alphabets proper and syllabaries, sets of syllabic symbols as in the Japanese kana systems.
    • To simplify a rather complex topic, for example, we can say that Spanish is a syllabic language in which the spoken language is driven by a small group of distinct syllables so that the written language is decoded easily by syllables.
    • This approach is taken to avoid the loss of syllabic content through euphonic combination.
    • Thanks to his familiarity with syllabic scripts (among others) he succeeded in identifying a number of consonant-vowel pairs that spelt out words which seemed convincing in their context.
    • The margins are long (moving to the very end of the page) or short (even one word) based upon the content of the phrase rather than some predetermined syllabic length.
    • With the support of the Igloolik Research Centre, the names were transcribed into the syllabic orthography, and a parallel database using syllables was created.
    • But such enlightened suggestions are always smothered by the conservatism of Canada's eastern Arctic communities, where attachment to the syllabic system is deep.
    • Went to a lecture on Linear B; the lecturer was Italian and impressed upon all twelve students how difficult a syllabic script (such as Linear B) is.
    1. 1.1Prosody (of verse or metre) based on the number of syllables in a line.
      the recreation of classical syllabic metres


      Example sentencesExamples
      • While there is no syllabic verse in existence that may be dated earlier than AD 650, such metres dominated for the next millennium.
      • The argument in favor of hexameter is thus analogous to Coleridge's endeavor to free himself from syllabic prosody in Christabel.
      • Poets turned to the syllabic meters of folk poetry, and the old Osmanli literary style gave way to the more direct language characteristic of most Western poetry.
      • For instance, in Ginsberg's Journals for the mid-fifties, his concern to develop long syllabic lines, using the prosaic and the discursive approaches, clearly leads to the incantatory effects of his most celebrated poetry.
      • While the stress count in each hemistich ranges from one to three (with the exception of the line in bold-face) there is no dominant foot or syllabic pattern.
    2. 1.2 (of a consonant, especially a nasal or other continuant) constituting a whole syllable, such as the m in Mbabane or the l in bottle.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As the examples show, a syllabic consonant is marked phonetically with a subscript vertical dash See L, M, N, R.
      • The schwa may be present or absent, and, if absent, may alternate with a syllabic l or r.
      • The problem of spelling syllabic r (or final schwa) is compounded by numerous pairs of homophones.
      • The t of words like eaten is usually glottalized and is followed by a syllabic n.
      • In the weak syllables of the language, the vowel is reduced in speech to a central weak quality (schwa) or is represented by a syllabic consonant.
    3. 1.3 Articulated in syllables.
      syllabic singing


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For all the score's mad energy, the dramatic shapes are never in doubt, the climaxes are effective and the syllabic patter even starts to sound like real conversation, comic yet frantic.
      • Settings are for three or four voices, mainly syllabic and homophonic, with the melody in the top voice.
      • Aboriginal songs include many kinds of vocalizations ranging from growling, grunting, and shrieking to bitonal syllabic chanting.
      • In syllabic singing, each tone carries one syllable.
noun sɪˈlabɪksəˈlæbɪk
  • A written character that represents a syllable.


    Inuit syllabics


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We had to write a letter to a grandparent or great-grandparent, in syllabics (each line has the same number of syllables).
    • The Cree syllabics on the glacial till granite boulder base say: ‘I am the big bear.’
    • Some Inuit leaders, such as John Amagoalik and Jose Kusugak, have long advocated a common writing system, and even a move from syllabics to Roman orthography.
    • Schiff's forms depend (like Marianne Moore's) on interlocking enjambments, on syllabics, and on baroque grammar, or else (unlike Moore's) on dense repetitions derived from Provençal forms.
    • Her novel, Sanaaq, Canada's first work of fiction in syllabics, was started during the early 1950s.
    • Their first formal assignment was to write a poem in syllabics, that is, one in which the syllables in each line were counted.


  • syllabically

  • adverb sɪˈlabɪklisəˈlæbək(ə)li
    • They experimented with this principle in vocal chamber music, developing a type of singing in which the words were sung syllabically with careful attention to their natural declamation in speech, modified by two features.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A quartet of singers performs the text syllabically; slowly gliding downwards in pitch as the orchestra itself rises up and falls down via long glissandos.
      • The consonants l, m, n, r also often have some of the qualities of vowels when used syllabically: l in apple, m in spasm, n in isn't, r in centre.
      • The patterns throughout the book are similar to musical refrains - the reader hears a certain rhythm and release with the short syllabically controlled lines.
      • The work of the Scottish parliament was always going to be a tough sell in screaming headlines, but the syllabically challenged tabloids did their best by promptly cutting this new institution down to size.
  • syllabicity

  • noun sɪlaˈbɪsɪti
    • We may label this prosodic feature, syllabicity, with / / in our reconstructions.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A note on glides, syllabicity and tone in Gurung.
      • When the [r] becomes non-syllabic, the loss of syllabicity is accompanied by dropping the vowel in the spelling.
      • This view of glide-vowel contrasts raises a problem for any theory: if vocoids can be contrastively specified for syllabicity, why can't other potentially syllabic segments?
      • Seymour et al. have shown that simple and complex syllabicity affects decoding and orthographic depth affects both word and pseudoword reading.


Early 18th century: from French syllabique or late Latin syllabicus, from Greek sullabikos, from sullabē 'syllable'.


disyllabic, monosyllabic, polysyllabic

Definition of syllabic in US English:


  • 1Relating to or based on syllables.


    a system of syllabic symbols


    Example sentencesExamples
    • With the support of the Igloolik Research Centre, the names were transcribed into the syllabic orthography, and a parallel database using syllables was created.
    • This approach is taken to avoid the loss of syllabic content through euphonic combination.
    • A clear-cut distinction cannot always be made between alphabets proper and syllabaries, sets of syllabic symbols as in the Japanese kana systems.
    • To simplify a rather complex topic, for example, we can say that Spanish is a syllabic language in which the spoken language is driven by a small group of distinct syllables so that the written language is decoded easily by syllables.
    • Thanks to his familiarity with syllabic scripts (among others) he succeeded in identifying a number of consonant-vowel pairs that spelt out words which seemed convincing in their context.
    • But such enlightened suggestions are always smothered by the conservatism of Canada's eastern Arctic communities, where attachment to the syllabic system is deep.
    • The margins are long (moving to the very end of the page) or short (even one word) based upon the content of the phrase rather than some predetermined syllabic length.
    • As a young woman in Kangiqsujuaq, then known as Wakeham Bay, Mitiarjuk taught missionaries Inuttitut and, in return, she learned how to write syllabic script.
    • Went to a lecture on Linear B; the lecturer was Italian and impressed upon all twelve students how difficult a syllabic script (such as Linear B) is.
    • The syllabic structure of Chinese requires memorization of at least three thousand characters to be literate.
    1. 1.1Prosody Based on the number of syllables in a line.
      the recreation of classical syllabic meters


      Example sentencesExamples
      • While there is no syllabic verse in existence that may be dated earlier than AD 650, such metres dominated for the next millennium.
      • While the stress count in each hemistich ranges from one to three (with the exception of the line in bold-face) there is no dominant foot or syllabic pattern.
      • For instance, in Ginsberg's Journals for the mid-fifties, his concern to develop long syllabic lines, using the prosaic and the discursive approaches, clearly leads to the incantatory effects of his most celebrated poetry.
      • The argument in favor of hexameter is thus analogous to Coleridge's endeavor to free himself from syllabic prosody in Christabel.
      • Poets turned to the syllabic meters of folk poetry, and the old Osmanli literary style gave way to the more direct language characteristic of most Western poetry.
    2. 1.2 (of a consonant, especially a nasal or other continuant) constituting a whole syllable, such as the m in Mbabane or the l in bottle.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The schwa may be present or absent, and, if absent, may alternate with a syllabic l or r.
      • As the examples show, a syllabic consonant is marked phonetically with a subscript vertical dash See L, M, N, R.
      • The problem of spelling syllabic r (or final schwa) is compounded by numerous pairs of homophones.
      • The t of words like eaten is usually glottalized and is followed by a syllabic n.
      • In the weak syllables of the language, the vowel is reduced in speech to a central weak quality (schwa) or is represented by a syllabic consonant.
    3. 1.3 Articulated in syllables.
      syllabic singing


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Settings are for three or four voices, mainly syllabic and homophonic, with the melody in the top voice.
      • In syllabic singing, each tone carries one syllable.
      • Aboriginal songs include many kinds of vocalizations ranging from growling, grunting, and shrieking to bitonal syllabic chanting.
      • For all the score's mad energy, the dramatic shapes are never in doubt, the climaxes are effective and the syllabic patter even starts to sound like real conversation, comic yet frantic.
  • A written character that represents a syllable.


    Inuit syllabics


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some Inuit leaders, such as John Amagoalik and Jose Kusugak, have long advocated a common writing system, and even a move from syllabics to Roman orthography.
    • Her novel, Sanaaq, Canada's first work of fiction in syllabics, was started during the early 1950s.
    • Schiff's forms depend (like Marianne Moore's) on interlocking enjambments, on syllabics, and on baroque grammar, or else (unlike Moore's) on dense repetitions derived from Provençal forms.
    • We had to write a letter to a grandparent or great-grandparent, in syllabics (each line has the same number of syllables).
    • Their first formal assignment was to write a poem in syllabics, that is, one in which the syllables in each line were counted.
    • The Cree syllabics on the glacial till granite boulder base say: ‘I am the big bear.’


Early 18th century: from French syllabique or late Latin syllabicus, from Greek sullabikos, from sullabē ‘syllable’.





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