

单词 torment

Definition of torment in English:


noun ˈtɔːmɛntˈtɔrmɛnt
mass noun
  • 1Severe physical or mental suffering.


    their deaths have left both families in torment


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Whatever was done to her, it drained her of all memories and caused much mental torment.
    • It is a perilous journey into the unknown, with little or no guidance, mental torment and physical pain at every turn, and an uncertain outcome.
    • Gloucester undergoes physical and mental torment because he makes the same mistake that Lear does.
    • Before any physical torment, the idea would be to make him give up, lose hope.
    • Each sob brought a load of pain with it, adding physical pain to the mental and emotional torment he was already suffering from.
    • They can basically splurge all the details about what they have been up to in India or how they are suffering inner torment to their companion.
    • No drug can eliminate that mental torment when a hitter is supposed to deliver or a pitcher is supposed to succeed.
    • The intense mental and physical torment that could be ahead of you will blow your mind.
    • Other students are putting their lives at risk by hanging out in remote car parks and disused buildings because of the physical and emotional torment they face daily from their peers.
    • Though I do not regret that you will be the one to embark on the quest, I do find it sad that you are already suffering such inner torment.
    • But, to be that glamorous, vibrant and articulate woman, Alíesha has endured enormous torment, physical pain and anguish.
    • Not even the delight of passing his driving test or having more time to indulge his devotion to Real Madrid could assuage the inner torment of self-doubt.
    • Abnormalities in a midpregnancy scan had indicated that all was not as it should be but little did she know of the mental torment and physical endurance test that lay in store.
    • But it is also one that depicts the inner torment and anguish of a guilt-ridden monarch.
    • But those who do not have a peaceful conscience, dread death even though life means nothing but physical torment.
    • Phil is putting himself through physical torment so that little children don't step on landmines and die.
    • I could only imagine the inner torment he must be suffering.
    • She has recovered her good looks but suspects the deepest scars, the mental torment she suffers after being almost murdered by a man she once loved, will never heal.
    • But hunger there was, and continuous physical torment, and the sudden cessation of all human privacy.
    • Ministers who believe in an eternal mental and physical torment are much thicker on the ground in the Highlands and Islands and on the west coast of the mainland.
    agony, suffering, torture, pain, anguish, misery, distress, affliction, trauma, wretchedness, woe
    hell, purgatory
    rare excruciation
    1. 1.1count noun A cause of severe suffering.
      the journey must have been a torment for them


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Later, he looked for ways to treat the so-called phantom limb pain that often torments amputees.
      • Andersen set these cruel torments in the wider context of a Christian allegory about suffering and redemption.
      • Under these pressures and the additional torments of yellow fever, all the veneers of civilization peel away and ‘the brutishness of primeval man burst forth.’
      • The pleasure of the text is unmitigated by the monstrous unfairness that these torments would entail if they were visited upon an actual mature unmarried woman.
      • The dream world is supposed to house escape, and yet the troubles and torments of the real world constantly find there way into the fantastical mix.
      • He has a brace too, and obviously sees me as a fellow sufferer of orthodontic torments with whom he can generally commiserate and complain to about not having had toffee in eighteen months.
      • Prickly pear cacti had been a torment during the difficult portage around the Great Falls of the Missouri.
      ordeal, affliction, scourge, curse, plague, bane, thorn in someone's side/flesh, cross to bear
      calamity, sorrow, tribulation, vexation, persecution, trouble, pest, irritation, irritant, annoyance, worry, nuisance, misfortune, bother, discomfort, soreness, harassment
      informal pain in the neck
verb tɔːˈmɛnttɔrˈmɛnt
[with object]
  • 1Cause to experience severe mental or physical suffering.


    he was tormented by jealousy


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This film had to move fast: it was set on a runaway train hurtling towards destruction at the hands of a driver facing retirement, tormented by jealousy.
    • But the shame and the revulsion, the eyes like a mourning shroud, would torment his mind.
    • Why G-d's creation suffers, and how and when this suffering will cease is a question that has always tormented me - a mystery only G-d has the answer to.
    • Now reflect that all these sentient beings, although they naturally desire happiness and wish to avoid suffering, are tormented by unimaginable sufferings.
    • This is someone else who is unable to fit in, because he suffers from tinnitus, tormented by sounds inside his head - leading to an awe-inspiring exorcism scene.
    • Many adults are tormented by fears that stem from childhood experiences.
    • On his journey, he endures numerous physical hardships and is tormented with many psychological dilemmas.
    • And even the natural laws of physics start tormenting you, and you can't even put something on the table without it falling off the other side and down behind the couch…
    • I have suffered from the humiliating and tormenting memories of this summer as from a bout of madness - what I indicated in Basle and in my last letter concealed the most essential thing.
    • ‘I am truly sorry,’ Gregory repeated as a new surge of remorse was summoned to torment him.
    • We've all been tormented by jealousy or grief or anger; we've all experienced the way such emotions can carry us away from our reasonable, day-to-day state of mind.
    • My 18-year-old grandson has been tormented with severe acne for more than three years.
    • Henrik is tormented with sorrow over the loss of his wife Anna and the conflict over Karin's leaving is heightened by his need to cling to her in the absence of Anna.
    • Thus viewers passed up all the opportunities to gain interesting insights into David and instead experienced the prolonged sequence as unfairly tormenting the viewers who have come to care for him as a person.
    • Their most profound was a poison that could put a person in great physical pain, then torment them with past woes.
    • He's an alcoholic physician tormented by an horrific memory.
    • They will be further tormented by quarrels, hunger, thirst, disease and severe anxiety.
    • It attracts men beset by alcohol, drug and gambling woes along, increasingly, with those tormented by serious mental health issues.
    • Jack drinks to the nagging, festering sense of regret that torments his sleep.
    • My experiences sometimes troubled and tormented me by not understanding while the picture is in shaping stages.
    torture, afflict, harrow, plague, distress, agonize, cause agony to, cause suffering to, cause pain to, inflict anguish on
    excruciate, crucify, rack, pain
    mortify, worry, trouble
    abuse, maltreat, mistreat, molest
    1. 1.1 Annoy or provoke in an unkind way.
      every day I have kids tormenting me because they know I live alone


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Unfortunately, in spite of some progress, many of these kids are still tormented and teased.
      • The kids torment him and pick on him and turn him into an outcast.
      • He lives a miserable life, tormented by his aunt and uncle and his spoiled cousin.
      • It's frustrating enough to encounter a big setback, so why torment the kids with snakes.
      • It should be obvious that psychologically and physically tormenting a prisoner is illegal in the United States.
      • Soon enough, Tucker shows up late one night to torment the anguished adolescent about their relationship.
      • Even after he had kidnapped and tormented the kid, he had still gone on to worldwide fame.
      • The only reason he had put it on in the first place was because some kids in Colorado got sick of being pushed around and shot the kids that tormented them.
      • We torment them; we increase the damage they have already suffered.
      • Some are described as mischievous or ‘cheeky’ and like to annoy and torment people by taking things away or hiding them.
      • This is true whether he's dealing with the tyrannically needy Louise, or the popular kids who torment them both at school.
      • I swear they enjoyed tormenting us kids, making us go up and down the staircases so often just to get to our next classes in about three minutes.
      • But what about the third-rate, Deliverance style hicks tormenting the kids?
      • The permanently enraged Pierre torments his students with physical bullying and childish tantrums - at one point, he even throws himself out of class - and has successfully turned them all into quivering neurotics.
      • I only tell you this to assure you that many Mac people are near and dear to me and I would never do anything intentionally to taunt, tease or torment any of you.
      • I say, make the parents sign a declaration that their kids will refrain from tormenting the adults and keep well away.
      • Many times in school, kids had tormented her because of the sheltered upbringing, and she always proudly defended it as necessary.
      • The two jocks got up and went to go torment the kid.
      • Bullies are increasingly using phones with built-in cameras to torment their victims.
      • Think back to your highschool days and recall the most nerdy, goofy, awkward kid that you and your jock friends bullied around and tormented each and every year.
      tease, taunt, victimize, bully, bait, chaff, harass, rib, scorn
      irritate, vex, annoy, pester, badger, harry, hector, plague, be a nuisance to, bother, trouble, bedevil, be a pest to, nag, persecute, worry, nettle, chivvy, irk
      informal needle, rag, hassle, aggravate


  • tormentedly

  • adverbtɔːˈmɛntɪdli
    • The tone quality was exceptional, and his voice went from lyrical to tormentedly fractured within a phrase.
      It was his inaction which led to Ann marrying Rothermere, but after the war they slowly and tormentedly realised their mistake, if that is what it was, and married in 1952.
      These works are fuel for the imagination; ‘The Source’ is like a vision of hell, with small, scratched out figures tormentedly toiling at the behest of their larger, scratched out masters.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • After the war, they slowly and tormentedly realised their mistake.
      • He seemed to be tormentedly and wholly preoccupied with his own thoughts.
      • We tormentedly desire the same thing.
  • tormentingly

  • adverbtɔːˈmɛntɪŋlitɔrˈmɛn(t)ɪŋli
    • He was tormentingly tense and uneasy, and at the same time felt an extraordinary need for solitude.
      The river rises to swallow everything around, its rise painfully, tormentingly gradual like a torturous, emaciating death.
      Slowly, tormentingly, William's growing, love-gorged narcissism finally drives Emily away.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • "Wakie, wakie." he said tormentingly.
      • Two blue-bottle flies buzzed tormentingly about in the drawing room.
      • The metal stirrups were tormentingly cold to her bare feet.
      • The river rises to swallow everything around; its rise painfully, tormentingly gradual like a torturous, emaciating death.
      • He was tormentingly tense and uneasy.


Middle English (as both noun and verb referring to the infliction or suffering of torture): Old French torment (noun), tormenter (verb), from Latin tormentum 'instrument of torture', from torquere 'to twist'.

  • torch from Middle English:

    A torch in the original sense of ‘something soaked in an inflammable substance used to give light’ was often made of twisted hemp or other fibres. This is still the American meaning, and reflects the word's Latin origin, torquere ‘to twist’. Only in British English can torch describe a battery-powered electric lamp, which Americans call a flashlight. A torch song is a sad or sentimental song of unrequited love, whose name, used since the 1920s, comes from the phrase carry a torch for, ‘to love someone who does not love you in return’. The image in pass on the torch, ‘to pass on a tradition, especially one of learning or enlightenment’, is that of the runners in a relay race passing on the torch to each other, as was the custom in the ancient Greek Olympic Games. The Latin source of torch, torquere, is found in a large number of other English words. Most obviously it is the source of the engineer's torque (late 19th century), and the twisted Celtic neck-ring the torc (mid 19th century). Less obviously it is in contort (Late Middle English) ‘twist together’; distort (Late Middle English) ‘twist out of shape’; extort (early 16th century) ‘twist out of’; and retort (Late Middle English) ‘to twist back’ (the chemical apparatus gets its name from its twisted shape). Tortura ‘twisting, torment’ the Latin noun formed from the verb gives us torture and tortuous (both LME), and torment (Middle English). Thwart (Middle English) is an Old Norse word that goes back to the same Indo-European root.


absent, accent, anent, ascent, assent, augment, bent, cement, cent, circumvent, consent, content, dent, event, extent, ferment, foment, forewent, forwent, frequent, gent, Ghent, Gwent, lament, leant, lent, meant, misrepresent, misspent, outwent, pent, percent, pigment, rent, scent, segment, sent, spent, stent, Stoke-on-Trent, Tashkent, tent, Trent, underspent, underwent, vent, went

Definition of torment in US English:


  • 1Severe physical or mental suffering.


    their deaths have left both families in torment


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Other students are putting their lives at risk by hanging out in remote car parks and disused buildings because of the physical and emotional torment they face daily from their peers.
    • But, to be that glamorous, vibrant and articulate woman, Alíesha has endured enormous torment, physical pain and anguish.
    • Ministers who believe in an eternal mental and physical torment are much thicker on the ground in the Highlands and Islands and on the west coast of the mainland.
    • The intense mental and physical torment that could be ahead of you will blow your mind.
    • Phil is putting himself through physical torment so that little children don't step on landmines and die.
    • I could only imagine the inner torment he must be suffering.
    • Though I do not regret that you will be the one to embark on the quest, I do find it sad that you are already suffering such inner torment.
    • But hunger there was, and continuous physical torment, and the sudden cessation of all human privacy.
    • But it is also one that depicts the inner torment and anguish of a guilt-ridden monarch.
    • It is a perilous journey into the unknown, with little or no guidance, mental torment and physical pain at every turn, and an uncertain outcome.
    • Whatever was done to her, it drained her of all memories and caused much mental torment.
    • Gloucester undergoes physical and mental torment because he makes the same mistake that Lear does.
    • Abnormalities in a midpregnancy scan had indicated that all was not as it should be but little did she know of the mental torment and physical endurance test that lay in store.
    • But those who do not have a peaceful conscience, dread death even though life means nothing but physical torment.
    • She has recovered her good looks but suspects the deepest scars, the mental torment she suffers after being almost murdered by a man she once loved, will never heal.
    • No drug can eliminate that mental torment when a hitter is supposed to deliver or a pitcher is supposed to succeed.
    • Not even the delight of passing his driving test or having more time to indulge his devotion to Real Madrid could assuage the inner torment of self-doubt.
    • Before any physical torment, the idea would be to make him give up, lose hope.
    • Each sob brought a load of pain with it, adding physical pain to the mental and emotional torment he was already suffering from.
    • They can basically splurge all the details about what they have been up to in India or how they are suffering inner torment to their companion.
    1. 1.1 A cause of suffering.
      the journey must have been a torment for them


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Under these pressures and the additional torments of yellow fever, all the veneers of civilization peel away and ‘the brutishness of primeval man burst forth.’
      • Prickly pear cacti had been a torment during the difficult portage around the Great Falls of the Missouri.
      • The pleasure of the text is unmitigated by the monstrous unfairness that these torments would entail if they were visited upon an actual mature unmarried woman.
      • The dream world is supposed to house escape, and yet the troubles and torments of the real world constantly find there way into the fantastical mix.
      • Andersen set these cruel torments in the wider context of a Christian allegory about suffering and redemption.
      • He has a brace too, and obviously sees me as a fellow sufferer of orthodontic torments with whom he can generally commiserate and complain to about not having had toffee in eighteen months.
      • Later, he looked for ways to treat the so-called phantom limb pain that often torments amputees.
[with object]
  • 1Cause to experience severe mental or physical suffering.


    he was tormented by jealousy


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We've all been tormented by jealousy or grief or anger; we've all experienced the way such emotions can carry us away from our reasonable, day-to-day state of mind.
    • Jack drinks to the nagging, festering sense of regret that torments his sleep.
    • Now reflect that all these sentient beings, although they naturally desire happiness and wish to avoid suffering, are tormented by unimaginable sufferings.
    • I have suffered from the humiliating and tormenting memories of this summer as from a bout of madness - what I indicated in Basle and in my last letter concealed the most essential thing.
    • Henrik is tormented with sorrow over the loss of his wife Anna and the conflict over Karin's leaving is heightened by his need to cling to her in the absence of Anna.
    • Thus viewers passed up all the opportunities to gain interesting insights into David and instead experienced the prolonged sequence as unfairly tormenting the viewers who have come to care for him as a person.
    • He's an alcoholic physician tormented by an horrific memory.
    • Many adults are tormented by fears that stem from childhood experiences.
    • ‘I am truly sorry,’ Gregory repeated as a new surge of remorse was summoned to torment him.
    • Their most profound was a poison that could put a person in great physical pain, then torment them with past woes.
    • And even the natural laws of physics start tormenting you, and you can't even put something on the table without it falling off the other side and down behind the couch…
    • It attracts men beset by alcohol, drug and gambling woes along, increasingly, with those tormented by serious mental health issues.
    • This film had to move fast: it was set on a runaway train hurtling towards destruction at the hands of a driver facing retirement, tormented by jealousy.
    • My experiences sometimes troubled and tormented me by not understanding while the picture is in shaping stages.
    • On his journey, he endures numerous physical hardships and is tormented with many psychological dilemmas.
    • But the shame and the revulsion, the eyes like a mourning shroud, would torment his mind.
    • Why G-d's creation suffers, and how and when this suffering will cease is a question that has always tormented me - a mystery only G-d has the answer to.
    • My 18-year-old grandson has been tormented with severe acne for more than three years.
    • This is someone else who is unable to fit in, because he suffers from tinnitus, tormented by sounds inside his head - leading to an awe-inspiring exorcism scene.
    • They will be further tormented by quarrels, hunger, thirst, disease and severe anxiety.
    torture, afflict, harrow, plague, distress, agonize, cause agony to, cause suffering to, cause pain to, inflict anguish on
    1. 1.1 Annoy or provoke in a deliberately unkind way.
      every day I have kids tormenting me because they know I live alone


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The kids torment him and pick on him and turn him into an outcast.
      • The two jocks got up and went to go torment the kid.
      • Unfortunately, in spite of some progress, many of these kids are still tormented and teased.
      • He lives a miserable life, tormented by his aunt and uncle and his spoiled cousin.
      • I say, make the parents sign a declaration that their kids will refrain from tormenting the adults and keep well away.
      • We torment them; we increase the damage they have already suffered.
      • I only tell you this to assure you that many Mac people are near and dear to me and I would never do anything intentionally to taunt, tease or torment any of you.
      • Some are described as mischievous or ‘cheeky’ and like to annoy and torment people by taking things away or hiding them.
      • Many times in school, kids had tormented her because of the sheltered upbringing, and she always proudly defended it as necessary.
      • The only reason he had put it on in the first place was because some kids in Colorado got sick of being pushed around and shot the kids that tormented them.
      • I swear they enjoyed tormenting us kids, making us go up and down the staircases so often just to get to our next classes in about three minutes.
      • It should be obvious that psychologically and physically tormenting a prisoner is illegal in the United States.
      • But what about the third-rate, Deliverance style hicks tormenting the kids?
      • Soon enough, Tucker shows up late one night to torment the anguished adolescent about their relationship.
      • It's frustrating enough to encounter a big setback, so why torment the kids with snakes.
      • Bullies are increasingly using phones with built-in cameras to torment their victims.
      • The permanently enraged Pierre torments his students with physical bullying and childish tantrums - at one point, he even throws himself out of class - and has successfully turned them all into quivering neurotics.
      • Even after he had kidnapped and tormented the kid, he had still gone on to worldwide fame.
      • This is true whether he's dealing with the tyrannically needy Louise, or the popular kids who torment them both at school.
      • Think back to your highschool days and recall the most nerdy, goofy, awkward kid that you and your jock friends bullied around and tormented each and every year.
      tease, taunt, victimize, bully, bait, chaff, harass, rib, scorn


Middle English (as both noun and verb referring to the infliction or suffering of torture): Old French torment (noun), tormenter (verb), from Latin tormentum ‘instrument of torture’, from torquere ‘to twist’.





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更新时间:2024/10/19 15:40:13