

单词 blanket

Definition of blanket in English:


nounPlural blankets ˈblaŋkɪtˈblæŋkət
  • 1A large piece of woollen or similar material used as a covering on a bed or elsewhere for warmth.


    I slept on the ground covered by my blanket
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The park was filled with strolling tourists, courting couples and a few people lying on blankets enjoying the warmth of the late sun.
    • Daniel sits on a sofa cushion, with a blanket thrown over his shoulders, eating a bowl of cereal.
    • There are plenty of woollen blankets and fluffy white towels.
    • Remove cushions and soft toys, and buy bedding made from synthetic fabric rather than using feather pillows and woollen blankets.
    • As I lay under the warmth of his blankets, tranquility seeped into my body.
    • Quickly she snuggled back into the warmth of the blankets.
    • I slowly rolled out of bed Monday morning, not wanting to leave the warmth of my blankets.
    • After cuddling in the cozy warmth of her blankets for several minutes, Abbey got out of bed and slipped her feet into her silk slippers.
    • I'm convalescing amidst the warmth of piled blankets and the hiss of the radiator.
    • Her teeth are chattering, and I run to get a blanket to throw over her.
    • It was the kind of warmth like pulling blankets out of the dryer and wrapping them around you in the middle of winter.
    • Try changing feather pillows, woollen blankets and woollen clothing to cotton or synthetic materials.
    • Shivering, Robyn wrapped herself up in the blanket for warmth.
    • She squirmed a bit until she was engulfed by the blankets - and the warmth that they brought with them.
    • The sheets on his bed were a dark red satin, with a fur blanket for warmth.
    • She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and threw off her down blanket.
    • Her whole body was suddenly covered in the warmth as if a blanket had just been pulled over her.
    • Not even a hand had snuck out from under the cozy warmth of the blankets.
    • She nodded snuggling deeper into the blankets and stealing their warmth.
    • Actually, there wasn't much to make, all she had to do was puff the pillow and throw the blanket over the bed.
    cover, covering, rug, afghan, quilt, eiderdown, duvet
    bedcover, bedspread, throw-over
    North American throw, spread
    South African kaross
    in Latin America serape
    archaic coverlet, counterpane
    1. 1.1 A thick covering mass or layer.
      a dense grey blanket of cloud


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We drove into a thick blanket of fog, and everything was lost.
      • At this time of year, plants are tucked up for the winter under a thick blanket of winter mulch.
      • The district woke up to a thick blanket of snow this morning as the country's cold entered its most bitter phase.
      • The thick blanket of depression stole around her, enticing her into the depths of a silent quagmire with it's sullen truths.
      • Of all the things I did not expect to be a factor in my morning commute, I woke to the thickest blanket of fog ever.
      • The low temperatures, combined with the thick blanket of dust surrounding the embryonic star, means the process of star creation cannot presently be measured.
      • She now realized why bandits would choose a place like this to hang out, for it quickly got dark inside the forest, under the thick blanket of leaves.
      • The sky outside was still wrapped in the thick blanket of nighttime.
      • By the time 5:00 pm came around the sun had gone completely, covered by a thick blanket of clouds.
      • The stars were hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds only revealed in brief patches.
      • A thick blanket of snow thwarted the efforts of search and rescue teams hunting for the missing woman yesterday.
      • The sky was gray, a blanket of clouds hanging in the sky, the beginnings of autumn chill in the barest puff of a breeze.
      • Showering and dressing, still in a dream, we looked with horror out of the window and saw a thick blanket of fog hiding the street.
      • This morning we awoke to a thick blanket of snow, and it's still coming down.
      • Unfortunately for all the fans, a thick blanket of fog rolled in making it impossible to see.
      • A thick blanket of snow coated the earth and the tall pines I was surrounded by were heavily laden with white powder.
      • The city is the first thing I see from my bedroom window when I roll up the blinds of a morning, except on those days when it is shrouded in a thick blanket of damp mist.
      • Outside, dim diffuse light indicated the presence of dawn, but everything was shrouded in a thick blanket of mist.
      • The sky was completely covered by a thick blanket of clouds.
      • The corridor is usually full of people puffing away and a thick blanket of smoke hangs in the air.
      covering, layer, cover, coat, coating, film, sheet, carpet, veneer, surface, skin, thickness, overlay, cloak, mantle, veil, pall, shroud, screen, mask, cloud, curtain
  • 2Printing
    A rubber surface used for transferring the image in ink from the plate to the paper in offset printing.


  • attributive Covering all cases or instances; total and inclusive.


    a blanket ban on tobacco advertising


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The traditional smoky Irish pub will be officially consigned to the past today as a blanket ban on smoking in the workplace comes into force.
    • The association chairman said only a complete blanket ban on smoking in pubs would work.
    • It was just a general, unspecific blanket condemnation of that sort of thing, you know, to keep up appearances.
    • What will the impact of a blanket ban be?
    • There is no general blanket rule, but being safe and taking those precautions are the most important things.
    • With this blanket ban on so many aspects of news coverage, you just don't know who to trust anymore.
    • My first step will be to remove the insect killer tubelight setup on each floor, and issue a blanket ban on all insect repellants.
    • Meanwhile, the European commission seems to have scotched the idea of local authorities imposing any sort of blanket ban.
    • The director of the civil rights group said blanket bans cause unacceptable breaches of innocent people's human rights.
    • Licensees say there is no support for a blanket ban that would devastate the city's £200m-a-year night time economy.
    • They want employers to introduce a blanket ban on internal e-mails and get staff walking around the office.
    • In the 1960s, most countries imposed blanket speed limits.
    • There are real fears that many coal merchants, dockers and hauliers will be seriously affected if the Government's blanket ban goes ahead.
    • However, this is entirely possible without a divisive blanket ban.
    • But a blanket ban serves only to prevent the public from knowing what really happened last week.
    • Local authorities will not have the right to issue blanket bans on gambling.
    • They are compiling a list of skating no-go areas around the parish - and a blanket ban on skateboarding in unsociable hours is also being put forward.
    • The effect of the memo on workers, particularly among less confident journalists, was a blanket ban on anyone who held anti-war views.
    • The health minister plans to include pubs in a blanket ban on smoking in the workplace.
    • The government decided to put a blanket ban on all foreign adoptions so no one outside can adopt a foreign child.
    wholesale, across the board, outright, indiscriminate, overall, general, mass, umbrella, inclusive, all-inclusive, all-round, sweeping, total, complete, comprehensive, thorough, extensive, wide-ranging, far-reaching, large-scale, widespread
    universal, global, worldwide, international, nationwide, countrywide, coast-to-coast, company-wide
verbblankets, blanketed, blanketingˈblaŋkɪtˈblæŋkət
[with object]
  • 1Cover completely with a thick layer of something.


    the countryside was blanketed in snow


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Upon reaching the ski area, the whole village was blanketed in pure white snow.
    • As a result, whole swathes of the park are blanketed in droppings.
    • The town was blanketed in thick black smoke after arsonists set fire to material in the long awaited new hospital extension.
    • What land wasn't covered with homes was blanketed in lush, never-ending meadows and fields.
    • When the forest floor is blanketed in snow, the birds use their powerful bills to dig out ant nests from tree trunks and tree bases.
    • The grass was blanketed in flowers and the air was heavy with fragrance.
    • And when winter comes, the open fields are blanketed in a layer of blinding, white snow.
    • He could only stand and watch as all three Genos were blanketed in heavy gun fire.
    • The stage is blanketed in darkness until a shadowy figure comes out with a glowing candle in one hand.
    • In the film, a town in Maine is blanketed in a thick soup of slow moving fog.
    • The only distinguishing feature was a silver doorknob, blanketed with a thick layer of dust.
    • Several inches had fallen since it began late the previous night, and the outside of the train station was blanketed in a layer of white.
    • With all its grandeur, the place was blanketed in an age-old sorrow.
    • The area was blanketed in an icy fog and the road was slushy from an early morning snowfall.
    • The sky was blanketed in dark gray clouds and a light snow fluttered to Earth.
    • The mountainside was blanketed in trees and shrubs, making it impossible to see through the thick vegetation.
    • A thick, dark layer of smoke is blanketing much of Los Angeles and still the cause of the fire is unknown.
    • He gave one pull, and the entire floor was blanketed in utter blackness.
    • A blinding coat of white blanketed the thick shrubbery that defined my garden.
    • The photo reveals a thick layer of dust blanketing the floor and wall of the summit crater atop the tall volcano.
    cover, coat, carpet, overlay, overlie, overspread, extend over, cap, top, crown
    conceal, obscure, blot out, hide, mask, cloud, cloak, veil, shroud, swathe, envelop, submerge, surround
    literary mantle, enshroud
    1. 1.1 Stifle or keep quiet (sound)
      the double glazing blankets the noise a bit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is not unusual to see the fish finder screen showing the hard echo of the wreck blanketed by fish both up and downtide of the wreck.
      • The hot, dry wind that continually blew off the Mongolian plains had blanketed any sound of their approach.
      muffle, deaden, soften, mute, silence, quieten, smother, dampen, damp down, tone down, mask, suppress, reduce, abate, kill
  • 2Sailing
    Take wind from the sails of (another craft) by passing to windward.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • That should blanket the spinnaker behind the mainsail so that there is very little pressure on it.
    • When you spike the tack shackle the pressure is completely released from the sail and the sail is blanketed behind the mainsail.


  • born on the wrong side of the blanket

    • dated Illegitimate.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Can you name three individuals born on the wrong side of the blanket who eventually came to wear crowns?
      • Well meaning professionals believed that adopted children would benefit by being shielded from the shame of being born on the wrong side of the blanket.
      • He may have been born on the wrong side of the blanket, but he's everything a proper lord should be.
      • He was born on the wrong side of the blanket, as they say.
      • It is a simple story of an unfortunate who had the misfortune to be born on the wrong side of the blanket.
      • The children born on the wrong side of the blanket came from twenty different mothers, nineteen of whom had one each, while one woman had five.
      • There is speculation that he was born on the wrong side of the blanket, as the illegitimate son of a local squire.
      • If she was perchance born on the wrong side of the blanket, then she cannot become an earl's wife.
      • This is the story of a man born on the wrong side of the blanket, a fugitive from the King's justice, and the finest swordsman in all of France.
      • But will today's audiences care about a bed-hopping rogue born on the wrong side of the blanket who eventually finds true love?
      born out of wedlock, born of unmarried parents


Middle English (denoting undyed woollen cloth): via Old Northern French from Old French blanc 'white', ultimately of Germanic origin.

Definition of blanket in US English:


  • 1A large piece of woolen or similar material used as a bed covering or other covering for warmth.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The sheets on his bed were a dark red satin, with a fur blanket for warmth.
    • The park was filled with strolling tourists, courting couples and a few people lying on blankets enjoying the warmth of the late sun.
    • There are plenty of woollen blankets and fluffy white towels.
    • Her whole body was suddenly covered in the warmth as if a blanket had just been pulled over her.
    • I slowly rolled out of bed Monday morning, not wanting to leave the warmth of my blankets.
    • Her teeth are chattering, and I run to get a blanket to throw over her.
    • I'm convalescing amidst the warmth of piled blankets and the hiss of the radiator.
    • She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and threw off her down blanket.
    • Actually, there wasn't much to make, all she had to do was puff the pillow and throw the blanket over the bed.
    • It was the kind of warmth like pulling blankets out of the dryer and wrapping them around you in the middle of winter.
    • As I lay under the warmth of his blankets, tranquility seeped into my body.
    • After cuddling in the cozy warmth of her blankets for several minutes, Abbey got out of bed and slipped her feet into her silk slippers.
    • Daniel sits on a sofa cushion, with a blanket thrown over his shoulders, eating a bowl of cereal.
    • Shivering, Robyn wrapped herself up in the blanket for warmth.
    • She nodded snuggling deeper into the blankets and stealing their warmth.
    • Quickly she snuggled back into the warmth of the blankets.
    • Not even a hand had snuck out from under the cozy warmth of the blankets.
    • Try changing feather pillows, woollen blankets and woollen clothing to cotton or synthetic materials.
    • She squirmed a bit until she was engulfed by the blankets - and the warmth that they brought with them.
    • Remove cushions and soft toys, and buy bedding made from synthetic fabric rather than using feather pillows and woollen blankets.
    cover, covering, rug, afghan, quilt, eiderdown, duvet
    1. 1.1 A thick mass or layer of a specified material that covers something completely.
      a dense gray blanket of cloud


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sky was completely covered by a thick blanket of clouds.
      • Unfortunately for all the fans, a thick blanket of fog rolled in making it impossible to see.
      • She now realized why bandits would choose a place like this to hang out, for it quickly got dark inside the forest, under the thick blanket of leaves.
      • The sky outside was still wrapped in the thick blanket of nighttime.
      • The district woke up to a thick blanket of snow this morning as the country's cold entered its most bitter phase.
      • The corridor is usually full of people puffing away and a thick blanket of smoke hangs in the air.
      • This morning we awoke to a thick blanket of snow, and it's still coming down.
      • The thick blanket of depression stole around her, enticing her into the depths of a silent quagmire with it's sullen truths.
      • A thick blanket of snow thwarted the efforts of search and rescue teams hunting for the missing woman yesterday.
      • We drove into a thick blanket of fog, and everything was lost.
      • Showering and dressing, still in a dream, we looked with horror out of the window and saw a thick blanket of fog hiding the street.
      • Of all the things I did not expect to be a factor in my morning commute, I woke to the thickest blanket of fog ever.
      • The stars were hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds only revealed in brief patches.
      • The city is the first thing I see from my bedroom window when I roll up the blinds of a morning, except on those days when it is shrouded in a thick blanket of damp mist.
      • A thick blanket of snow coated the earth and the tall pines I was surrounded by were heavily laden with white powder.
      • The low temperatures, combined with the thick blanket of dust surrounding the embryonic star, means the process of star creation cannot presently be measured.
      • The sky was gray, a blanket of clouds hanging in the sky, the beginnings of autumn chill in the barest puff of a breeze.
      • By the time 5:00 pm came around the sun had gone completely, covered by a thick blanket of clouds.
      • Outside, dim diffuse light indicated the presence of dawn, but everything was shrouded in a thick blanket of mist.
      • At this time of year, plants are tucked up for the winter under a thick blanket of winter mulch.
      covering, layer, cover, coat, coating, film, sheet, carpet, veneer, surface, skin, thickness, overlay, cloak, mantle, veil, pall, shroud, screen, mask, cloud, curtain
  • 2Printing
    A rubber surface used for transferring the image in ink from the plate to the paper in offset printing.


  • Covering all cases or instances; total and inclusive.


    a blanket ban on tobacco advertising


    Example sentencesExamples
    • My first step will be to remove the insect killer tubelight setup on each floor, and issue a blanket ban on all insect repellants.
    • They are compiling a list of skating no-go areas around the parish - and a blanket ban on skateboarding in unsociable hours is also being put forward.
    • But a blanket ban serves only to prevent the public from knowing what really happened last week.
    • It was just a general, unspecific blanket condemnation of that sort of thing, you know, to keep up appearances.
    • What will the impact of a blanket ban be?
    • With this blanket ban on so many aspects of news coverage, you just don't know who to trust anymore.
    • They want employers to introduce a blanket ban on internal e-mails and get staff walking around the office.
    • The government decided to put a blanket ban on all foreign adoptions so no one outside can adopt a foreign child.
    • The traditional smoky Irish pub will be officially consigned to the past today as a blanket ban on smoking in the workplace comes into force.
    • Local authorities will not have the right to issue blanket bans on gambling.
    • There is no general blanket rule, but being safe and taking those precautions are the most important things.
    • Meanwhile, the European commission seems to have scotched the idea of local authorities imposing any sort of blanket ban.
    • There are real fears that many coal merchants, dockers and hauliers will be seriously affected if the Government's blanket ban goes ahead.
    • The association chairman said only a complete blanket ban on smoking in pubs would work.
    • The effect of the memo on workers, particularly among less confident journalists, was a blanket ban on anyone who held anti-war views.
    • However, this is entirely possible without a divisive blanket ban.
    • The health minister plans to include pubs in a blanket ban on smoking in the workplace.
    • Licensees say there is no support for a blanket ban that would devastate the city's £200m-a-year night time economy.
    • In the 1960s, most countries imposed blanket speed limits.
    • The director of the civil rights group said blanket bans cause unacceptable breaches of innocent people's human rights.
    wholesale, across the board, outright, indiscriminate, overall, general, mass, umbrella, inclusive, all-inclusive, all-round, sweeping, total, complete, comprehensive, thorough, extensive, wide-ranging, far-reaching, large-scale, widespread
[with object]
  • 1Cover completely with a thick layer of something.


    the countryside was blanketed in snow


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The area was blanketed in an icy fog and the road was slushy from an early morning snowfall.
    • With all its grandeur, the place was blanketed in an age-old sorrow.
    • When the forest floor is blanketed in snow, the birds use their powerful bills to dig out ant nests from tree trunks and tree bases.
    • He could only stand and watch as all three Genos were blanketed in heavy gun fire.
    • Several inches had fallen since it began late the previous night, and the outside of the train station was blanketed in a layer of white.
    • And when winter comes, the open fields are blanketed in a layer of blinding, white snow.
    • The stage is blanketed in darkness until a shadowy figure comes out with a glowing candle in one hand.
    • The sky was blanketed in dark gray clouds and a light snow fluttered to Earth.
    • A thick, dark layer of smoke is blanketing much of Los Angeles and still the cause of the fire is unknown.
    • Upon reaching the ski area, the whole village was blanketed in pure white snow.
    • He gave one pull, and the entire floor was blanketed in utter blackness.
    • The only distinguishing feature was a silver doorknob, blanketed with a thick layer of dust.
    • The photo reveals a thick layer of dust blanketing the floor and wall of the summit crater atop the tall volcano.
    • As a result, whole swathes of the park are blanketed in droppings.
    • A blinding coat of white blanketed the thick shrubbery that defined my garden.
    • What land wasn't covered with homes was blanketed in lush, never-ending meadows and fields.
    • The grass was blanketed in flowers and the air was heavy with fragrance.
    • The town was blanketed in thick black smoke after arsonists set fire to material in the long awaited new hospital extension.
    • In the film, a town in Maine is blanketed in a thick soup of slow moving fog.
    • The mountainside was blanketed in trees and shrubs, making it impossible to see through the thick vegetation.
    cover, coat, carpet, overlay, overlie, overspread, extend over, cap, top, crown
    1. 1.1 Stifle or keep quiet (sound)
      the double glazing blankets the noise a bit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The hot, dry wind that continually blew off the Mongolian plains had blanketed any sound of their approach.
      • It is not unusual to see the fish finder screen showing the hard echo of the wreck blanketed by fish both up and downtide of the wreck.
      muffle, deaden, soften, mute, silence, quieten, smother, dampen, damp down, tone down, mask, suppress, reduce, abate, kill
    2. 1.2Sailing Take wind from the sails of (another craft) by passing to windward.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • That should blanket the spinnaker behind the mainsail so that there is very little pressure on it.
      • When you spike the tack shackle the pressure is completely released from the sail and the sail is blanketed behind the mainsail.


  • born on the wrong side of the blanket

    • dated Born of parents not lawfully married to each other.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • The children born on the wrong side of the blanket came from twenty different mothers, nineteen of whom had one each, while one woman had five.
      • If she was perchance born on the wrong side of the blanket, then she cannot become an earl's wife.
      • He may have been born on the wrong side of the blanket, but he's everything a proper lord should be.
      • There is speculation that he was born on the wrong side of the blanket, as the illegitimate son of a local squire.
      • But will today's audiences care about a bed-hopping rogue born on the wrong side of the blanket who eventually finds true love?
      • It is a simple story of an unfortunate who had the misfortune to be born on the wrong side of the blanket.
      • Well meaning professionals believed that adopted children would benefit by being shielded from the shame of being born on the wrong side of the blanket.
      • He was born on the wrong side of the blanket, as they say.
      • This is the story of a man born on the wrong side of the blanket, a fugitive from the King's justice, and the finest swordsman in all of France.
      • Can you name three individuals born on the wrong side of the blanket who eventually came to wear crowns?
      born out of wedlock, born of unmarried parents


Middle English (denoting undyed woolen cloth): via Old Northern French from Old French blanc ‘white’, ultimately of Germanic origin.





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更新时间:2024/10/19 13:26:52