

单词 think

Definition of think in English:


verbthought θɪŋkθɪŋk
  • 1with clause Have a particular belief or idea.


    she thought that nothing would be the same again


    it's thought he may have collapsed from shock


    with infinitive up to 300 people were thought to have died


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We have a good idea what facts the judge would have summed up had he thought the situation required it.
    • Secondly did it mislead the prosecution into thinking the case against him was stronger than it was.
    • He's an end-of-the-century phenom and I can imagine some people thinking he was the best of the last hundred years.
    • But at their recent meeting, members said they thought the situation was getting better.
    • The only area where technology is thought to play its part is in the realm of communications.
    • He thinks television situation comedy is garbage and only agrees when the network promises him his own special, a promise which the network reneges upon.
    • Inquiries are continuing into the cause of the blaze but it is not thought to be suspicious.
    • The arrest is not thought to be a significant development in the hunt for the double killer.
    • He thinks the situation will get worse when Swindon Council takes over illegal parking enforcement from the police.
    • The danger is that people in the city will think the current situation is just another to add to the list.
    • Forty tonnes of marine diesel are still thought to be on board the sunken vessel.
    • But nobody thinks that idea worth fighting a war over.
    • The spokeswoman said that the settlement was thought to have happened above a drain.
    • Not everyone thinks the situation will be that dire, though.
    • I have no idea why she would think that associating with those people is a good thing.
    • He somehow thinks his case is enhanced by insulting the Ohio law enforcement system.
    • Although the cause is still being investigated it is not thought to be suspicious.
    • She should leave Bolton and move somewhere else if she thinks the situation is that bad.
    • I think every individual situation is just a little different though they have generalities.
    • I think some situations can and should be treated with a bit more of a diplomatic approach!
    believe, be of the opinion, have as one's opinion, be of the view, be under the impression
    expect, imagine, anticipate
    surmise, suppose, conjecture, guess, fancy
    conclude, determine, reason
    informal reckon
    North American informal figure
    formal opine
    archaic ween
    deem, judge, hold, reckon, consider, presume, estimate
    regard as, view as
    1. 1.1think ofno object Have a specified opinion of.
      she did not think highly of modern art


      I think of him as a friend


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The thing is, it feels to me like you're thinking of game development as big business, corporate, organised fare.
      • Hope you enjoyed the above and I would be interested to see what anyone else thinks of my opinions and whether you agree or disagree.
      • In fact, have at least some of us not implicitly been thinking of the originator as something like a causal circumstance?
      • Surfinia is a combination of surf and petunia and the plants were originally thought of as ground cover.
      • Fortunately, I consoled myself with discovering what Google thought of this site instead.
      • Whatever you think of modern music, the state of rock nomenclature has never been healthier.
      • Public opinion tends to think of carbon dioxide as a waste product or even a poison.
      • My opinion of myself is very much either reinforced or rejected based upon what others think of me.
      • She also excels at things we think of as entirely modern, such as walkabouts.
      • This is her response when asked what she thought of the screenplay upon first read.
      • What would those who lost their lives now think of what we are creating from their sacrifice?
      • Buschert has also appeared at city council to let them know what she thinks of the development in her neighbourhood.
      • He spent most of his political life on what would be thought of in modern terms as the left of politics.
      • Just as our opinion of an individual is not based on what he thinks of himself, so can we not judge of such a period of transformation by its own consciousness.
      • He has not hazarded an opinion of what he thinks of the subject of his study, the bizarre chain of consequences he unleashed and the political context of these new developments.
      • We are used to thinking of modern international society as reaffirming the value of anarchic political structure.
      • As for theories - try thinking of 'em as opinions or models, rather than unquestionable facts.
      • You can't help wondering what Eileen Caddy thinks of the new developments.
      • Lucy Stephens and Dan Jones asked all sections of society what they thought of the Chancellor's cash plans.
      • She told him that in her opinion very few people thought of her a lady.
    2. 1.2 Used in questions to express anger or surprise.
      what do you think you're doing?


    3. 1.3I think Used in speech to reduce the force of a statement, or to politely suggest or refuse something.
      I thought we could go out for a meal


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you read any of my books I think you'll find quite a lot about not killing in there.
      • Tonight is my last night in Preston for a while so I am going for a few pints and a curry I think.
      • So with dinner in mind and a recent chat to people in Spain, I think a small sherry is in order.
      • The very fact that we have moved beyond the age of deference supports my case I think.
  • 2no object Direct one's mind towards someone or something; use one's mind actively to form connected ideas.


    he was thinking about Colin


    Jack thought for a moment


    with object any writer who so rarely produces a book is not thinking deep thoughts


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams.
    • In my mind I was thinking ahead all the time whereas I should have been taking advantage of the situation that I was in at the time.
    • Creative minds think at the speed of lightning but the fingers move as any average digits would!
    • At a time when scripts are written with ‘stars’ in mind, Bhadran thinks differently.
    • Natural selection did not design our minds to think directly about how best to pass on our genes.
    • Frequently, the best solutions are arrived at by thinking outside the standard approach.
    • Here we find him as a mind thinking deeply on problems Pakistanis are faced with.
    • There are two people in this known universe who know what my conspiracy-laden mind is thinking.
    • The more you understand why something has turned out the way it has, the more you can empathise and think with an open mind.
    • The adrenaline kept you going, made sure your mind was thinking quickly.
    • I took a moment to read what his mind is thinking, but he quickly guarded his thoughts.
    • They need to learn mental disciplines - to think, to count and to ask questions.
    • I just sat in my chair for a few moments, my mouth silent, my mind thinking.
    • He hadn't cast it a second thought for years but rediscovering the old treasure set his mind thinking.
    • He sat back for a moment, thinking, prodding with his mind towards any intention the man might have.
    • My mind thinks like a person who's born in 65 and lived in the 70s and 80s.
    • I thought always of death, and therefore I had only one sorrow: the certainty of having to die.
    • With this in mind, let us think for a moment about the surface of a sphere.
    • If you have too much time on your hands to think, eventually your mind will create problems.
    • Such is the methodology of the mind… it thinks not of perils when enticed by joy.
    ponder, reflect, deliberate, meditate, contemplate, muse, cogitate, ruminate, be lost in thought, be in a brown study, brood
    concentrate, rack one's brains, cudgel one's brains
    informal put on one's thinking cap, sleep on it
    rare cerebrate
    1. 2.1 Have a particular mental attitude or approach.
      he thought like a general


      with complement one should always think positive


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you are minded to think small, then the association would love to welcome you.
      • And we have to have an educational approach, which thinks in these kinds of terms.
      • I don't think this is what people think here, and it will be suicidal in - in the mind of anyone who thinks rightly.
      • You imagine the worst by thinking negatively without good reason.
      • It might even be more uncomfortable to see the world through the mind of someone who thinks exactly like you do.
      • You torture yourself endlessly by thinking negatively and imagining the worst today.
      • You tend to imagine the worst by thinking negatively and torturing yourself endlessly today!
    2. 2.2think of/about Take into account or consideration when deciding on a possible action.
      you can live how you like, but there's the children to think about


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We need to think of possible legal complications in all sorts of routine situations.
      • Make sure you have thought of the possible gains and losses if you took the leap.
      • Nature, of course, thinks of everything and it seems that a nudibranch getting its own sperm or eggs is impossible.
      • Critics would also hope she seriously thinks about the wounds she will be reopening - and calls the play off.
      • The tendency is to take what he wants, and act as he wants without thinking of the possible effect on others.
      • I know most of you are great people but please think of others when you light up your next cigarette.
    3. 2.3think of Call to mind.
      lemon thyme is a natural pair with any chicken dish you can think of


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I can think of worse things to be called than a journalist, but not many.
      • If you can think of an animal, the likelihood is it would be made into a rug somewhere in the house, with its head mounted on the walls.
      • I can think of quite a lot of those in high places who, if they were to receive a good dose of Britishness, it would do them a power of good.
      • I can think of about half a dozen malcontents who would love a contest.
      • These types of Virus writers will use just about any occasion they can think of to act on computer users.
      • My first sales call was to the biggest possible customer I could think of.
      • But for me, these remembrances are the best way I can think of to give you a sense of an age long gone.
      • I can think of no better example of perfect symbiosis of image and music.
      • Maybe I am of gifted intelligence and can think of more than one number at once.
      • But today Matthew is the only person I can think of like that in that age range.
      • High school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of.
      • Two years later she can think of no reason why anyone would do it - and neither can experienced detectives.
      • The only acceptable reason I can think of is to bring attention to the fact that it was a life-long condition.
      • We have to come together as a team and try and think of the best possible way to find Jack.
      • I can think of some cases where a marina actually adds to the beauty and charm of a place.
      • He had done it since he was a kid, and had done it every way possible a human could think of.
      • The only thing we can think of is that they want to break the pattern [of agreements] in the industry.
      • It is possible to think of a number of ways in which reciprocity might sustain medical altruism.
      • Whatever you can think of in the world of news and specialist information, they're in it in a big way.
      • I can think of two federal ministers whose basic approach to women journalists is to flirt.
      recall, remember, recollect, call to mind, bring to mind, think back to, review
    4. 2.4think of/about Consider the possibility or advantages of (a course of action)
      he was thinking of becoming a zoologist


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He said it will be of benefit to all clients thinking of developing R&D projects.
      • She thinks of running away but realizes that it would be useless to try.
      • I was thinking of going light with some goodies, music and some games and paper to write and draw with.
      • Recently, I've been thinking of doing a course with the Open University - which is probably a good thing to do.
      • Now I am about to start a clinical doctorate I am thinking of doing an art course.
      • This is an expense you might not have considered when thinking about moving to the seaside.
      • Mr Lee said that reports suggested the Chancellor was thinking of a 6p rise on beer in the Budget.
      • Opinion: anyone who thinks of trying to track down these boys and commit some sort of revenge act against them is as low as any other perpetrator of violence.
      • The interior minister certainly wasn't thinking of creating a data graveyard.
      • I'm thinking of creating a place here with links and reviews of site for kids.
      • If you are thinking of gifting them, consider shelling out around a lakh of rupees or more.
      • Any television producer thinking of developing the idea should first of all contact the author of the above, who will not be hard to deal with.
      • I asked if she ever considered the danger or thought of fleeing the aftershocks and the tumbling buildings.
      • If you are thinking about setting up a course then you should think through these issues.
      consider, contemplate, give thought to, entertain the idea of, deliberate about, weigh up, turn over in one's mind, mull over, chew over, reflect on, ruminate about, muse on
    5. 2.5think to do something Have sufficient foresight or awareness to do something.
      I hadn't thought to warn Rachel about him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There was a timber yard next door and someone thought to test the process on pine.
      • Sadly for me, nobody ever thought to test the damn thing on the Firth of Clyde on a Tuesday.
    6. 2.6 Imagine or expect (an actual or possible situation)
      think of being paid a salary to hunt big game!


      with clause I never thought we'd raise so much money


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Of course not and just think of the massive amount of money we would gain and how much red tape we would lose.
      imagine, picture, visualize, envisage, envision
      dream about, fantasize about
    7. 2.7think oneself into Imagine what it would be like to be in (a position or role)
      she tried to think herself into the part of Peter's fiancée


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Unlike Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors (a spiritually similar film) who was called upon to play essentially the same character twice, here Mitchell has to think herself into two spaces completely.
      • On top of that we had to think ourselves into how the character feels.
      • Then again, maybe I'm just thinking too much about the entire thing and succeeding only in thinking myself into knots.
      • Novelists have been keen to think themselves into the position of the victims (though because they relish the danger and are spared the death, the morality of the effort remains questionable).
      • These historians make no attempt to think themselves into the minds of their subjects.
      • I would think myself into the character and then see the world totally through their eyes.
      • I've got no problem with anyone thinking themselves into an early grave.
      • In that time he had to think himself into the mind of Luke Mitchell.
      • One way to tackle these sorts of questions is modern social theory; another is to try to think oneself into a prehistoric frame of mind.
      • But it was another extreme example of him thinking himself into the part.
      • This is the nature of empathy, to think oneself into the minds of others.
      • This weekend, I just went out there to race and not think myself into a problem.
      • I am trying to think myself into a really rather complicated argument, and still at the stage where you take the old machine apart, and the whole workshop is a mess of bits and scruff.
      • The ‘orthodox’ historians, he continues, ‘make no attempt to think themselves into the minds of their subjects,’ instead attributing to them views on race that did not emerge until the twentieth century.
      • Astor put the receiver down and started to think himself into tycoon mode.
      • ‘I had so much fun thinking myself into Bessy's head and her sayings like: ‘I couldn't care the core of a cabbage.’
      • Sometimes, intelligent people can think themselves into trouble.
      • We have to try and think ourselves into a state of mind now that there is one, rather than all the time saying I do not want one.
      • You are thinking yourself into new kitchen mode when all you were after was a cut-price polo neck.
      • They were trying to imagine what it would have been like, thinking themselves into that instant: standing on a beach, hearing the roar, running for their lives.
noun θɪŋkθɪŋk
  • An act of thinking.


    I went for a walk to have a think


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sit on the bed a few minutes to have a think.
    • Have a think and post me a reply, who would society be better off without?
    • She was very upset but she very quickly stopped crying and had a think.
    • So, at the moment the email is sitting in my inbox with an action flag beside it while I have a think.
    • Just before settling in for the night Leo decided to go outside and have a think and a cigarette.
    • So I had a little think and a bit of a search to check and came up with this list.
    • When I stopped coughing and spluttering, we sat down, had a think and decided to let her have one.
    • Anyway, we had a think in the office but were stumped for specific local Melbourne myths.
    • On the way there, looking at Raymond with his sticky eyes and swelling cut, I had a bit of a think.
    ponder, muse, spell/period of deliberation/reflection/contemplation


  • have (got) another think coming

    • informal Used to express the speaker's disagreement with or unwillingness to do something suggested by someone else.


      if they think I'm going to do physical jerks, they've got another think coming


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That may satisfy some people suffering from Frankenfood fixation, but if they think proud British eco-warriors are going to be put off by the facts, they have another think coming…
      • Any woman still thinking that men are like buses and there'll be another one along in a minute has another think coming.
      • If you thought the ethnic game, which held in thrall several generations, had paled into insignificance in the wake of the popularity of spectacle sports such as cricket and football, you have another think coming.
      • London will have taken some heart from our recent results but if they think they can turn us over, they have another think coming.
      • Closest rival Microsoft has well-publicised problems of its own - and even if it overcomes these, the accelerating pretender has another think coming if it imagines that it has an easy shot at becoming world number one.
      • If we think - despite what I've said about us being better than last year - if we think even for a moment that we are good enough with the present squad to win the championship next season, then we will have another think coming.
      • But if someone thinks we are going to be driven away they have another think coming.
      • Those who may think so have another think coming.
      • If you think I want to model in discount catalogues for the rest of my life, you have another think coming.
      • If they thought that they could get away with it, they have another think coming.
  • think again

    • Reconsider something.


      the advisory committee must think again about its approach
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She said: ‘It might be that people have thought again about postal voting because of the uncertainty.’
      • Those who claim Australia will never have to respond because the international community will never agree had better start thinking again or they will end up in the same category as security advisors who said the Berlin Wall was forever.
      • But I really think, Howie, at this particular time and in the history of CBS News maybe I can be of some help to try to get everybody thinking again and not about what has just happened recently.
      • The charity had intended to give the book away in a raffle but when a London valuer advised them it was worth £1, 500 they thought again.
      • It is then that the public and the private intersect and people start thinking again about marriage.
      • If it does turn out that truth is stranger than your fiction, you must think again.
      • He put it away - and then thought again, brought it back and examined it some more.
      • Politicians who have issued intemperate attacks on the apathy of the young must think again.
      • He laughs, he makes fun of himself, he says absurd things and then takes them back, and then thinks again and doesn't - he actually enjoys himself.
      • If they thought that there would be a news blackout on their actions they must now think again.
      rethink, review, revise, re-examine, re-evaluate, reassess, reappraise, think better of, think over, take another look at, relook at, look at in a different light, have another think about
  • think aloud

    • Express one's thoughts as soon as they occur.


      no definite proposal, my dear chap—just thinking aloud
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The general has thought aloud about his ‘alternative dream’ and gone ahead with the construction of Gwadar deep-sea port.
      • ‘Well, we have a couple of guys who worked for the Army during the war, developing plastics,’ he says, thinking aloud.
      • ‘They'll probably be chasing us as soon as they can start their cars,’ she thought aloud.
      • He thinks aloud: ‘I should try a contemporary one.’
      • He was thinking aloud, trying to work out what he thought about this medium he had never worked in before.
      • ‘The more I sit here,’ I said, thinking aloud, ‘the more I am surprised how many small creatures there are living in the garden, and around it.’
      • Sterling, speaking to a crowd at the Microsoft Campus, thought aloud about the problem.
      • It was just a daft thought, I was thinking aloud.
      • I'm thinking aloud a bit here, but the party machine doesn't seem to have quite the same grip in a ward system.
      • I'm just thinking aloud really, trying to sort some things out for myself.
  • think (the) better of

    • 1Decide not to do (something) after reconsideration.


      he turned to shoot, then thought better of it
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This turns out to be one of those jobs that you don't think better of until it's way too late.
      • I nearly asked what the crisis was about, but I thought better of it.
      • I was about to add that it wasn't professionalism but a lack of it that accounted for the club's problems, but then thought better of it.
      • Then, as if coming out of a reverie, he shook his head gently, thinking better of whatever was on his mind.
      • Initial thoughts were to go day tripping in Kent but I felt a little ropey this morning and thought better of it.
      • Later, thinking better of how this would look, they put the documents back in the box, put gloves on, and staged photographs of themselves opening the box properly.
      • I contemplated asking the clerk to excuse James because it was only his second day of work experience, but thought better of it.
      • You think better of the prank and decide to avoid certain detention.
      • I was tempted to use the toilet brush instead but thought better of it.
      • I was going to repot the pepper seedlings, but having felt the temperature of the compost I thought better of it.
      have second thoughts about, think twice about, think again about, change one's mind about
    • 2Form a better opinion of.

      his lie would not make us think better of him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I always think better of a person who is willing to admit error than one who tries to pin the blame on subordinates.
      • I for one will think better of him if he is a crook.
      • He made me think better of the Party.
      • My experience is that citizens think better of MPs once they know more about them.
      • If she had thought better of her brother then she might have thought it was planned that way.
  • think for oneself

    • Have an independent mind or attitude.


      the aim is to get the students to think for themselves
      Example sentencesExamples
      • My pedagogical aim is to encourage students to think for themselves, to awaken their consciences.
      • Some people just cannot understand the whole concept of thinking for yourself.
      • People who talk about education have forever been mouthing aphorisms about teaching students to think for themselves.
      • This relieves the candidate of having to think for himself - and also reduces the political risk that an independent or contrary position entails.
      • It's the paradox of pedagogy: how to teach students to think for themselves.
      • Fortunately for me I'm lucky to have a child who thinks for himself, who is open to the idea that we don't have to follow the nearest crowd.
      • Help is fine when needed but we do not want these young minds not to think for themselves.
      • Like the best of teachers, Sontag stirs the imagination, ultimately encouraging readers to engage their minds and think for themselves.
      • In short, we must train students to think for themselves.
      • The central core of punk is all about being an individual and thinking for yourself.
  • think twice

    • Consider a course of action carefully before embarking on it.


      she would think twice about accepting a job where smoking was the norm
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Of course, once I thought twice about holiday math, I realized that 16.7 percent of all days occur during November and December.
      • A few years ago in Atlanta, I wouldn't have thought twice about this scene.
      • Another study, by the Canadian Cancer Society, found 58% of smokers who saw photographic warnings on packets thought twice about the health costs of smoking.
      • In my pocket, I'm picking at one corner of the envelope, thinking twice about giving it to him, even thinking twice about taking the thing out of my pocket.
      • And should parents think twice before enrolling their children on scuba courses?
      • Last year, many swimmers thought twice about entering the surf.
      • I suspect a number of adults would have thought twice about doing what you did.
      • I might have read these lines in any of hundreds of reports over the last decade or so, and the sad thing is that I wouldn't have thought twice about it.
      • One day, perhaps not too far away, recycling won't be thought twice about (it's already second nature in many European nations).
      • ‘I don't know how people don't know what's right and what's wrong,’ he says, giving no suggestion that he thought twice about going to war.

Phrasal Verbs

  • think back

    • Recall a past event or time.


      I keep thinking back to school


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When rugby fans think back on past Lions tours, there is invariably one moment that sticks in the mind.
      • Just think back to this past summer and the drama surrounding Taylor's decision to step down.
      • Barden thinks back through the past few years and it is easy to spot the games they should have won and the opportunities missed.
      • Yet, if you think back over the past decade or so the range and frequency of scandals is astonishing.
      • I put the blade back in my pocket to as I thought back into the past.
      • I think back to the past and recall that it is the table at which we used to discuss politics or at which I wrote my first book.
      • As I was throwing my last bag into our car, I started thinking back on this past year.
      • When these natives actually do settle down, they may find themselves continually thinking back on their many past affairs.
      • Kelly thought back now on the events that had set them all on this catastrophic course.
      • He shook his head with slight pain as he thought back to the previous events.
  • think on

    • Think of or about.


      I think on her every day in my prayers
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Your point should be a revelation to those who would think on what you have said.
      • She thought on this for a moment and looked back up at him with a shy smile.
      • They both thought on it for several more hours, but neither of them said anything about it.
      • He shook his head, and poured himself another drink, and thought on her last words.
      • She thought on that for a minute, but the answer had been clear the minute John had asked the question.
      • If you ever consider going into business for yourself, think on this.
      • Her annoyance began to grow, and the more she thought on it, the worse it became.
      • She thought on each and every one of these during the ride home, not speaking a word the entire way.
      • As boys came into her mind for a change, she thought on the dark-eyed guy that had been at the stables.
      • He had been bored so he thought on going to visit Carla and Kaze for the weekend.
      consider, contemplate, give thought to, entertain the idea of, deliberate about, weigh up, turn over in one's mind, mull over, chew over, reflect on, ruminate about, muse on
  • think something out (or through)

    • Consider something in all its aspects before taking action.


      the plan had not been properly thought out


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I think the people who say such things haven't quite thought the point out.
      • Well, um… okay, we maybe haven't thought this part out too far ahead.
      • We thought things out together, slowly at first.
      • If we'd thought it out, we probably wouldn't have done it this way.
      • It is not a plan whose consequences have been thought out.
      • Many suggestions were thought out and considered as hours flew by with still no real progress.
      • And after I thought it out, it seemed to me that this was the best alternative for me.
      • There were some last-minute additions to the program, but they weren't thought out properly.
      • Every aspect of the house has been thought out in great detail, but for Eleanor the most appealing benefits are the views.
      • I just wonder if anyone thinks their purchases out so clearly, with such an eye on the origins of the product.
  • think something over

    • Consider something carefully.


      he told the player to go home and think over his offer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that this guard did in fact stop to think things over carefully.
      • So the frog thinks it over for a minute and decides to accept the offer.
      • ‘At the end of the season, I will think things over carefully and decide whether I should ever bowl again,’ he added.
      • Kyle thought the matter over, pondering what the possible ramifications could be, hoping to summon some memory buried in his mind by his father.
      • He thought the problem over carefully, then nodded.
      • I studied the sweet counter intently, selecting a range of my favourite goodies, counting up the pennies, thinking it over carefully.
      • Carefully, she thought the words over in her head.
      • I had a place lined up, I thought it over, I mused, I pondered, I decided to go with it.
      • He listened to those stories and at night he thought them over in his mind.
      • Winthrop thought my question over carefully as he mashed the pills up with a paperweight and drenched the mess with applesauce so he could eat it with the spoon attachment on his Swiss Army knife.
      consider, contemplate, deliberate about, weigh up, consider the pros and cons of, mull over, ponder, reflect on, muse on, ruminate on
  • think something up

    • Use one's ingenuity to devise something.


      Nick went away to think up an alternative plan
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A lot of credit must go to the people who have thought this event up and organised it, and people have responded with a very good turnout.
      • If some money-blood-sucking movie sharks thought the thing up, it would be just that.
      • Whoever thinks these things up needs some help.
      • The guy who thought this excuse up was ultra creative, and as such, I had to share this one with you…
      • I'll be glad to credit you in the acknowledgments with having thought it up, and send you an autographed copy saying the same…
      • Woolrich, after all, thought this stuff up and wrote it down.
      • Whoever thought this idea up should have his head examined.
      • Whoever thought this crazy policy up should be seeking alternative employment.
      • It's such a weird contrivance, I keep wondering who thought it up.
      • Maybe I'll be the one who brings it before you because I have thought it up, dreamed of it.
      devise, dream up, come up with, invent, create, concoct, contrive, improvise, make up


Old English thencan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German denken.

  • The Old English word think is related to thank (Old English) (see also star) and thought (Old English). Hasty words can land you in trouble, and there is a traditional saying that warns you how to avoid this. Think first and speak afterwards goes back to the 16th century. Another proverb, great minds think alike, dates from the 17th century. They think it's all over, used as the title of a British TV sports quiz, is an extract from one of the most famous sports commentaries ever. Towards the end of extra time in the 1966 World Cup final between England and West Germany, with England leading 3–2, some spectators spilled on to the pitch as England attacked, thinking that the final whistle had blown. The TV commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme said, ‘They think it's all over’, whereupon Geoff Hurst scored and he continued ‘It is now!’ A think tank is now a body of experts providing ideas, but it was originally a US slang term for the brain, recorded from 1905. A newspaper report in 1964 said that ‘Truman…hoped to live to be 90 but only “if the old think-tank is working”.’ The modern sense appeared in the 1950s. The phrase (on) second thoughts dates from the mid 17th century; lost in thought is early 19th-century; it's the thought that counts is recorded from the 1930s.


bethink, blink, brink, cinque, clink, dink, drink, fink, Frink, gink, ink, interlink, jink, kink, link, mink, pink, plink, prink, rink, shrink, sink, skink, slink, stink, sync, wink, zinc

Definition of think in US English:


  • 1with clause Have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something.


    she thought that nothing would be the same again


    it's thought he may have collapsed from shock


    with infinitive up to 300 people were thought to have died


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He thinks the situation will get worse when Swindon Council takes over illegal parking enforcement from the police.
    • But at their recent meeting, members said they thought the situation was getting better.
    • He's an end-of-the-century phenom and I can imagine some people thinking he was the best of the last hundred years.
    • Forty tonnes of marine diesel are still thought to be on board the sunken vessel.
    • The only area where technology is thought to play its part is in the realm of communications.
    • She should leave Bolton and move somewhere else if she thinks the situation is that bad.
    • Inquiries are continuing into the cause of the blaze but it is not thought to be suspicious.
    • Not everyone thinks the situation will be that dire, though.
    • The spokeswoman said that the settlement was thought to have happened above a drain.
    • Although the cause is still being investigated it is not thought to be suspicious.
    • I think some situations can and should be treated with a bit more of a diplomatic approach!
    • We have a good idea what facts the judge would have summed up had he thought the situation required it.
    • I have no idea why she would think that associating with those people is a good thing.
    • But nobody thinks that idea worth fighting a war over.
    • He thinks television situation comedy is garbage and only agrees when the network promises him his own special, a promise which the network reneges upon.
    • The arrest is not thought to be a significant development in the hunt for the double killer.
    • The danger is that people in the city will think the current situation is just another to add to the list.
    • Secondly did it mislead the prosecution into thinking the case against him was stronger than it was.
    • I think every individual situation is just a little different though they have generalities.
    • He somehow thinks his case is enhanced by insulting the Ohio law enforcement system.
    believe, be of the opinion, have as one's opinion, be of the view, be under the impression
    deem, judge, hold, reckon, consider, presume, estimate
    1. 1.1think ofno object Have a particular opinion of.
      she did not think highly of modern art


      I think of him as a friend


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In fact, have at least some of us not implicitly been thinking of the originator as something like a causal circumstance?
      • Public opinion tends to think of carbon dioxide as a waste product or even a poison.
      • Buschert has also appeared at city council to let them know what she thinks of the development in her neighbourhood.
      • The thing is, it feels to me like you're thinking of game development as big business, corporate, organised fare.
      • Fortunately, I consoled myself with discovering what Google thought of this site instead.
      • He spent most of his political life on what would be thought of in modern terms as the left of politics.
      • Just as our opinion of an individual is not based on what he thinks of himself, so can we not judge of such a period of transformation by its own consciousness.
      • Hope you enjoyed the above and I would be interested to see what anyone else thinks of my opinions and whether you agree or disagree.
      • What would those who lost their lives now think of what we are creating from their sacrifice?
      • We are used to thinking of modern international society as reaffirming the value of anarchic political structure.
      • My opinion of myself is very much either reinforced or rejected based upon what others think of me.
      • This is her response when asked what she thought of the screenplay upon first read.
      • She also excels at things we think of as entirely modern, such as walkabouts.
      • You can't help wondering what Eileen Caddy thinks of the new developments.
      • Whatever you think of modern music, the state of rock nomenclature has never been healthier.
      • Lucy Stephens and Dan Jones asked all sections of society what they thought of the Chancellor's cash plans.
      • He has not hazarded an opinion of what he thinks of the subject of his study, the bizarre chain of consequences he unleashed and the political context of these new developments.
      • She told him that in her opinion very few people thought of her a lady.
      • Surfinia is a combination of surf and petunia and the plants were originally thought of as ground cover.
      • As for theories - try thinking of 'em as opinions or models, rather than unquestionable facts.
    2. 1.2 Used in questions to express anger or surprise.
      what do you think you're doing?


    3. 1.3I think Used in speech to reduce the force of a statement or opinion, or to politely suggest or refuse something.
      I thought we could go out for a meal


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you read any of my books I think you'll find quite a lot about not killing in there.
      • The very fact that we have moved beyond the age of deference supports my case I think.
      • So with dinner in mind and a recent chat to people in Spain, I think a small sherry is in order.
      • Tonight is my last night in Preston for a while so I am going for a few pints and a curry I think.
  • 2no object Direct one's mind toward someone or something; use one's mind actively to form connected ideas.


    he was thinking about Colin


    Jack thought for a moment


    with object any writer who so rarely produces a book is not thinking deep thoughts


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The adrenaline kept you going, made sure your mind was thinking quickly.
    • I just sat in my chair for a few moments, my mouth silent, my mind thinking.
    • They need to learn mental disciplines - to think, to count and to ask questions.
    • There are two people in this known universe who know what my conspiracy-laden mind is thinking.
    • He sat back for a moment, thinking, prodding with his mind towards any intention the man might have.
    • I took a moment to read what his mind is thinking, but he quickly guarded his thoughts.
    • He hadn't cast it a second thought for years but rediscovering the old treasure set his mind thinking.
    • Here we find him as a mind thinking deeply on problems Pakistanis are faced with.
    • Creative minds think at the speed of lightning but the fingers move as any average digits would!
    • Frequently, the best solutions are arrived at by thinking outside the standard approach.
    • With this in mind, let us think for a moment about the surface of a sphere.
    • Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams.
    • Such is the methodology of the mind… it thinks not of perils when enticed by joy.
    • I thought always of death, and therefore I had only one sorrow: the certainty of having to die.
    • The more you understand why something has turned out the way it has, the more you can empathise and think with an open mind.
    • My mind thinks like a person who's born in 65 and lived in the 70s and 80s.
    • In my mind I was thinking ahead all the time whereas I should have been taking advantage of the situation that I was in at the time.
    • At a time when scripts are written with ‘stars’ in mind, Bhadran thinks differently.
    • If you have too much time on your hands to think, eventually your mind will create problems.
    • Natural selection did not design our minds to think directly about how best to pass on our genes.
    ponder, reflect, deliberate, meditate, contemplate, muse, cogitate, ruminate, be lost in thought, be in a brown study, brood
    1. 2.1 Have a particular mental attitude or approach.
      he thought like a general


      with complement one should always think positive


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You torture yourself endlessly by thinking negatively and imagining the worst today.
      • You imagine the worst by thinking negatively without good reason.
      • I don't think this is what people think here, and it will be suicidal in - in the mind of anyone who thinks rightly.
      • And we have to have an educational approach, which thinks in these kinds of terms.
      • If you are minded to think small, then the association would love to welcome you.
      • You tend to imagine the worst by thinking negatively and torturing yourself endlessly today!
      • It might even be more uncomfortable to see the world through the mind of someone who thinks exactly like you do.
    2. 2.2think of/about Take into account or consideration when deciding on a possible action.
      you can live how you like, but there's the children to think about


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We need to think of possible legal complications in all sorts of routine situations.
      • The tendency is to take what he wants, and act as he wants without thinking of the possible effect on others.
      • Make sure you have thought of the possible gains and losses if you took the leap.
      • Critics would also hope she seriously thinks about the wounds she will be reopening - and calls the play off.
      • Nature, of course, thinks of everything and it seems that a nudibranch getting its own sperm or eggs is impossible.
      • I know most of you are great people but please think of others when you light up your next cigarette.
    3. 2.3 Call something to mind; remember.
      lemon thyme is a natural pair with any chicken dish you can think of


      with infinitive I hadn't thought to warn Rachel about him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But for me, these remembrances are the best way I can think of to give you a sense of an age long gone.
      • The only thing we can think of is that they want to break the pattern [of agreements] in the industry.
      • The only acceptable reason I can think of is to bring attention to the fact that it was a life-long condition.
      • I can think of worse things to be called than a journalist, but not many.
      • If you can think of an animal, the likelihood is it would be made into a rug somewhere in the house, with its head mounted on the walls.
      • I can think of no better example of perfect symbiosis of image and music.
      • We have to come together as a team and try and think of the best possible way to find Jack.
      • He had done it since he was a kid, and had done it every way possible a human could think of.
      • Maybe I am of gifted intelligence and can think of more than one number at once.
      • I can think of some cases where a marina actually adds to the beauty and charm of a place.
      • High school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of.
      • It is possible to think of a number of ways in which reciprocity might sustain medical altruism.
      • My first sales call was to the biggest possible customer I could think of.
      • These types of Virus writers will use just about any occasion they can think of to act on computer users.
      • I can think of about half a dozen malcontents who would love a contest.
      • I can think of two federal ministers whose basic approach to women journalists is to flirt.
      • Whatever you can think of in the world of news and specialist information, they're in it in a big way.
      • Two years later she can think of no reason why anyone would do it - and neither can experienced detectives.
      • I can think of quite a lot of those in high places who, if they were to receive a good dose of Britishness, it would do them a power of good.
      • But today Matthew is the only person I can think of like that in that age range.
      recall, remember, recollect, call to mind, bring to mind, think back to, review
    4. 2.4think of/about Consider the possibility or advantages of (a course of action)
      he was thinking of becoming a zoologist


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She thinks of running away but realizes that it would be useless to try.
      • The interior minister certainly wasn't thinking of creating a data graveyard.
      • If you are thinking about setting up a course then you should think through these issues.
      • Opinion: anyone who thinks of trying to track down these boys and commit some sort of revenge act against them is as low as any other perpetrator of violence.
      • If you are thinking of gifting them, consider shelling out around a lakh of rupees or more.
      • Recently, I've been thinking of doing a course with the Open University - which is probably a good thing to do.
      • I was thinking of going light with some goodies, music and some games and paper to write and draw with.
      • Mr Lee said that reports suggested the Chancellor was thinking of a 6p rise on beer in the Budget.
      • This is an expense you might not have considered when thinking about moving to the seaside.
      • I'm thinking of creating a place here with links and reviews of site for kids.
      • Now I am about to start a clinical doctorate I am thinking of doing an art course.
      • Any television producer thinking of developing the idea should first of all contact the author of the above, who will not be hard to deal with.
      • I asked if she ever considered the danger or thought of fleeing the aftershocks and the tumbling buildings.
      • He said it will be of benefit to all clients thinking of developing R&D projects.
      consider, contemplate, give thought to, entertain the idea of, deliberate about, weigh up, turn over in one's mind, mull over, chew over, reflect on, ruminate about, muse on
    5. 2.5 Imagine (an actual or possible situation)
      think of being paid a salary to hunt big game!


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Of course not and just think of the massive amount of money we would gain and how much red tape we would lose.
      imagine, picture, visualize, envisage, envision
    6. 2.6usually with clause Expect.
      I never thought we'd raise so much money


      with infinitive she said something he'd never thought to have heard said again


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is no reason to think that the situation will be different for members of Parliament.
      • What makes people think the situation will be any different in cannabis is legalised?
      • I'd love it if we were able to catch Austria in our last game but I don't think that will be possible.
      • Not that I doubted I was capable of it, but I didn't think the situation would ever arise.
    7. 2.7think oneself into Concentrate on imagining what it would be like to be in (a position or role)
      she tried to think herself into the part of Peter's fiancée


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They were trying to imagine what it would have been like, thinking themselves into that instant: standing on a beach, hearing the roar, running for their lives.
      • I would think myself into the character and then see the world totally through their eyes.
      • But it was another extreme example of him thinking himself into the part.
      • The ‘orthodox’ historians, he continues, ‘make no attempt to think themselves into the minds of their subjects,’ instead attributing to them views on race that did not emerge until the twentieth century.
      • ‘I had so much fun thinking myself into Bessy's head and her sayings like: ‘I couldn't care the core of a cabbage.’
      • On top of that we had to think ourselves into how the character feels.
      • This weekend, I just went out there to race and not think myself into a problem.
      • You are thinking yourself into new kitchen mode when all you were after was a cut-price polo neck.
      • Astor put the receiver down and started to think himself into tycoon mode.
      • Sometimes, intelligent people can think themselves into trouble.
      • I've got no problem with anyone thinking themselves into an early grave.
      • Novelists have been keen to think themselves into the position of the victims (though because they relish the danger and are spared the death, the morality of the effort remains questionable).
      • We have to try and think ourselves into a state of mind now that there is one, rather than all the time saying I do not want one.
      • One way to tackle these sorts of questions is modern social theory; another is to try to think oneself into a prehistoric frame of mind.
      • These historians make no attempt to think themselves into the minds of their subjects.
      • I am trying to think myself into a really rather complicated argument, and still at the stage where you take the old machine apart, and the whole workshop is a mess of bits and scruff.
      • Then again, maybe I'm just thinking too much about the entire thing and succeeding only in thinking myself into knots.
      • In that time he had to think himself into the mind of Luke Mitchell.
      • Unlike Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors (a spiritually similar film) who was called upon to play essentially the same character twice, here Mitchell has to think herself into two spaces completely.
      • This is the nature of empathy, to think oneself into the minds of others.
  • An act of thinking.


    I went for a walk to have a think


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Anyway, we had a think in the office but were stumped for specific local Melbourne myths.
    • So, at the moment the email is sitting in my inbox with an action flag beside it while I have a think.
    • Sit on the bed a few minutes to have a think.
    • When I stopped coughing and spluttering, we sat down, had a think and decided to let her have one.
    • So I had a little think and a bit of a search to check and came up with this list.
    • Have a think and post me a reply, who would society be better off without?
    • She was very upset but she very quickly stopped crying and had a think.
    • On the way there, looking at Raymond with his sticky eyes and swelling cut, I had a bit of a think.
    • Just before settling in for the night Leo decided to go outside and have a think and a cigarette.
    ponder, muse, period of contemplation, period of deliberation, period of reflection, spell of contemplation, spell of deliberation, spell of reflection


  • have (got) another think coming

    • informal Used to express the speaker's disagreement with or unwillingness to do something suggested by someone else.


      if they think I'm going to do physical exercises, they've got another think coming


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If we think - despite what I've said about us being better than last year - if we think even for a moment that we are good enough with the present squad to win the championship next season, then we will have another think coming.
      • Any woman still thinking that men are like buses and there'll be another one along in a minute has another think coming.
      • Those who may think so have another think coming.
      • But if someone thinks we are going to be driven away they have another think coming.
      • London will have taken some heart from our recent results but if they think they can turn us over, they have another think coming.
      • That may satisfy some people suffering from Frankenfood fixation, but if they think proud British eco-warriors are going to be put off by the facts, they have another think coming…
      • Closest rival Microsoft has well-publicised problems of its own - and even if it overcomes these, the accelerating pretender has another think coming if it imagines that it has an easy shot at becoming world number one.
      • If they thought that they could get away with it, they have another think coming.
      • If you thought the ethnic game, which held in thrall several generations, had paled into insignificance in the wake of the popularity of spectacle sports such as cricket and football, you have another think coming.
      • If you think I want to model in discount catalogues for the rest of my life, you have another think coming.
  • think again

    • Reconsider something, typically so as to alter one's intentions or ideas.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is then that the public and the private intersect and people start thinking again about marriage.
      • If it does turn out that truth is stranger than your fiction, you must think again.
      • Those who claim Australia will never have to respond because the international community will never agree had better start thinking again or they will end up in the same category as security advisors who said the Berlin Wall was forever.
      • She said: ‘It might be that people have thought again about postal voting because of the uncertainty.’
      • If they thought that there would be a news blackout on their actions they must now think again.
      • But I really think, Howie, at this particular time and in the history of CBS News maybe I can be of some help to try to get everybody thinking again and not about what has just happened recently.
      • The charity had intended to give the book away in a raffle but when a London valuer advised them it was worth £1, 500 they thought again.
      • He laughs, he makes fun of himself, he says absurd things and then takes them back, and then thinks again and doesn't - he actually enjoys himself.
      • Politicians who have issued intemperate attacks on the apathy of the young must think again.
      • He put it away - and then thought again, brought it back and examined it some more.
      rethink, review, revise, re-examine, re-evaluate, reassess, reappraise, think better of, think over, take another look at, relook at, look at in a different light, have another think about
  • think better of

    • Decide not to do (something) after reconsideration.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I nearly asked what the crisis was about, but I thought better of it.
      • I was tempted to use the toilet brush instead but thought better of it.
      • You think better of the prank and decide to avoid certain detention.
      • I was going to repot the pepper seedlings, but having felt the temperature of the compost I thought better of it.
      • I was about to add that it wasn't professionalism but a lack of it that accounted for the club's problems, but then thought better of it.
      • Then, as if coming out of a reverie, he shook his head gently, thinking better of whatever was on his mind.
      • This turns out to be one of those jobs that you don't think better of until it's way too late.
      • Later, thinking better of how this would look, they put the documents back in the box, put gloves on, and staged photographs of themselves opening the box properly.
      • Initial thoughts were to go day tripping in Kent but I felt a little ropey this morning and thought better of it.
      • I contemplated asking the clerk to excuse James because it was only his second day of work experience, but thought better of it.
      have second thoughts about, think twice about, think again about, change one's mind about
  • think for oneself

    • Have an independent mind or attitude.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The central core of punk is all about being an individual and thinking for yourself.
      • Some people just cannot understand the whole concept of thinking for yourself.
      • Fortunately for me I'm lucky to have a child who thinks for himself, who is open to the idea that we don't have to follow the nearest crowd.
      • This relieves the candidate of having to think for himself - and also reduces the political risk that an independent or contrary position entails.
      • Help is fine when needed but we do not want these young minds not to think for themselves.
      • Like the best of teachers, Sontag stirs the imagination, ultimately encouraging readers to engage their minds and think for themselves.
      • In short, we must train students to think for themselves.
      • People who talk about education have forever been mouthing aphorisms about teaching students to think for themselves.
      • My pedagogical aim is to encourage students to think for themselves, to awaken their consciences.
      • It's the paradox of pedagogy: how to teach students to think for themselves.
  • think twice

    • Consider a course of action carefully before embarking on it.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I might have read these lines in any of hundreds of reports over the last decade or so, and the sad thing is that I wouldn't have thought twice about it.
      • ‘I don't know how people don't know what's right and what's wrong,’ he says, giving no suggestion that he thought twice about going to war.
      • Of course, once I thought twice about holiday math, I realized that 16.7 percent of all days occur during November and December.
      • Another study, by the Canadian Cancer Society, found 58% of smokers who saw photographic warnings on packets thought twice about the health costs of smoking.
      • In my pocket, I'm picking at one corner of the envelope, thinking twice about giving it to him, even thinking twice about taking the thing out of my pocket.
      • A few years ago in Atlanta, I wouldn't have thought twice about this scene.
      • And should parents think twice before enrolling their children on scuba courses?
      • One day, perhaps not too far away, recycling won't be thought twice about (it's already second nature in many European nations).
      • Last year, many swimmers thought twice about entering the surf.
      • I suspect a number of adults would have thought twice about doing what you did.
  • think out loud

    • Express one's thoughts as soon as they occur.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was thinking aloud, trying to work out what he thought about this medium he had never worked in before.
      • It was just a daft thought, I was thinking aloud.
      • The general has thought aloud about his ‘alternative dream’ and gone ahead with the construction of Gwadar deep-sea port.
      • ‘They'll probably be chasing us as soon as they can start their cars,’ she thought aloud.
      • Sterling, speaking to a crowd at the Microsoft Campus, thought aloud about the problem.
      • I'm thinking aloud a bit here, but the party machine doesn't seem to have quite the same grip in a ward system.
      • I'm just thinking aloud really, trying to sort some things out for myself.
      • He thinks aloud: ‘I should try a contemporary one.’
      • ‘Well, we have a couple of guys who worked for the Army during the war, developing plastics,’ he says, thinking aloud.
      • ‘The more I sit here,’ I said, thinking aloud, ‘the more I am surprised how many small creatures there are living in the garden, and around it.’

Phrasal Verbs

  • think back

    • Recall a past event or time.


      I keep thinking back to school


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As I was throwing my last bag into our car, I started thinking back on this past year.
      • When rugby fans think back on past Lions tours, there is invariably one moment that sticks in the mind.
      • Just think back to this past summer and the drama surrounding Taylor's decision to step down.
      • Kelly thought back now on the events that had set them all on this catastrophic course.
      • I put the blade back in my pocket to as I thought back into the past.
      • Yet, if you think back over the past decade or so the range and frequency of scandals is astonishing.
      • When these natives actually do settle down, they may find themselves continually thinking back on their many past affairs.
      • Barden thinks back through the past few years and it is easy to spot the games they should have won and the opportunities missed.
      • He shook his head with slight pain as he thought back to the previous events.
      • I think back to the past and recall that it is the table at which we used to discuss politics or at which I wrote my first book.
  • think on

    • Think of or about.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He had been bored so he thought on going to visit Carla and Kaze for the weekend.
      • They both thought on it for several more hours, but neither of them said anything about it.
      • As boys came into her mind for a change, she thought on the dark-eyed guy that had been at the stables.
      • Your point should be a revelation to those who would think on what you have said.
      • If you ever consider going into business for yourself, think on this.
      • She thought on this for a moment and looked back up at him with a shy smile.
      • He shook his head, and poured himself another drink, and thought on her last words.
      • She thought on that for a minute, but the answer had been clear the minute John had asked the question.
      • Her annoyance began to grow, and the more she thought on it, the worse it became.
      • She thought on each and every one of these during the ride home, not speaking a word the entire way.
      consider, contemplate, give thought to, entertain the idea of, deliberate about, weigh up, turn over in one's mind, mull over, chew over, reflect on, ruminate about, muse on
  • think something out (or through)

    • Consider something in all its aspects before taking action.


      the plan had not been properly thought out


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If we'd thought it out, we probably wouldn't have done it this way.
      • I think the people who say such things haven't quite thought the point out.
      • I just wonder if anyone thinks their purchases out so clearly, with such an eye on the origins of the product.
      • We thought things out together, slowly at first.
      • Every aspect of the house has been thought out in great detail, but for Eleanor the most appealing benefits are the views.
      • Well, um… okay, we maybe haven't thought this part out too far ahead.
      • There were some last-minute additions to the program, but they weren't thought out properly.
      • Many suggestions were thought out and considered as hours flew by with still no real progress.
      • And after I thought it out, it seemed to me that this was the best alternative for me.
      • It is not a plan whose consequences have been thought out.
  • think something over

    • Consider something carefully.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I had a place lined up, I thought it over, I mused, I pondered, I decided to go with it.
      • Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that this guard did in fact stop to think things over carefully.
      • ‘At the end of the season, I will think things over carefully and decide whether I should ever bowl again,’ he added.
      • Carefully, she thought the words over in her head.
      • So the frog thinks it over for a minute and decides to accept the offer.
      • He thought the problem over carefully, then nodded.
      • Kyle thought the matter over, pondering what the possible ramifications could be, hoping to summon some memory buried in his mind by his father.
      • He listened to those stories and at night he thought them over in his mind.
      • Winthrop thought my question over carefully as he mashed the pills up with a paperweight and drenched the mess with applesauce so he could eat it with the spoon attachment on his Swiss Army knife.
      • I studied the sweet counter intently, selecting a range of my favourite goodies, counting up the pennies, thinking it over carefully.
      consider, contemplate, deliberate about, weigh up, consider the pros and cons of, mull over, ponder, reflect on, muse on, ruminate on
  • think something up

    • Use one's ingenuity to invent or devise something.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'll be glad to credit you in the acknowledgments with having thought it up, and send you an autographed copy saying the same…
      • It's such a weird contrivance, I keep wondering who thought it up.
      • Maybe I'll be the one who brings it before you because I have thought it up, dreamed of it.
      • A lot of credit must go to the people who have thought this event up and organised it, and people have responded with a very good turnout.
      • Whoever thought this idea up should have his head examined.
      • The guy who thought this excuse up was ultra creative, and as such, I had to share this one with you…
      • Whoever thinks these things up needs some help.
      • Woolrich, after all, thought this stuff up and wrote it down.
      • Whoever thought this crazy policy up should be seeking alternative employment.
      • If some money-blood-sucking movie sharks thought the thing up, it would be just that.
      devise, dream up, come up with, invent, create, concoct, contrive, improvise, make up
  • think something through

    • Consider all the possible effects or implications of something.


      they had failed to think the policy through


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That's why I like to think things through as completely as possible and then try and arrive at the right decision.
      • Some camp directors have thought this issue through quite clearly and have adopted a policy about the use of chemicals that has been translated into an environmental statement and risk management plan.
      • The most amusing part to me is how little they have obviously thought these claims through.
      • So make sure you've thought things through and that everyone's on the same page.
      • They don't think things through and consider the American players that may be involved.
      • As he put it, the thought of making money readily appealed to his then juvenile mind - he hadn't thought things through, nor had he regarded the long-term implications of his decision.
      • It's important to have a way to consider choices, think them through, and have a process by which to make well considered decisions.
      • Sonia hadn't really thought this part through.
      • It means thinking things through from grand effect to minute detail, and executing them with the savvy and sensitivity that taste and experience and effortless-seeming effort can possibly conjure up.
      • He really didn't think it through, he didn't consider the implications of his actions, he was sucked in by his own bravado and found he couldn't back out without looking stupid.


Old English thencan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German denken.





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