

单词 rugged

Definition of rugged in English:


adjective ˈrʌɡɪdˈrəɡəd
  • 1(of ground or terrain) having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface.


    a rugged coastline


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They undertook the three-day and four-night challenge last week, amongst the rugged terrain of the Isle of Wight.
    • Moreover, experienced contractors working in rugged terrain will carefully choose the worst ground for the day shift, reserving the better-going for night.
    • Firefighters there said visibility was less than 100 metres, hampering efforts to locate fires in the region's heavily forested and rugged terrain.
    • Given the rugged terrain, walking is the best, and often the only, way to reach isolated settlements and experience the real soul of this little-explored land.
    • By the end of the first day we had crossed the great Salar and had reached the more rugged terrain beyond.
    • Late that day one of the search crews spotted Doug's body in such rugged terrain they were unable to get to it before dark.
    • If you've been to Afghanistan or Pakistan, you will see that the terrain is tremendously rugged.
    • As well as isolation, problems included often rugged terrain, the prohibitive cost of transport, cattle ticks and poison plants.
    • North and west of the chalkland is the hill and vale country that separates the lowlands of southern England from the more rugged terrain of the west.
    • They offer a self-guided Round The Island Walk, which traverses rugged terrain taking in volcanic landscapes, mountains and even a rare cloud forest.
    • Rescuers had to struggle on foot through more than a mile of rugged terrain before helping the passengers.
    • You can picture the rugged terrain of rocky beaches and stony slopes with ancient smouldering volcanoes standing guard over antique vines.
    • The triathlon course is of Olympic distance and is spread over a challenging, picturesque and rugged terrain.
    • They took part in a nine-day trek, covering 50 miles of rugged terrain and taking in some breathtaking scenery.
    • This trip has it all - breathtaking views on many different summits, cave adventures, and rocky and rugged terrain.
    • He said the plane had crashed on a steep rocky outcrop, and dense bush and rugged terrain was hampering efforts by police and crash investigators to reach the site.
    • Due to Canada's rugged terrain and a severe climate a good part of the remainder of the country is inhabited by only a few small communities, scattered across the vast landscape.
    • They are conducting around-the-clock operations in this very rugged terrain.
    • The rugged terrain and long distances (up to six hours in the saddle each day) make this trip best for those with riding experience.
    • He explored its rugged terrain and observed all aspects of island life, sketching and painting local people at their daily toil.
    rough, uneven, bumpy, rocky, stony, irregular, pitted, broken up, jagged, craggy, precipitous
    1. 1.1 (of a man) having attractively strong, rough-hewn features.
      he was known for his rugged good looks


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He's a rugged man and will show people with his powerful biceps.
      • She searched his rugged features for any clue that he might be patronizing her, but all she saw was genuine interest.
      • Aside from his big baritone and wide range of singing styles, he's a rugged guy who loves the great outdoors.
      • We reached the monastery by mid-morning, and the same rugged fellow who had been good enough to carry my little pack knocked heavily on the door.
      • The only difference was that Tristan's looks were more rugged, and rougher around the edges, something, apparently, that drove the girls crazy.
      • Now that she could see his face, she discovered he was vaguely handsome, in a rugged, battered kind of way.
      • He shook his head and a look of sorrow twisted his rugged features.
      • His clothes were trendy, and his rugged features were really incredibly attractive.
      • His rugged features were creased with concern.
      • He had tough, rugged features and didn't get too fat until he was in his 60s.
      • His face was intelligent, handsome, rugged and determined without a trace of evil in it; it commanded respect, trust and even love.
      • Successive tight close-ups of the star's rugged features reveal expressions that are less tensely pensive than muddled and confused.
      • He had brown straight hair and rugged features.
      • Directors often talk about rough and rugged Kiwi and Aussie actors.
      • She is declared the winner, but the rugged man next to her was a close second.
      • George's face is described for the reader in elegant detail: it is rugged and hard, but in the shadows, tender.
      • He wasn't conventionally rugged, or square shouldered, or full of muscles.
      • He was rugged, but his muscles didn't get out of control and he stood six-feet-four-inches from the ground and dwarfed most men that he came across.
      • As a young man he set out to be one of the rugged men of action whose courage and daring his novels celebrate.
      • Michael poured some coffee as Marietta came in with the youngest children, he looked over at them and she immediately noticed the fatigue lines on his rugged face.
      well built, burly, strong, big and strong, muscular, muscly, brawny, strapping, chunky, husky, broad-shouldered, powerfully built, muscle-bound
      tough, hardy, robust, sturdy, vigorous, hale and hearty, lusty, solid, mighty
      informal hunky, beefy, hulking, ripped, shredded
      North American informal buff
      dated stalwart
      literary thewy, stark
      strong, craggy, rough-hewn, rough-textured, manly, masculine
      weather-beaten, weathered
  • 2(of clothing, equipment, etc.) strongly made and capable of withstanding rough handling.


    the binoculars are compact, lightweight, and rugged


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It needs to be rugged enough to withstand travel and fashionable enough to be able to bring into a business meeting.
    • Interspersed with glamour shots of the vehicle, the host emphasizes the rugged effectiveness of the automobile with its absolute comfort and luxury.
    • These days, many buyers who need passenger space have opted for the more rugged sport-utility vehicles over the tame minivans.
    • A country with bad roads does not require ceramic engines; it needs vehicles with rugged axles and shocks.
    • Unusually rugged, these batteries will last for 18 hours or 38 miles.
    • Uninitiated onlookers could be forgiven for thinking that maybe the wearer had crawled or climbed over a barbed wire fence that took its toll upon the rugged garment.
    • He wears a sort of rugged, brown, leather motorcycle jacket and motorcycle boots.
    • It had to be rugged, since the handhelds all needed to withstand heavy daily use and the occasional tumble to a concrete floor.
    • It is a privately held company, specializing in rugged battlefield imaging systems.
    • Only few materials that can compare the pure comfort and rugged wearability of this material, so it's no wonder that sheep skin is such a popular choice in slipper design.
    • These fences are fairly rugged and can withstand a variety of weather conditions, but they require periodic maintenance.
    • The B-Series provides a rugged vehicle that can carry five adults as well as a wide variety of cargo.
    • There are details of how they used rugged materials such as glass, concrete and steel alongside velvet, suede and leather.
    • They are the best, most rugged, and highest performing lights made.
    • In fact, this is a pretty rugged piece of machinery to withstand this 200-mile an hour impact out there in Utah.
    • This rugged, secluded house was designed to withstand the elements with style but little maintenance.
    • The husky sport-utility vehicle looks rugged enough to go just about anywhere.
    • There's a little wrinkle in the sport utility vehicle's image as a rugged ride.
    • In the stiffly rugged heaviness of the shoes there is the accumulated tenacity of the slow trudge through the far-spreading and ever-uniform furrows of the field swept by a raw wind.
    • At this time, the company is only targeting businesses with its rugged handheld product, but consumers may well have their chance if the idea takes off.
    durable, robust, sturdy, strong, strongly made, hard-wearing, built to last, tough, resilient
    1. 2.1 Having or requiring toughness and determination.
      a week of rugged, demanding adventure at an outdoor training centre


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And although the rugby was not classic it was rugged and determined in an entertaining end to end game.
      • He was a craggy, bearded bear of a man in a black Stetson, who seemed to embody the rugged individualism of the pioneer.
      • He is a rugged individualist, who loves his kin but hates even more passionately.
      • Young clerks and farmers believed the romantic dream of the self-made man and refashioned themselves as rugged individualists armed and equipped for a fresh start in the frontier west.
      • Secondary roads can be rugged and can tear up vehicles.
      • No other group so fully embodies the American spirit of bravery and rugged individualism.
      • And, as every new parent finds out, the first few days can be pretty rugged.
      • And behind the sparkle lies the rugged determination that has made her what she is today.
      • We like to think of ourselves as a nation of rugged individualists.
      • In the novel, Henry's rugged individualism and disdain for society are stylizations of his father's misanthropy.
      • They developed as rugged individualists who were honest and shrewd, knew no grades of society and had dignity.
      • Alaskans see themselves as rugged individualists living in the last frontier.
      • The months roll by, hardening Lian's rugged, and already fiercely independent spirit.
      • ‘We can conduct training in a safe location close to the shore inside the bay, or we can tackle more rugged waters outside the bay,’ he said.
      • Even that ultimate symbol of rugged individualism, the cowboy, is an endangered species.
      • Sure you can go for a rugged hike, but strenuous activity isn't required for getting the benefits of exercise.
      • Western images serve as shorthand images of patriotism, democracy, rugged individualism, and a host of other virtues.
      • Americans, by contrast, tend to view themselves as rugged individualists.
      • This, he felt, helped foster the importance placed on rugged individualism and independence that still imbues many discussions of southern values.
      • Most of the early settlers were young men who were adventurous, rugged, and ambitious.
      austere, tough, harsh, spartan, exacting, taxing, demanding, difficult, hard, arduous, rigorous, strenuous, onerous
      uncompromising, unwavering, unflinching, firm, tenacious, determined, resolute


  • ruggedly

  • adverb ˈrʌɡɪdliˈrəɡədli
    • She took her usual visual inventory of him, noticing his big rough hands and ruggedly handsome features but did not get past his eyes which held her own until she looked away.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Its setting on the central Californian coast remains idyllic; the town is enfolded by forested hills and looks out on a ruggedly beautiful bay in which blue, gray and killer whales are often seen.
      • The family lived in a sprawling estate with outbuildings then let out as guest accommodation, set in ruggedly beautiful Scottish countryside, about 70 miles from Glasgow.
      • We are in the middle of the Mediterranean's most ruggedly beautiful island, chugging our way through and around its central spine of mean, meaty mountains toward the north coast.
      • He was superbly physically fit, ruggedly handsome, universally popular, dedicated to his job, honest, loyal and I was privileged to be but one of his many friends.
  • ruggedness

  • noun ˈrʌɡɪdnəsˈrəɡədnəs
    • The tiny drive has two key attributes that make it useful to its target market: low power usage and ruggedness.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Due to its cliffs and ruggedness, it is very hard for visitors to climb Sanqing Mountain on foot, but the most eye-catching scenery only can be appreciated from on top of the mountain.
      • What the injuries reflect is the ruggedness of the terrain.
      • The remoteness and ruggedness of the landscape give it a special character.
      • The strength and ruggedness of the chains provide excellent performance in mud, snow and on ice.


Middle English (in the sense 'shaggy', also (of a horse) 'rough-coated'): probably of Scandinavian origin; compare with Swedish rugga 'roughen', also with rug.

  • red from Old English:

    An Old English word which shares an ancient root with Latin rufus, Greek eruthros, and Sanskrit rudhira ‘red’. The colour red has traditionally been associated with radical political views, and from the 19th century particularly Communists. During the Cold War, when Americans feared reds under the bed or Communist sympathizers, the expression better dead than red was used to mean that the prospect of nuclear annihilation was preferable to that of a Communist society. The slogan was reversed by nuclear disarmament campaigners of the late 1950s as ‘better red than dead’. Something involving savage or merciless competition might be described as red in tooth and claw. The phrase came from Lord Tennyson's poem ‘In Memoriam’ (1854): ‘Nature, red in tooth and claw’. In Church calendars a saint's day or Church festival was distinguished by being written in red letters. This gives us a red letter day (early 18th century) for a pleasantly memorable, fortunate, or happy day. A less cheering use of red ink was customarily made to enter debit items and balances in accounts —which gives us in the red (early 20th century) to mean in debt or overdrawn.

    The colour red is supposed to provoke a bull, and is the colour of the cape used by matadors in bullfighting. From this we say that something will be like a red rag to a bull (late 19th century). A red herring is something, especially a clue, which misleads or distracts you. Red herrings have been around since the 15th century and got their colour from being heavily smoked to preserve them. The pungent scent was formerly used to lay a trail when training hounds to follow a scent. The red light district of a town is one with a lot of businesses concerned with sex. The phrase is from the red light traditionally used as the sign of a brothel. See also paint. People have been complaining about red tape, or excessive bureaucracy, since the 1730s. Real red or pinkish-red tape is used to bind together legal and official documents. Americans sometimes talk of not having a red cent to their name. Red got attached to the cent in the mid 19th century and refers to the colour of the copper used to make the one cent coin. Ruddy is from Old English rud, a variant form of ‘red’. The word's use as a euphemism for bloody dates from the early 20th century.

Definition of rugged in US English:


  • 1(of ground or terrain) having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface.


    a rugged coastline


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Moreover, experienced contractors working in rugged terrain will carefully choose the worst ground for the day shift, reserving the better-going for night.
    • Firefighters there said visibility was less than 100 metres, hampering efforts to locate fires in the region's heavily forested and rugged terrain.
    • This trip has it all - breathtaking views on many different summits, cave adventures, and rocky and rugged terrain.
    • North and west of the chalkland is the hill and vale country that separates the lowlands of southern England from the more rugged terrain of the west.
    • He explored its rugged terrain and observed all aspects of island life, sketching and painting local people at their daily toil.
    • By the end of the first day we had crossed the great Salar and had reached the more rugged terrain beyond.
    • The rugged terrain and long distances (up to six hours in the saddle each day) make this trip best for those with riding experience.
    • Late that day one of the search crews spotted Doug's body in such rugged terrain they were unable to get to it before dark.
    • Due to Canada's rugged terrain and a severe climate a good part of the remainder of the country is inhabited by only a few small communities, scattered across the vast landscape.
    • They took part in a nine-day trek, covering 50 miles of rugged terrain and taking in some breathtaking scenery.
    • As well as isolation, problems included often rugged terrain, the prohibitive cost of transport, cattle ticks and poison plants.
    • You can picture the rugged terrain of rocky beaches and stony slopes with ancient smouldering volcanoes standing guard over antique vines.
    • They are conducting around-the-clock operations in this very rugged terrain.
    • If you've been to Afghanistan or Pakistan, you will see that the terrain is tremendously rugged.
    • They undertook the three-day and four-night challenge last week, amongst the rugged terrain of the Isle of Wight.
    • They offer a self-guided Round The Island Walk, which traverses rugged terrain taking in volcanic landscapes, mountains and even a rare cloud forest.
    • He said the plane had crashed on a steep rocky outcrop, and dense bush and rugged terrain was hampering efforts by police and crash investigators to reach the site.
    • Rescuers had to struggle on foot through more than a mile of rugged terrain before helping the passengers.
    • Given the rugged terrain, walking is the best, and often the only, way to reach isolated settlements and experience the real soul of this little-explored land.
    • The triathlon course is of Olympic distance and is spread over a challenging, picturesque and rugged terrain.
    rough, uneven, bumpy, rocky, stony, irregular, pitted, broken up, jagged, craggy, precipitous
    1. 1.1 (of a machine or other manufactured object) strongly made and capable of withstanding rough handling.
      the binoculars are compact, lightweight, and rugged


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Interspersed with glamour shots of the vehicle, the host emphasizes the rugged effectiveness of the automobile with its absolute comfort and luxury.
      • It needs to be rugged enough to withstand travel and fashionable enough to be able to bring into a business meeting.
      • In fact, this is a pretty rugged piece of machinery to withstand this 200-mile an hour impact out there in Utah.
      • Unusually rugged, these batteries will last for 18 hours or 38 miles.
      • The husky sport-utility vehicle looks rugged enough to go just about anywhere.
      • There's a little wrinkle in the sport utility vehicle's image as a rugged ride.
      • These fences are fairly rugged and can withstand a variety of weather conditions, but they require periodic maintenance.
      • This rugged, secluded house was designed to withstand the elements with style but little maintenance.
      • He wears a sort of rugged, brown, leather motorcycle jacket and motorcycle boots.
      • It is a privately held company, specializing in rugged battlefield imaging systems.
      • They are the best, most rugged, and highest performing lights made.
      • Only few materials that can compare the pure comfort and rugged wearability of this material, so it's no wonder that sheep skin is such a popular choice in slipper design.
      • There are details of how they used rugged materials such as glass, concrete and steel alongside velvet, suede and leather.
      • It had to be rugged, since the handhelds all needed to withstand heavy daily use and the occasional tumble to a concrete floor.
      • In the stiffly rugged heaviness of the shoes there is the accumulated tenacity of the slow trudge through the far-spreading and ever-uniform furrows of the field swept by a raw wind.
      • The B-Series provides a rugged vehicle that can carry five adults as well as a wide variety of cargo.
      • At this time, the company is only targeting businesses with its rugged handheld product, but consumers may well have their chance if the idea takes off.
      • A country with bad roads does not require ceramic engines; it needs vehicles with rugged axles and shocks.
      • These days, many buyers who need passenger space have opted for the more rugged sport-utility vehicles over the tame minivans.
      • Uninitiated onlookers could be forgiven for thinking that maybe the wearer had crawled or climbed over a barbed wire fence that took its toll upon the rugged garment.
      durable, robust, sturdy, strong, strongly made, hard-wearing, built to last, tough, resilient
    2. 1.2 Having or requiring toughness and determination.
      a week of rugged, demanding adventure at an outdoor training center


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even that ultimate symbol of rugged individualism, the cowboy, is an endangered species.
      • In the novel, Henry's rugged individualism and disdain for society are stylizations of his father's misanthropy.
      • Americans, by contrast, tend to view themselves as rugged individualists.
      • No other group so fully embodies the American spirit of bravery and rugged individualism.
      • And, as every new parent finds out, the first few days can be pretty rugged.
      • And although the rugby was not classic it was rugged and determined in an entertaining end to end game.
      • This, he felt, helped foster the importance placed on rugged individualism and independence that still imbues many discussions of southern values.
      • Western images serve as shorthand images of patriotism, democracy, rugged individualism, and a host of other virtues.
      • Sure you can go for a rugged hike, but strenuous activity isn't required for getting the benefits of exercise.
      • Secondary roads can be rugged and can tear up vehicles.
      • Alaskans see themselves as rugged individualists living in the last frontier.
      • We like to think of ourselves as a nation of rugged individualists.
      • The months roll by, hardening Lian's rugged, and already fiercely independent spirit.
      • He was a craggy, bearded bear of a man in a black Stetson, who seemed to embody the rugged individualism of the pioneer.
      • They developed as rugged individualists who were honest and shrewd, knew no grades of society and had dignity.
      • Most of the early settlers were young men who were adventurous, rugged, and ambitious.
      • Young clerks and farmers believed the romantic dream of the self-made man and refashioned themselves as rugged individualists armed and equipped for a fresh start in the frontier west.
      • He is a rugged individualist, who loves his kin but hates even more passionately.
      • And behind the sparkle lies the rugged determination that has made her what she is today.
      • ‘We can conduct training in a safe location close to the shore inside the bay, or we can tackle more rugged waters outside the bay,’ he said.
      austere, tough, harsh, spartan, exacting, taxing, demanding, difficult, hard, arduous, rigorous, strenuous, onerous
      uncompromising, unwavering, unflinching, firm, tenacious, determined, resolute
    3. 1.3 (of a man's face or looks) having attractively strong, rough-hewn features.
      he was known for his rugged good looks


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He shook his head and a look of sorrow twisted his rugged features.
      • Now that she could see his face, she discovered he was vaguely handsome, in a rugged, battered kind of way.
      • Successive tight close-ups of the star's rugged features reveal expressions that are less tensely pensive than muddled and confused.
      • His clothes were trendy, and his rugged features were really incredibly attractive.
      • He wasn't conventionally rugged, or square shouldered, or full of muscles.
      • He had tough, rugged features and didn't get too fat until he was in his 60s.
      • Directors often talk about rough and rugged Kiwi and Aussie actors.
      • He's a rugged man and will show people with his powerful biceps.
      • George's face is described for the reader in elegant detail: it is rugged and hard, but in the shadows, tender.
      • He had brown straight hair and rugged features.
      • His face was intelligent, handsome, rugged and determined without a trace of evil in it; it commanded respect, trust and even love.
      • We reached the monastery by mid-morning, and the same rugged fellow who had been good enough to carry my little pack knocked heavily on the door.
      • He was rugged, but his muscles didn't get out of control and he stood six-feet-four-inches from the ground and dwarfed most men that he came across.
      • She searched his rugged features for any clue that he might be patronizing her, but all she saw was genuine interest.
      • His rugged features were creased with concern.
      • Aside from his big baritone and wide range of singing styles, he's a rugged guy who loves the great outdoors.
      • The only difference was that Tristan's looks were more rugged, and rougher around the edges, something, apparently, that drove the girls crazy.
      • Michael poured some coffee as Marietta came in with the youngest children, he looked over at them and she immediately noticed the fatigue lines on his rugged face.
      • She is declared the winner, but the rugged man next to her was a close second.
      • As a young man he set out to be one of the rugged men of action whose courage and daring his novels celebrate.
      well built, burly, strong, big and strong, muscular, muscly, brawny, strapping, chunky, husky, broad-shouldered, powerfully built, muscle-bound
      strong, craggy, rough-hewn, rough-textured, manly, masculine


Middle English (in the sense ‘shaggy’, also (of a horse) ‘rough-coated’): probably of Scandinavian origin; compare with Swedish rugga ‘roughen’, also with rug.





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