The leader of the wildlife team said a rise in lethal fights and roadkills point to a population nearing saturation and looking for places to go.
The majority of roadkills in the mating season are of males seeking females.
Over the years we have added scientific investigations on wildlife road kill, tree growth and a study of American chestnut seedling survival.
As I have stated previously, the proposed upgrade along a major koala corridor will result in numerous road kills.
The road itself would lead to increased road kills and further splinter an ecosystem where state officials have already bought more than $100 million worth of land to reduce habitat fragmentation.
The group of concerned citizens worked closely with the Florida Department of Transportation to alleviate the massive roadkills along U.S.441.
In the Adirondack mountains of New York, an attempt to reintroduce lynxes failed, with 18 of 37 mortalities attributed to road kills.
Starvation, poaching (for the fur) and road kills are the Iberian lynx’ leading cause of death.
1.1mass nounAnimals killed on the road by vehicles.
they plan to feed the wolves roadkill for several weeks
Example sentencesExamples
They make do with pine-needle tea, roots, bugs burrowed under bark, and if they're lucky, roadkill.
Driving on two-lane roads at night, headlights rarely flash the eyes of any animals, and there is virtually no road kill, a rough indicator of wildlife populations.
A steady supply of carcasses to feed the condors is still being worked out, so in the meanwhile road kill and the occasional dead horse or steer donated from a neighboring ranch will have to do.
Taking road kill is illegal without a permit in Canada.
As it is, it appears odd, like unrecognisable roadkill.
It comes alive briefly, very briefly, when its unappealing heroes, who are reluctantly forced to work for the dole, are assigned to clean up road kill, with predictable results.
Similarly, the best locations and characteristics for highway over- and under-passes to reduce road kill have been determined largely through behavioral studies of wildlife.
It would be a shame if the British cat ended up as road kill.