

单词 plant

Definition of plant in English:


noun plɑːntplænt
  • 1A living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll.


    Plants differ from animals in lacking specialized sense organs, having no capacity for voluntary movement, having cell walls, and growing to suit their surroundings rather than having a fixed body plan

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Root growth defines the extent to which a plant explores soil for water and mineral nutrients.
    • Why didn't these early plants grow lots of leaves with few stomata?
    • Green plants are the only organisms in the natural world that can make their own food.
    • He added the dry conditions have also turned some fields into dust bowls, which can blow material onto the leaves of plants and grass the cattle are consuming.
    • They crawl up the beach, and in their starvation eat the leaves of the wild plants found growing there.
    • Eventually, it melts to supply water and nutrients to plants and aquatic organisms.
    • They are also responsible for the majority of the water uptake by the plant via their branch roots.
    • The satellites monitor the green pigment in plants, or chlorophyll, which leads to estimates of phytoplankton amounts.
    • He found that the fungus causes the plant's roots to grow finer and more fibrous.
    • The soil needs to be enriched to remain a viable growing medium capable of supplying plants with nutrients and water.
    • As the leaves open on most trees and shrubs, a haze of light green surrounds the plants and herbs of the garden.
    • This is why plants could not develop on land until the ozone layer was formed through photosynthesis of plants and other biological organisms in the water.
    • An example will demonstrate this: plants that grow near water are usually heavy, with big, dark green leaves that wilt and break easily.
    • The action spectrum of photosynthesis in green plants has principle peaks in the blue and red regions.
    • If a plant's DNA calls for a plant to grow long roots, then the plant grows long roots.
    • A restriction in leaf elongation in plants growing in drying soil is a well-reported phenomenon.
    • It covers large areas quickly and the plants absorb nutrients through the roots and the leaves.
    • As they grow, green plants and trees fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to tissue.
    • Traits that permit recruitment on disturbed sites and allow plants to survive root and shoot damage are essential for survival in these habitats.
    • For instance, plants grew leaves with new shapes, had different pigmentation, or hairy roots.
    herb, flower, vegetable, shrub, weed
    (plants), greenery, flora, vegetation, undergrowth
    rare herbage, verdure
    1. 1.1 A small plant, as distinct from a shrub or tree.
      garden plants


      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, in a few cases, seeds of plants cultivated in botanical gardens were also used.
      • Mature leaves of maize were taken from plants grown in the greenhouse during the summer.
      • Grass and small plants are growing on top of the sandstone.
      • Thus, leaf N was greater than root N when tomato plants were grown on nitrate.
      • The front garden also has numerous plants and shrubs.
      • Initially corn was a garden plant valued for early maturity and easy food preparation.
      • Domanic took pride in his vegetable garden with 20 tomato plants of various varieties.
      • Arizona's other urban pillar, Tucson, seems more in tune with the desert, and uses local trees and plants to landscape gardens and parks.
      • Italians naturally have a ‘green thumb,’ and even those living in apartments grow plants in pots.
      • Crab spiders are common and occur in fairly high numbers on most crops and garden plants.
      • The leaves of plants within this family grow in opposite pairs; their stems are square.
      • Western Oregon had been very low on rainfall that year, and even the plants in our backyard garden were wilting.
      • This garden is packed with mature trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants.
      • Aloe is a green plant that has long leaves with somewhat spiky edges.
      • In both cases, leaf water and osmotic potential was lower than that of plants grown under conditions.
      • A member of the poppy family, the celandine plant is distinct for its golden yellow flower and bright orange milky juice.
      • Still, the same rule can be applied in a household garden when planting herbaceous plants and smaller shrubs.
      • It is an opportunity to buy unusual garden plants.
      • Garden plants and shrubs and garden furniture all produced at Dove House will also be on sale during the afternoon.
      • Alpine and rock garden plants provide gardeners with a fantastic range to choose from and often produce disproportionately large or prolific numbers of attractive flowers.
  • 2A place where an industrial or manufacturing process takes place.


    a giant car plant


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Raw sewage is flowing into the Cuyahoga because sewage treatment plants have been down.
    • One of the most expensive departments in a car plant is the paint shop, so DeLorean saved the money and pretended that the brushed stainless steel finish was a style feature.
    • It is true that at macro-level, the huge industrial plants, big business and financial houses play a big role in overall economic considerations.
    • Under the new rules, only designated plants are allowed to process poultry, which cannot be sold without a quarantine certificate.
    • He traveled to two machine manufacturing plants and a steel factory in January over a three-day period.
    • The district includes a well-established urban area with large manufacturing and industrial plants that drive the local economy.
    • He also asked for federal money to retrain workers and for tax breaks to help manufacturers outfit old plants with new equipment.
    • The tariffs that protected these industries also encouraged heavy manufacturing, so that giant car plants were located on the fringe of the postwar city.
    • There are no industrial plants or factories in the region, and it is rich in parks and green areas.
    • In Yorkshire the crisis has also hit workers at four meat processing plants.
    • The report made the case for reducing the number of plants processing milk into butter, milk powder and curd from 11 to four.
    • But, as it has acquired mills processing plants, it has closed four in New England.
    • Much like the beef processing plants of today, there have been several modifications to the technology of the modern beef machine.
    • Instead, he began the first of a succession of mundane jobs in factories and food processing plants.
    • Huge amounts of capital are available to build new coal-fired electric power plants.
    • A major arms manufacturer with a giant plant in Down District is to play a key role in a multi-billion pound aircraft carrier contract.
    • Under the new strategy, the cigarette plants and tobacco processing factories of the holding will be divided up to be sold separately.
    • These are old fashioned meat processing plants where they process a few animals a day, not thousands, as in factory farms.
    • Avoid the oil refineries and industrial plants around the commercial shipping channel.
    • Scotland's volume manufacturing plants will increasingly find themselves competing for jobs with low-wage economies in Asia and eastern Europe.
    factory, works, foundry, mill, workshop, shop, yard, industrial unit, business unit
    1. 2.1mass noun Machinery used in an industrial or manufacturing process.
      inadequate investment in new plant


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The employer, it was said, was under a duty to take reasonable care to supply his workmen with proper plant and machinery.
      • We produce none of the sophisticated plant, equipment and machinery we need to mine, catch or process what the earth gives us.
      • The appellants were involved in the design, manufacture, supply and installation of plant and machinery for the steel manufacturing industry.
      • Under a Government scheme, companies that purchase equipment and plant machinery can build up credit on their tax bill according to how much they invest.
      • He could just sell plant and machinery to the company.
      • He says it has also set annual targets for operational efficiency, including plant and machinery downtime.
      • He said the secret behind the firm's success is that profits are ploughed back into the company to invest in new plant and machinery.
      • Capital allowances are given instead, for plant, machinery and factory type premises.
      • On November 25 he saw heavy plant and machinery in use.
      • The mining lease, machinery and plant, which had cost more than six thousands Pounds were sold at auction for just five Pounds.
      • Heavy investment has been made in plant and machinery to ensure that each pudding is perfectly steamed over a specific period.
      • Resources include plant and machinery, patents, brands, and skilled people.
      • But unlike plant and machinery, a new owner cannot sell staff and get a return.
      • As the machinery and plant, plus the men, were all in good trim, they were convinced that no other obstacles, like those of the past would occur again.
      • Theoretically, an employee can claim a capital allowance for machinery or plant used in his employment.
      • It has already invested more than £1 million in new plant and machinery.
      • It invests in plant & equipment, manufacturing a variety of vehicles and other products.
      • From now on motor vehicles will be treated the same as other plant and machinery and both categories will be allowed over a 5 year period.
      • The company auctions excess inventory such as industrial plant and machinery online, and claims the process is secure for both vendors and bidders.
      • Officers also stipulate that no plant or machinery should be installed or operated at the premises in connection with the use at any time.
      machinery, machines, equipment, apparatus, appliances, gear
  • 3A person placed in a group as a spy or informer.


    we thought he was a CIA plant spreading disinformation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Elizabeth was convinced that Paul was a CIA plant there to spy on her.
    • I could tell she was a plant the minute she started speaking.
    spy, informant, informer, undercover agent, secret agent, agent, mole, infiltrator, operative
    North American informal spook
    1. 3.1 A thing put among someone's belongings to incriminate or compromise them.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Within two days they were exploring the possibility that the note was a plant and that the saboteurs might not be a terrorist group after all, but possibly a disgruntled railroad employee.
  • 4Snooker
    A shot in which the cue ball is made to strike one of two touching or nearly touching balls with the result that the second is potted.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He then pulls out an impeccable plant - one red off another - into the bottom left hand pocket.
verb plɑːntplænt
[with object]
  • 1Put (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow.


    we planted a lot of fruit trees
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Second, nearly all of the seeds planted grow under the inducing conditions and can contribute to the next generation.
    • Now is the time to plan and plant flower bulbs for the holidays for both gifts and decorations.
    • Thirty years ago we planted a seed that has grown into a strong and vibrant tree, but that tree needs sustenance, part of which is money.
    • If you have planted seeds in the past and they did not grow it is probably your fault
    • In this paper we report on patterns of growth rings formed in four species of alpine forbs that were grown from seed and were planted in a restoration experiment on an alpine ski run in the Swiss Alps.
    • When moldy seeds are planted, seedling death results in poor stands.
    • Germinated seeds were planted individually in ceramic pots containing 300 ml of vermiculite, and then inoculated.
    • For the last two years Joshua, a year four pupil at Moorhouse Primary School, has helped her to plant seeds, bulbs and plants and to tidy the garden.
    • To obtain information about the emergence of flower bud abortion, bulbs were planted parallel to the NMR measurements.
    • Tomorrow, she planned to go back to the nursery to buy seeds she'd plant now that would grow and bloom in the spring.
    • If seeds are planted where the trees will be expected to grow later, consider the tree's sun and shade requirements.
    • You won't find seedlings of swedes and turnips in your garden centre, so planting seeds are the go.
    • We didn't have one in Rome, and at the villas there was always someone to plant seeds and prune flowers.
    • Do not use any strong commercial fertilizer or fresh manure when planting bulbs.
    • Thinking this might make a good sifter, she took one to the garden with her when she planted seeds.
    • Initially 2-4 seeds were planted in each pot; 2 weeks after germination the seedlings were thinned to one per pot.
    • He helped with the seed planting at Corkwood and planted the seeds at Sand Ponds.
    • She enjoys planting the bulbs and watching the lilies grow and bud.
    • If in doubt which side is up, plant the bulb on its side and it will correct itself when it grows.
    • Nutrients were thoroughly mixed into the substrate, water was added to field capacity and the pots were incubated for 10 d in a glasshouse before seeds were planted.
    sow, scatter, seed, put in the ground
    bed out, set out, transplant
    1. 1.1 Cover or supply (an area of land) with plants.
      the garden is planted with herbs


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The villagers have come from their gardens and planted the roadsides with daffodils.
      • Those areas are not planted specifically for cutting, nor are they by any means flat.
      • If someone applied for resource consent for planting a large area in forestry, that would have a positive climate change effect.
      • The Shakespeare Garden is planted with herbs referred to by Shakespeare in his plays, including mint, camomile, marjoram and lavender.
      • A bit of a waste of a resource when we could be planting plantations on cleared land, instead of chopping down magnificent forests.
      • Many elementary schools have herb gardens that are planted and cared for by the students.
      • That building had been an eyesore for years, and was totally superfluous since its function was to raise seedlings for planting the parks around the place with fresh flowers.
      • Trees, including copper beech and mountain ash, are planted around the lawn area at the base of the garden to give a sense of scale.
      • The terrace areas were subsequently planted with a variety of small shrubs.
      • No herbicides or pesticides are used on the garden, which was planted in early 1995.
      • This shrub can become very large in size, therefore needing a large area to be planted in.
      • These isolation areas were planted to wheat, soybean, or sorghum the previous year.
      • In August, open areas can be planted with perennial cover crops such as clover or sainfoin, sometimes called esparcet or holy clover.
      • On average, about 2,000 palms can be planted on such an area of land, Lee said.
      • As noted above, many of the areas being planted to oil palm are in wetlands.
      • Some areas were planted with alien conifers but these are slowly being replaced by native broadleaf trees that would have historically been found in the forest.
      • The children's play area was finished off yesterday, a fitness trail is being created and a mini-orchard and nature area will be planted in the coming months.
      • There is off-street parking and a paved patio area to the rear, and the gardens are planted with lawns and rose bushes.
      • We had a large kitchen garden and occasionally planted a small field of corn but we did not maintain a high operation farm like the majority of our neighbors.
      • Owen planted the grassy area known as Stockroute Park with olive and cypress trees, creating a Greek landscape.
      cultivate, bring under cultivation, till, work, plough, dig
    2. 1.2plant something out Place a plant in the ground out of doors so it can grow, especially after growing it from seed in an indoor environment.
      the foxgloves are grown from seed and planted out in the autumn
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Pot into individual containers once they are big enough and grow on until they can be planted out.
      • You can keep your pots with the seedlings out all year, because apples are hardy and as soon as the seedlings look good and sturdy you can plant them out, adding blood, fish and bone meal, and then just wait and see what happens.
      • When all danger of frost has passed, then they can be planted out in their final location.
      • In spring, plant them out after the last threat of night frost.
      • I also interspersed these with spinach, so all my spinach seedlings are planted out now too.
      • After the danger of frost has passed they will be planted out into tubs set around the front and back doors.
      • Doing them in peat pots or jiffy plugs is the best way to go, as you don't disturb the roots when planting them out.
      • The task for the day was filling out the soil in the new bed by the side of the house and planting it out with low growing shrubs, including a horizontal juniper that's intended to grow out over the next couple of years and fill the entire bed.
      • That way, the roots of the bulbs will continue to grow after you move them and you will be able to see them flowering in their new home within days of planting them out.
      • Be sure to harden off your plants before planting them out.
      plant out, set in beds, set in soil, put in the ground, set out, transplant
    3. 1.3informal Bury (someone)
      it was raining when we planted him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She has threatened him, who apparently is a very nice chap, that if he takes any more of our votes, she's going to plant him in the ground with his trees.
      • He won't be mentioned too very much here due to the fact that we planted him 13 years ago and he's just been no fun since.
      inter, place in a tomb, lay to rest, bury, consign to the grave
  • 2 Set or place in a particular position.

    he planted himself squarely in front of her
    she planted a kiss on his cheek


    Example sentencesExamples
    • With just seconds left on the clock, he picked the ball up on the left flank before racing towards the edge of the box and planting the ball into the top corner.
    • They appeared to leave a high ball to each other and he gladly ended any confusion by planting the loose ball into the open net.
    • The trick of forecasting and televising the weather has changed a bit since I was first planted in front of a television.
    • Then quickly touch an unpainted part of your computer case and keep your feet planted in one position while installing your RAM.
    • Then he grabbed me by the head and planted an enormous red kiss on my cheek.
    • Given its recent history, the chances are that the Conservative Party will prove incapable of recognising the gift horse which the government has planted squarely in its mouth.
    • He swivels his head towards her, planting a light sweet kiss on her lips.
    • One of his first teaching jobs planted him in Listowel in the early 1970s, enriching and extending the relationship beyond football.
    • He got on the score-sheet again when he played a nice one-two with his brother Thomas before planting the ball in the net.
    • Sometimes career growth means blooming where you're planted.
    • This weekend, you can tour the wild world while planted squarely on a lowly beach towel, and it involves no down payments of your first born to evil sorcerers.
    • Next thing I know a quite attractive dark haired woman, in her late twenties I think, has wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a very solid kiss on my lips.
    • He wasted no time in planting a ball from him on to the roof of the club offices and although the Australian played with all his usual freedom he was generally forced to treat him with respect.
    • He planted him over extra cover for six, but edged his next delivery to the wicketkeeper to make it 44 for two.
    • The centre forward rounded a defender before planting the ball expertly in the net to put Wicklow in front for the first time.
    • We were planted right in the middle of seven teams and it made me think we have to pick up maximum points against the countries below us and pick up points elsewhere.
    • Then he won a ball out near midfield, beat three of four tackles on a powerful run before planting an unstoppable shot in the back of the net.
    • Whereas memory brings the past to us, the imagination plants us in that lost world.
    • She suddenly caught herself and pushed all these thoughts to the back of her mind, planting a smile across her face where the blank expression had been a moment before.
    • I turned to look and saw Ellyn, standing tall and barefoot in the sand, dressed in flowing white robes inlaid with golden filigree, and a spear as tall as she was planted in the sand beside her.
    put, place, set, position, station, situate, settle, stick, fix
    informal plonk
    1. 2.1 Establish (an idea) in someone's mind.
      the seed of doubt is planted in his mind


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Following the fall of The Wall he planted an idea of bringing five Lowton churches together to set up The Lowton Churches Romania Appeal.
      • Several notable challenges remain planted in my mind.
      • A year later three politicians from Scotland's new Parliament travelled to Washington to witness Tartan Day and the seeds of an idea were planted.
      • What seeds do we want, as teachers of writing and as writers about the business of writing, to plant in the minds of other and emerging writers?
      • If I plant subliminal ideas in his developing mind he will no doubt fall madly in love with me in the present.
      • I do think the piece was subtly constructed to plant this idea.
      • Someone had to plant the idea to encourage others to come on board.
      • I could accidentally plant suggestions in your mind, or take you someplace dangerous.
      • This new idea which had been planted subconsciously in his mind by a man with no reading or writing skills, began to give him a healthy respect for himself.
      • Something had been planted in your mind, you just didn't realize it.
      • A seed of doubt has been planted in the minds of parents, rightly or wrongly, but just the same it's there and cannot be reversed.
      • If others are stubborn, and that's likely, you'll just plant an idea in their mind, then wait till they suggest it as if it was something they just thought of.
      • By catering to his whims, you have planted the notion that he is entitled to demand whatever he wants.
      • Perhaps the original idea of 2001 as Year Of The Ape was planted in our minds by Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
      • After the germ of the idea was first planted in her mind by the deserted camp at Spring Hill, she set to researching Cotswold life during wartime years.
      • An idea has been planted that opera and culture could be one way to restore Kenya's ailing tourism industry.
      • But he does not believe it is a true memory and the images must have been planted in his mind by the aggressive questioning of the police at the time of Ben's disappearance.
      • He would have continued his observation of the Scientific Convention if doubt hadn't been planted in his mind.
      • But as the elevator raced up, a seed of doubt had been firmly planted in my mind.
      • Back in 1996, when she first planted the idea of creating an Internet portal for farmers, she failed to reap any results.
      • The doubts were planted in his mind when he took part in a excavation at the royal fort at Dunadd in Argyll in the 1970s.
      insert, impress, imprint, instil, put, place
      implant, introduce, sow the seeds of, fix, establish, embed, root, lodge
    2. 2.2 Secretly place (a bomb that is set to go off at a later time)
      several incendiary devices were planted in stores
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In a separate incident in Jebaliya, the army said it shot a man who was throwing grenades and planting a bomb.
      • Another factor preventing their return is the thousands of land mines that were planted during the war.
      • Two men were convicted for planting the bombs aboard the Cubana flight.
      • I condemn those responsible for planting the bomb.
      • According to recent reports, the SAS are using satellite tracking devices to pinpoint and kill suicide bombers as they utter their final prayers before planting their bombs.
      • A land mine had been planted in the stadium during construction.
      • Saboteurs planted a bomb on that pipeline last night.
      • The game required that players deduce the location of an atom bomb planted by terrorists before it exploded.
      • At the same time bombs were also planted at Oval and above ground at one of the Shepherd's Bush stations.
      • Sources said that two time bombs were planted to destroy the antenna which exploded simultaneously.
      • His plan failed when he ran out of money for explosives and his conspirators planted the bomb next to the wrong support structure within the basement of the building.
      • He was held as a material witness with supposed knowledge of a plot to plant a dirty bomb in the United States.
      • Magistrates at the youth court in Trowbridge heard on Friday how the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, put on an American accent and told staff a bomb was planted in one of the school buildings.
      • It was not immediately clear who planted the bombs.
      • Pipe bombs were planted on a window ledge of the house and beneath the van in the village of Cloughmills.
      • As long as a single individual feels justified in firing a missile, or planting a bomb, or wielding a penknife, terror will never be totally defeated.
      • An estimated four million to six million land mines have been planted in Cambodia since 1967.
      • To use the classic example, one could claim that he had in custody a suspect believed to have planted a time bomb that, if not defused, would kill many innocents.
      • A man accused of planting a car bomb as part of a terrorist feud spent hours ‘scouting’ the area near his victim's Bolton home, a court was told.
      • They allege that if they were terrorists they would have had no difficulty planting a bomb as they checked tickets, frisked fans and walked close to the pitch.
    3. 2.3 Put or hide (something) among someone's belongings to compromise or incriminate the owner.
      they claimed that the drugs had been planted on them by police
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As an indicator, he was asked by the press if the guns found at Kraal were planted there, and he answered ‘No Comment’!
      • The only thing that could change the outcome would be a conviction of a baggage handler at Brisbane or Sydney airport for planting the drugs in his bag.
      • I decided to plant an imposter cava among the seven authentic champagnes.
      • He enlivened one spring camp in Cocoa, after the club switched to Florida, by planting a young but very alive cobra in another player's foot locker.
      • In Spain, a young teen is arrested after a drug dealer plants some hash in his backpack.
      • Apparently he can convince the cops to plant drugs in her purse if she tries to leave the marriage with their daughter.
      • She probably made him plant false evidence to hide what really happened that day.
      • His organisation was given millions of dollars to promote the cause which largely involved planting false information about him in the world's media.
      • She said she was given cash by him to buy drugs and told to plant them in the Point Inn in Quigley's Point, Inishowen.
      • The surveillance by the army's FRU, and its IRA double agents, included the planting of bugs in the homes of Irish republican activists and sympathisers.
      • After all, if someone has gained control of a suspect's computer couldn't incriminated material be planted?
      • Or, as he has suggested, where they deliberately planted in order to discredit the White House?
      • He's highly skilled at defeating surveillance systems, planting bugs and ferreting information from computer systems.
      • During the trial, the court was told police had smashed the drugs ring by planting a hidden microphone at their headquarters, Debbie's Diner.
      • Mainly because it seems more likely that she was actually trafficking drugs than it is that someone planted them on her.
      hide, place secretly, conceal, secrete
    4. 2.4 Send (someone) to join a group or organization to act as a spy or informer.
      he managed to plant an agent in his war council
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As for him, he's convinced that he is an agent who's been planted to subvert India.
      • The FBI considered AIM an extremist organization, and planted spies in the group.
      • Imagine their outrage if Democrats tried to plant a guy like this in the press corps!
      • He was in fact an undercover officer planted by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office.
      • They combined nobility of thought with practical incapacity; they did not spot the Gestapo informer planted on them.
      • The task of counterintelligence is to figure out what the other side is doing, how they are deceiving us, what double agents they have planted in our midst.
      • Now it turns out the question read by him was planted by a newspaper reporter.
      • She took out her gun and prepared herself for the battle she thought would end her life, unaware that the Agent planted was also at the scene.
      • We were not told where we were going, for security reasons - it seemed they might have planted spies among them.
      • He, for instance, is both a criminal boss and a carefully planted police agent.
      • There have been agents almost certainly planted in certain extremist right wing groups.
      • Actors were planted in the audience, fitted with specially adapted costumes.
      • Indeed, there were rumors that a paranoid White House was planting informants in newsrooms and even tapping reporters' phones.
      • The party had said it did not support the man and that he was planted by him to split his vote.
      • Some of my friends think that he was planted by the producers.
      • They seem to have done two things, take their time to study our operations and plant people at every level of the CPA administration.
    5. 2.5 Found or establish (a colony, city, or community)
      he was commissioned to plant the order in England
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mission groups travel outside the city to plant and nurture new faith communities.
      • I arrived here with my wife of 26 years and three children, and with no idea where the will of God would lead us to settle to begin planting a Reformed Baptist church.
      • At the same time, however, Alexander planted new Greek cities across his empire.
      • They talked occasionally of planting colonies, but were diverted by the war.
      • Churches were planted among a tribal people in the Philippines, teaching was given and leaders were appointed.
      • But last week he walked away from his much-heralded attempt to buy back the company that had planted him so firmly in the restaurant arena.
      • Antioch, the capital of the Roman province of Syria, was where the first church was planted among the Gentiles.
      • He has been involved in mission and evangelism for over 20 years, including five years in South Africa planting a multicultural congregation.
      set up, start, begin, get going, put in place, initiate, institute, form, found, create, bring into being, inaugurate, organize, lay the foundations of, build, construct, install
    6. 2.6 Deposit (young fish, spawn, oysters, etc.) in a river or lake.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Crawfish has been planted in many lakes in Sweden, to ensure some fun times and some home-cooked crawfish.
      • Later, he did not take it for granted that the fish in a river could simply be planted as needed.
      • This indicated that some of the original fifteen thousand young fish planted in 1871 had survived and matured.
      • Also, they had to treat Sandwash Reservoir after it was found both smallmouth and largemouth bass had been illegally planted, threatening what had been an excellent trout fishery.
      • Most major Scottish rivers now have a facility in which juvenile salmon can be produced from wild adult fish and planted back into suitable habitat within the catchment.


  • plantable

  • adjective
    • Available in four colors (exposed aggregate, buff/tan, gray, and terra cotta), the system consists of different plantable retaining blocks and a Posi-Dura geosynthetic fabric system.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was not the best living, but they planned to get some plantable foods on one of their journeys.
      • And her father, a retired stone mason, showed her how to carve up the hill into level, plantable tiers.
      • Ferretti says all vine crops can be transplanted if plantable containers or plastic pop-out containers are used, so gardeners can buy starter plants from garden centers or grow their own from seed.
      • The increasingly popular living trees are in short supply, so growth prospects for this business are strong, especially since the farm uses only 100 of its 250 plantable acres.
  • plantlet

  • noun
    • Send off your seed order for next year's seeds and plantlets if you haven't already done so.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Regeneration of plantlets in vitro from wild type or genetically modified rice cell/tissue cultures is reported to be slow and inefficient compared to that of other cereals.
      • Watering will eventually cause cardboard egg boxes to disintegrate, but by then, the young plantlets' roots should have grown sufficiently to bond everything together.
      • When the plantlets are ready to transplant, they are simply removed by pushing the base of the cell and dislodging soil and rootball together, avoiding tedious pricking out and minimising root disturbance.
      • Even back in my days as a horticultural hooligan, I only ever used peat to create a home-made compost for sowing seeds, never for potting plantlets or decorating borders.
  • plant-like

  • adjective ˈplɑːntlʌɪk
    • Red tide, she says, is a natural phenomenon caused by a microscopic plant-like single cell organism (a dinoflagellate) that blooms annually as part of its growth cycle.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Coral reefs consist primarily of tiny plant-like animals that thrive in the clean, clear water and sunlight found mostly in tropical oceans.
      • The cellulose cell walls formed during their development, and the presence of reproductive spores are plant-like, whereas the cell movements involved in their morphogenesis are animal-like.
      • Because both groups include organisms that have both animal-like and plant-like characteristics, the classification and phylogentic relationships within the groups are beset with complexities.
      • Fungi are multi-celled, plant-like organisms that usually aren't dangerous in a healthy person.


Old English plante 'seedling', plantian (verb), from Latin planta 'sprout, cutting' (later influenced by French plante) and plantare 'plant, fix in a place'.

  • Old English plante meant ‘seedling’ from Latin planta ‘sprout, cutting’. Use of the word in the phrase plant yourself somewhere dates from the early 18th century. Later that century plant came to be used for ‘things installed’, such as machinery or large pieces of apparatus. The related plantation (Late Middle English) described the action of planting seeds. It came to be an ‘estate for the cultivation of crops such as coffee or tobacco’ (early 18th century), then ‘the settling of people in a conquered or dominated country’: in the late 19th century it described the establishment of English landowners in Ireland.


aren't, aslant, aunt, can't, chant, courante, détente, enchant, entente, grant, implant, Nantes, shan't, slant, supplant, transplant, underplant

Definition of plant in US English:


  • 1A living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll.


    Plants differ from animals in lacking specialized sense organs, having no capacity for voluntary movement, having cell walls, and growing to suit their surroundings rather than having a fixed body plan

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Why didn't these early plants grow lots of leaves with few stomata?
    • As the leaves open on most trees and shrubs, a haze of light green surrounds the plants and herbs of the garden.
    • The soil needs to be enriched to remain a viable growing medium capable of supplying plants with nutrients and water.
    • If a plant's DNA calls for a plant to grow long roots, then the plant grows long roots.
    • For instance, plants grew leaves with new shapes, had different pigmentation, or hairy roots.
    • An example will demonstrate this: plants that grow near water are usually heavy, with big, dark green leaves that wilt and break easily.
    • The satellites monitor the green pigment in plants, or chlorophyll, which leads to estimates of phytoplankton amounts.
    • Green plants are the only organisms in the natural world that can make their own food.
    • Traits that permit recruitment on disturbed sites and allow plants to survive root and shoot damage are essential for survival in these habitats.
    • Eventually, it melts to supply water and nutrients to plants and aquatic organisms.
    • A restriction in leaf elongation in plants growing in drying soil is a well-reported phenomenon.
    • He added the dry conditions have also turned some fields into dust bowls, which can blow material onto the leaves of plants and grass the cattle are consuming.
    • They crawl up the beach, and in their starvation eat the leaves of the wild plants found growing there.
    • They are also responsible for the majority of the water uptake by the plant via their branch roots.
    • As they grow, green plants and trees fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to tissue.
    • It covers large areas quickly and the plants absorb nutrients through the roots and the leaves.
    • He found that the fungus causes the plant's roots to grow finer and more fibrous.
    • The action spectrum of photosynthesis in green plants has principle peaks in the blue and red regions.
    • Root growth defines the extent to which a plant explores soil for water and mineral nutrients.
    • This is why plants could not develop on land until the ozone layer was formed through photosynthesis of plants and other biological organisms in the water.
    herb, flower, vegetable, shrub, weed
    1. 1.1 A small plant, as distinct from a shrub or tree.
      garden plants


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is an opportunity to buy unusual garden plants.
      • Crab spiders are common and occur in fairly high numbers on most crops and garden plants.
      • A member of the poppy family, the celandine plant is distinct for its golden yellow flower and bright orange milky juice.
      • Garden plants and shrubs and garden furniture all produced at Dove House will also be on sale during the afternoon.
      • The front garden also has numerous plants and shrubs.
      • Western Oregon had been very low on rainfall that year, and even the plants in our backyard garden were wilting.
      • Alpine and rock garden plants provide gardeners with a fantastic range to choose from and often produce disproportionately large or prolific numbers of attractive flowers.
      • Initially corn was a garden plant valued for early maturity and easy food preparation.
      • Mature leaves of maize were taken from plants grown in the greenhouse during the summer.
      • However, in a few cases, seeds of plants cultivated in botanical gardens were also used.
      • Arizona's other urban pillar, Tucson, seems more in tune with the desert, and uses local trees and plants to landscape gardens and parks.
      • In both cases, leaf water and osmotic potential was lower than that of plants grown under conditions.
      • This garden is packed with mature trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants.
      • Grass and small plants are growing on top of the sandstone.
      • Thus, leaf N was greater than root N when tomato plants were grown on nitrate.
      • Domanic took pride in his vegetable garden with 20 tomato plants of various varieties.
      • Still, the same rule can be applied in a household garden when planting herbaceous plants and smaller shrubs.
      • Italians naturally have a ‘green thumb,’ and even those living in apartments grow plants in pots.
      • Aloe is a green plant that has long leaves with somewhat spiky edges.
      • The leaves of plants within this family grow in opposite pairs; their stems are square.
  • 2A place where an industrial or manufacturing process takes place.


    the company has 30 plants in Mexico
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Instead, he began the first of a succession of mundane jobs in factories and food processing plants.
    • The district includes a well-established urban area with large manufacturing and industrial plants that drive the local economy.
    • Huge amounts of capital are available to build new coal-fired electric power plants.
    • Avoid the oil refineries and industrial plants around the commercial shipping channel.
    • There are no industrial plants or factories in the region, and it is rich in parks and green areas.
    • These are old fashioned meat processing plants where they process a few animals a day, not thousands, as in factory farms.
    • Much like the beef processing plants of today, there have been several modifications to the technology of the modern beef machine.
    • The report made the case for reducing the number of plants processing milk into butter, milk powder and curd from 11 to four.
    • In Yorkshire the crisis has also hit workers at four meat processing plants.
    • One of the most expensive departments in a car plant is the paint shop, so DeLorean saved the money and pretended that the brushed stainless steel finish was a style feature.
    • He also asked for federal money to retrain workers and for tax breaks to help manufacturers outfit old plants with new equipment.
    • Raw sewage is flowing into the Cuyahoga because sewage treatment plants have been down.
    • He traveled to two machine manufacturing plants and a steel factory in January over a three-day period.
    • It is true that at macro-level, the huge industrial plants, big business and financial houses play a big role in overall economic considerations.
    • The tariffs that protected these industries also encouraged heavy manufacturing, so that giant car plants were located on the fringe of the postwar city.
    • Under the new strategy, the cigarette plants and tobacco processing factories of the holding will be divided up to be sold separately.
    • Scotland's volume manufacturing plants will increasingly find themselves competing for jobs with low-wage economies in Asia and eastern Europe.
    • Under the new rules, only designated plants are allowed to process poultry, which cannot be sold without a quarantine certificate.
    • A major arms manufacturer with a giant plant in Down District is to play a key role in a multi-billion pound aircraft carrier contract.
    • But, as it has acquired mills processing plants, it has closed four in New England.
    factory, works, foundry, mill, workshop, shop, yard, industrial unit, business unit
    1. 2.1 Machinery used in an industrial or manufacturing process.
      inadequate investment in new plant


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The employer, it was said, was under a duty to take reasonable care to supply his workmen with proper plant and machinery.
      • We produce none of the sophisticated plant, equipment and machinery we need to mine, catch or process what the earth gives us.
      • He says it has also set annual targets for operational efficiency, including plant and machinery downtime.
      • He said the secret behind the firm's success is that profits are ploughed back into the company to invest in new plant and machinery.
      • Heavy investment has been made in plant and machinery to ensure that each pudding is perfectly steamed over a specific period.
      • But unlike plant and machinery, a new owner cannot sell staff and get a return.
      • Under a Government scheme, companies that purchase equipment and plant machinery can build up credit on their tax bill according to how much they invest.
      • Resources include plant and machinery, patents, brands, and skilled people.
      • The company auctions excess inventory such as industrial plant and machinery online, and claims the process is secure for both vendors and bidders.
      • It has already invested more than £1 million in new plant and machinery.
      • Capital allowances are given instead, for plant, machinery and factory type premises.
      • He could just sell plant and machinery to the company.
      • It invests in plant & equipment, manufacturing a variety of vehicles and other products.
      • From now on motor vehicles will be treated the same as other plant and machinery and both categories will be allowed over a 5 year period.
      • As the machinery and plant, plus the men, were all in good trim, they were convinced that no other obstacles, like those of the past would occur again.
      • The mining lease, machinery and plant, which had cost more than six thousands Pounds were sold at auction for just five Pounds.
      • Officers also stipulate that no plant or machinery should be installed or operated at the premises in connection with the use at any time.
      • On November 25 he saw heavy plant and machinery in use.
      • Theoretically, an employee can claim a capital allowance for machinery or plant used in his employment.
      • The appellants were involved in the design, manufacture, supply and installation of plant and machinery for the steel manufacturing industry.
      machinery, machines, equipment, apparatus, appliances, gear
  • 3A person placed in a group as a spy or informer.


    we thought he was a CIA plant spreading disinformation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I could tell she was a plant the minute she started speaking.
    • Elizabeth was convinced that Paul was a CIA plant there to spy on her.
    spy, informant, informer, undercover agent, secret agent, agent, mole, infiltrator, operative
    1. 3.1 A thing put among someone's belongings to incriminate or compromise them.
      he insisted that the cocaine in the glove compartment was a plant
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Within two days they were exploring the possibility that the note was a plant and that the saboteurs might not be a terrorist group after all, but possibly a disgruntled railroad employee.
[with object]
  • 1Place (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Thirty years ago we planted a seed that has grown into a strong and vibrant tree, but that tree needs sustenance, part of which is money.
    • You won't find seedlings of swedes and turnips in your garden centre, so planting seeds are the go.
    • He helped with the seed planting at Corkwood and planted the seeds at Sand Ponds.
    • Nutrients were thoroughly mixed into the substrate, water was added to field capacity and the pots were incubated for 10 d in a glasshouse before seeds were planted.
    • Second, nearly all of the seeds planted grow under the inducing conditions and can contribute to the next generation.
    • Germinated seeds were planted individually in ceramic pots containing 300 ml of vermiculite, and then inoculated.
    • For the last two years Joshua, a year four pupil at Moorhouse Primary School, has helped her to plant seeds, bulbs and plants and to tidy the garden.
    • Thinking this might make a good sifter, she took one to the garden with her when she planted seeds.
    • If you have planted seeds in the past and they did not grow it is probably your fault
    • We didn't have one in Rome, and at the villas there was always someone to plant seeds and prune flowers.
    • When moldy seeds are planted, seedling death results in poor stands.
    • Now is the time to plan and plant flower bulbs for the holidays for both gifts and decorations.
    • Initially 2-4 seeds were planted in each pot; 2 weeks after germination the seedlings were thinned to one per pot.
    • Tomorrow, she planned to go back to the nursery to buy seeds she'd plant now that would grow and bloom in the spring.
    • In this paper we report on patterns of growth rings formed in four species of alpine forbs that were grown from seed and were planted in a restoration experiment on an alpine ski run in the Swiss Alps.
    • If in doubt which side is up, plant the bulb on its side and it will correct itself when it grows.
    • To obtain information about the emergence of flower bud abortion, bulbs were planted parallel to the NMR measurements.
    • She enjoys planting the bulbs and watching the lilies grow and bud.
    • If seeds are planted where the trees will be expected to grow later, consider the tree's sun and shade requirements.
    • Do not use any strong commercial fertilizer or fresh manure when planting bulbs.
    sow, scatter, seed, put in the ground
    1. 1.1 Place a seed, bulb, or plant in (a place) to grow.
      the garden is planted with herbs


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Some areas were planted with alien conifers but these are slowly being replaced by native broadleaf trees that would have historically been found in the forest.
      • This shrub can become very large in size, therefore needing a large area to be planted in.
      • We had a large kitchen garden and occasionally planted a small field of corn but we did not maintain a high operation farm like the majority of our neighbors.
      • There is off-street parking and a paved patio area to the rear, and the gardens are planted with lawns and rose bushes.
      • In August, open areas can be planted with perennial cover crops such as clover or sainfoin, sometimes called esparcet or holy clover.
      • Trees, including copper beech and mountain ash, are planted around the lawn area at the base of the garden to give a sense of scale.
      • The children's play area was finished off yesterday, a fitness trail is being created and a mini-orchard and nature area will be planted in the coming months.
      • The Shakespeare Garden is planted with herbs referred to by Shakespeare in his plays, including mint, camomile, marjoram and lavender.
      • The terrace areas were subsequently planted with a variety of small shrubs.
      • A bit of a waste of a resource when we could be planting plantations on cleared land, instead of chopping down magnificent forests.
      • That building had been an eyesore for years, and was totally superfluous since its function was to raise seedlings for planting the parks around the place with fresh flowers.
      • As noted above, many of the areas being planted to oil palm are in wetlands.
      • Owen planted the grassy area known as Stockroute Park with olive and cypress trees, creating a Greek landscape.
      • These isolation areas were planted to wheat, soybean, or sorghum the previous year.
      • The villagers have come from their gardens and planted the roadsides with daffodils.
      • Those areas are not planted specifically for cutting, nor are they by any means flat.
      • No herbicides or pesticides are used on the garden, which was planted in early 1995.
      • If someone applied for resource consent for planting a large area in forestry, that would have a positive climate change effect.
      • On average, about 2,000 palms can be planted on such an area of land, Lee said.
      • Many elementary schools have herb gardens that are planted and cared for by the students.
      cultivate, bring under cultivation, till, work, plough, dig
    2. 1.2informal Bury (someone).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She has threatened him, who apparently is a very nice chap, that if he takes any more of our votes, she's going to plant him in the ground with his trees.
      • He won't be mentioned too very much here due to the fact that we planted him 13 years ago and he's just been no fun since.
      inter, place in a tomb, lay to rest, bury, consign to the grave
  • 2Place or fix in a specified position.


    she planted a kiss on his cheek


    Example sentencesExamples
    • One of his first teaching jobs planted him in Listowel in the early 1970s, enriching and extending the relationship beyond football.
    • Then he won a ball out near midfield, beat three of four tackles on a powerful run before planting an unstoppable shot in the back of the net.
    • This weekend, you can tour the wild world while planted squarely on a lowly beach towel, and it involves no down payments of your first born to evil sorcerers.
    • He got on the score-sheet again when he played a nice one-two with his brother Thomas before planting the ball in the net.
    • She suddenly caught herself and pushed all these thoughts to the back of her mind, planting a smile across her face where the blank expression had been a moment before.
    • The trick of forecasting and televising the weather has changed a bit since I was first planted in front of a television.
    • He wasted no time in planting a ball from him on to the roof of the club offices and although the Australian played with all his usual freedom he was generally forced to treat him with respect.
    • With just seconds left on the clock, he picked the ball up on the left flank before racing towards the edge of the box and planting the ball into the top corner.
    • He planted him over extra cover for six, but edged his next delivery to the wicketkeeper to make it 44 for two.
    • Next thing I know a quite attractive dark haired woman, in her late twenties I think, has wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a very solid kiss on my lips.
    • He swivels his head towards her, planting a light sweet kiss on her lips.
    • I turned to look and saw Ellyn, standing tall and barefoot in the sand, dressed in flowing white robes inlaid with golden filigree, and a spear as tall as she was planted in the sand beside her.
    • They appeared to leave a high ball to each other and he gladly ended any confusion by planting the loose ball into the open net.
    • We were planted right in the middle of seven teams and it made me think we have to pick up maximum points against the countries below us and pick up points elsewhere.
    • The centre forward rounded a defender before planting the ball expertly in the net to put Wicklow in front for the first time.
    • Whereas memory brings the past to us, the imagination plants us in that lost world.
    • Then quickly touch an unpainted part of your computer case and keep your feet planted in one position while installing your RAM.
    • Sometimes career growth means blooming where you're planted.
    • Then he grabbed me by the head and planted an enormous red kiss on my cheek.
    • Given its recent history, the chances are that the Conservative Party will prove incapable of recognising the gift horse which the government has planted squarely in its mouth.
    put, place, set, position, station, situate, settle, stick, fix
    1. 2.1plant oneself Position oneself.
      she planted herself on the arm of his chair


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The woman hands a bag of food to her daughter, strides up to the swings, plants herself directly before her son and in one motion wraps her arms around the boy's legs, tackling him in mid-air.
      • Like almost every foreigner who plants himself among peasants, the good doctor made at least one enemy, when he tried to stop the annual cull of migrant birds by the local butcher.
      • Or get a spiral notebook and a ballpoint, plant yourself under a tree, and pen a few lines of prose.
      • He plants himself in the middle of the room, and he speaks.
      • I know this because she keeps planting herself in the living room stamping her feet, shaking her head, and demanding that I find a way to entertain her.
      • She was asked to step over to the ‘rush’ line, where she planted herself in last bright rays of afternoon sunshine.
      • Klaxons and alarums rang out, and soldiers and archers and mages by the thousands surrounded the castle and planted themselves in prearranged positions.
      • He plants himself firmly in the realm of hip hop, and his solo albums and collaborations support this.
      • We lingered long over the paper with lots of ‘help’ to digest the news of the day, but as the mercury climbed steadily into triple digits we planted ourselves in front of the fan and tried to move as little as possible.
      • He arrives late, plants himself on the couch next to him, and lights a cigar.
      • The postmaster plants himself between a particularly agitated man and him, telling the man that he will be judged at Paris.
      • That's usually the way to get things done as a resident, I've found - just plant yourself in front of the people responsible (be it the lab supervisor, the x-ray tech, the pharmacist or what have you) and do not leave until they help you.
      • Whenever I see these common birds - the slim statues of ivory bodies, the fiery plumage of breeding pairs - I could plant myself in one spot and watch forever.
      • Once again, he has put the Caribbean on the sports map, and in the process firmly planted himself at the top of cricket's batting hierarchy.
      • Wal-Mart outwitted its rival by growing slowly since 1962 and first planting itself in many rural areas, where it cost much less to build.
      • And, while you have little control over random run-ins at school, you must stop strategically planting yourself in the bleachers during his soccer practice.
      • Watching him, I can't help but think of the stylites, fanatical Christian monks of the Middle Ages who would plant themselves atop columns in the desert and stay there for weeks and months.
      • I grabbed a friend and we planted ourselves at a filthy booth with our tray of artery-clogging food and a cup of ice cold Storm to wash it down with.
      • With my dog on an extra long leash, I planted myself on a lawn chair and read ‘Unfit for Command’ by flashlight until about 1: 00 a.m.
      • They plant themselves right in the middle of Poorville.
    2. 2.2 Establish (an idea) in someone's mind.
      the seed of doubt is planted in his mind


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Back in 1996, when she first planted the idea of creating an Internet portal for farmers, she failed to reap any results.
      • But as the elevator raced up, a seed of doubt had been firmly planted in my mind.
      • I do think the piece was subtly constructed to plant this idea.
      • Perhaps the original idea of 2001 as Year Of The Ape was planted in our minds by Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
      • What seeds do we want, as teachers of writing and as writers about the business of writing, to plant in the minds of other and emerging writers?
      • If I plant subliminal ideas in his developing mind he will no doubt fall madly in love with me in the present.
      • He would have continued his observation of the Scientific Convention if doubt hadn't been planted in his mind.
      • A seed of doubt has been planted in the minds of parents, rightly or wrongly, but just the same it's there and cannot be reversed.
      • Several notable challenges remain planted in my mind.
      • An idea has been planted that opera and culture could be one way to restore Kenya's ailing tourism industry.
      • But he does not believe it is a true memory and the images must have been planted in his mind by the aggressive questioning of the police at the time of Ben's disappearance.
      • The doubts were planted in his mind when he took part in a excavation at the royal fort at Dunadd in Argyll in the 1970s.
      • A year later three politicians from Scotland's new Parliament travelled to Washington to witness Tartan Day and the seeds of an idea were planted.
      • This new idea which had been planted subconsciously in his mind by a man with no reading or writing skills, began to give him a healthy respect for himself.
      • Something had been planted in your mind, you just didn't realize it.
      • Following the fall of The Wall he planted an idea of bringing five Lowton churches together to set up The Lowton Churches Romania Appeal.
      • By catering to his whims, you have planted the notion that he is entitled to demand whatever he wants.
      • If others are stubborn, and that's likely, you'll just plant an idea in their mind, then wait till they suggest it as if it was something they just thought of.
      • I could accidentally plant suggestions in your mind, or take you someplace dangerous.
      • Someone had to plant the idea to encourage others to come on board.
      • After the germ of the idea was first planted in her mind by the deserted camp at Spring Hill, she set to researching Cotswold life during wartime years.
      insert, impress, imprint, instil, put, place
    3. 2.3 Secretly place (a bomb that is set to go off at a later time).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was not immediately clear who planted the bombs.
      • At the same time bombs were also planted at Oval and above ground at one of the Shepherd's Bush stations.
      • Two men were convicted for planting the bombs aboard the Cubana flight.
      • They allege that if they were terrorists they would have had no difficulty planting a bomb as they checked tickets, frisked fans and walked close to the pitch.
      • Magistrates at the youth court in Trowbridge heard on Friday how the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, put on an American accent and told staff a bomb was planted in one of the school buildings.
      • His plan failed when he ran out of money for explosives and his conspirators planted the bomb next to the wrong support structure within the basement of the building.
      • Another factor preventing their return is the thousands of land mines that were planted during the war.
      • Pipe bombs were planted on a window ledge of the house and beneath the van in the village of Cloughmills.
      • A man accused of planting a car bomb as part of a terrorist feud spent hours ‘scouting’ the area near his victim's Bolton home, a court was told.
      • As long as a single individual feels justified in firing a missile, or planting a bomb, or wielding a penknife, terror will never be totally defeated.
      • Sources said that two time bombs were planted to destroy the antenna which exploded simultaneously.
      • A land mine had been planted in the stadium during construction.
      • He was held as a material witness with supposed knowledge of a plot to plant a dirty bomb in the United States.
      • An estimated four million to six million land mines have been planted in Cambodia since 1967.
      • The game required that players deduce the location of an atom bomb planted by terrorists before it exploded.
      • To use the classic example, one could claim that he had in custody a suspect believed to have planted a time bomb that, if not defused, would kill many innocents.
      • Saboteurs planted a bomb on that pipeline last night.
      • I condemn those responsible for planting the bomb.
      • According to recent reports, the SAS are using satellite tracking devices to pinpoint and kill suicide bombers as they utter their final prayers before planting their bombs.
      • In a separate incident in Jebaliya, the army said it shot a man who was throwing grenades and planting a bomb.
    4. 2.4 Put or hide (something) among someone's belongings to compromise or incriminate the owner.
      he planted drugs on him to extort a bribe


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I decided to plant an imposter cava among the seven authentic champagnes.
      • He's highly skilled at defeating surveillance systems, planting bugs and ferreting information from computer systems.
      • He enlivened one spring camp in Cocoa, after the club switched to Florida, by planting a young but very alive cobra in another player's foot locker.
      • She said she was given cash by him to buy drugs and told to plant them in the Point Inn in Quigley's Point, Inishowen.
      • As an indicator, he was asked by the press if the guns found at Kraal were planted there, and he answered ‘No Comment’!
      • After all, if someone has gained control of a suspect's computer couldn't incriminated material be planted?
      • Apparently he can convince the cops to plant drugs in her purse if she tries to leave the marriage with their daughter.
      • The only thing that could change the outcome would be a conviction of a baggage handler at Brisbane or Sydney airport for planting the drugs in his bag.
      • Mainly because it seems more likely that she was actually trafficking drugs than it is that someone planted them on her.
      • In Spain, a young teen is arrested after a drug dealer plants some hash in his backpack.
      • She probably made him plant false evidence to hide what really happened that day.
      • His organisation was given millions of dollars to promote the cause which largely involved planting false information about him in the world's media.
      • During the trial, the court was told police had smashed the drugs ring by planting a hidden microphone at their headquarters, Debbie's Diner.
      • Or, as he has suggested, where they deliberately planted in order to discredit the White House?
      • The surveillance by the army's FRU, and its IRA double agents, included the planting of bugs in the homes of Irish republican activists and sympathisers.
      hide, place secretly, conceal, secrete
    5. 2.5 Send (someone) to join a group or organization to act as a spy or informer.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She took out her gun and prepared herself for the battle she thought would end her life, unaware that the Agent planted was also at the scene.
      • Some of my friends think that he was planted by the producers.
      • They combined nobility of thought with practical incapacity; they did not spot the Gestapo informer planted on them.
      • The task of counterintelligence is to figure out what the other side is doing, how they are deceiving us, what double agents they have planted in our midst.
      • Indeed, there were rumors that a paranoid White House was planting informants in newsrooms and even tapping reporters' phones.
      • Actors were planted in the audience, fitted with specially adapted costumes.
      • Imagine their outrage if Democrats tried to plant a guy like this in the press corps!
      • There have been agents almost certainly planted in certain extremist right wing groups.
      • The FBI considered AIM an extremist organization, and planted spies in the group.
      • Now it turns out the question read by him was planted by a newspaper reporter.
      • The party had said it did not support the man and that he was planted by him to split his vote.
      • They seem to have done two things, take their time to study our operations and plant people at every level of the CPA administration.
      • He, for instance, is both a criminal boss and a carefully planted police agent.
      • As for him, he's convinced that he is an agent who's been planted to subvert India.
      • We were not told where we were going, for security reasons - it seemed they might have planted spies among them.
      • He was in fact an undercover officer planted by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office.
    6. 2.6 Found or establish (a colony, city, or community).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Churches were planted among a tribal people in the Philippines, teaching was given and leaders were appointed.
      • At the same time, however, Alexander planted new Greek cities across his empire.
      • They talked occasionally of planting colonies, but were diverted by the war.
      • He has been involved in mission and evangelism for over 20 years, including five years in South Africa planting a multicultural congregation.
      • Antioch, the capital of the Roman province of Syria, was where the first church was planted among the Gentiles.
      • I arrived here with my wife of 26 years and three children, and with no idea where the will of God would lead us to settle to begin planting a Reformed Baptist church.
      • Mission groups travel outside the city to plant and nurture new faith communities.
      • But last week he walked away from his much-heralded attempt to buy back the company that had planted him so firmly in the restaurant arena.
      set up, start, begin, get going, put in place, initiate, institute, form, found, create, bring into being, inaugurate, organize, lay the foundations of, build, construct, install
    7. 2.7 Deposit (young fish, spawn, oysters, etc.) in a river or lake.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Later, he did not take it for granted that the fish in a river could simply be planted as needed.
      • Also, they had to treat Sandwash Reservoir after it was found both smallmouth and largemouth bass had been illegally planted, threatening what had been an excellent trout fishery.
      • Crawfish has been planted in many lakes in Sweden, to ensure some fun times and some home-cooked crawfish.
      • This indicated that some of the original fifteen thousand young fish planted in 1871 had survived and matured.
      • Most major Scottish rivers now have a facility in which juvenile salmon can be produced from wild adult fish and planted back into suitable habitat within the catchment.


Old English plante ‘seedling’, plantian (verb), from Latin planta ‘sprout, cutting’ (later influenced by French plante) and plantare ‘plant, fix in a place’.





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