

单词 harden

Definition of harden in English:


verb ˈhɑːd(ə)nˈhɑrdn
  • 1Make or become hard or harder.


    no object wait for the glue to harden


    with object bricks which seem to have been hardened by firing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • If it hardens in the firing pin hole, we may have to use a Dremel tool and a pick to get it out.
    • Don't bother trying to resist Jim Garrahy's Fudge Kitchen, where the fudge is made in front of you, spread out on a huge marble slab and left to harden before being passed around for sampling.
    • But this extra water doesn't just sit there as the concrete hardens; it moves through the concrete to an exposed surface and evaporates.
    • Tung oil will harden, not stay soft and oily as the typical oil finish you mention.
    • These are essential for keeping fat and water dispersed evenly in an emulsion, and then binding the free water after freezing and hardening so ice crystal formation is negligible.
    • Linseed oil putty is used because when it hardens, it contributes to the structure of the window.
    • This isn't as much of a concern in the winter months, when the ground freezes over and hardens.
    • Since Wegener's day, scientists have mapped and explored the great system of oceanic ridges, the sites of frequent earthquakes, where molten rock rises from below the crust and hardens into new crust.
    • The MIT team made the tags by randomly mixing microscopic glass spheres into transparent epoxy and then hardening the glue into wafers about the size of Chiclets.
    • Heather has coped with a genetic disorder which thickens and hardens her bones and Tom gained his award for rescuing his toddler sister from drowning.
    • I have seen soft teeth harden after cod liver oil and lots of butter are added to the diet.
    • If the weather warms up the pitch will harden and produce variable bounce,’ says Charles Downes.
    • Instead of being mixed with liquid, they are mixed with a rubbery material that stays rubbery and doesn't harden like glue.
    • The Brazilian Rosewood oil penetrates wood, hardening and protecting individual fibers.
    • They include any type of oil or fat that hardens when cold.
    • These oils harden when exposed to air and seal the wood.
    • The glue-on patches have been just as ineffective, with most failures coming when the glue hardens and cracks and the patch peels away.
    • Thermoplastics, which soften when heated and harden when cooled, run the gamut from commodity to engineering plastics.
    • The outside would immediately harden, but the inside would remain soft.
    • As the crystals form connections, the concrete stiffens, hardens, and gains strength.
    solidify, set, become hard, become solid, congeal, clot, coagulate, stiffen, thicken, cake, freeze, bake, crystallize
    strengthen, reinforce
    technical anneal, vulcanize, ossify, petrify
    rare indurate, inspissate, gelatinize
    1. 1.1 Make or become more severe and less sympathetic.
      with object she hardened her heart


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My heart should not be hardening against him but it has and yet it feels like porcelain and as if it is starting to crack.
      • If the truth be told, Biskind doesn't sound all that hardened to it.
      • They had been rejected, first, by the father of the child and then by a number of people who, after giving them shelter, eventually hardened their hearts and turned them out.
      • The mood among the high command of the Israel Defence Forces and the soldiers battling on the streets hardened.
      • Once again, the Labour Court has intervened in a bid to resolve the issues, but the trades unions' attitude to flotation is hardening.
      • A glut of sob stories, short memories and disenchantment over aid funds will create a backlash that hardens people's hearts toward tragedy.
      • As the scale of the deal struck with the PDs emerges, that resentment is hardening.
      • An instant later her eyes seemed to harden and become as hard and cold as the rock whose color they took.
      • War hardens hearts, eats the economy, and cramps political liberty.
      • The opening line was, ‘Immigration, it seems, hardens hearts and softens brains like few other issues’.
      • Softly the wind blew his wispy hair, and his cheeks hardened, the shadows falling down as the sun set farther into the sky.
      • Pro-Agreement loyalists in north Belfast report that attitudes are hardening.
      • They'll trumpet their exemplar's views when he says too much gothic severity hardens the heart, but probably don't care to publicise such statements as this.
      • Over the years of life I had hardened my heart with hatred and mistrust.
      • You could feel the concern across the house about what action will be taken and the effect that it may have - but you could also sense that people were bracing themselves and hardening their hearts for tough decisions and a very long haul.
      • Drivers' expressions harden and freeze as ruts deepen, mud thickens and the suspicion dawns that 4WD may not after all be the complete antidote to the laws of gravity and friction, but still they press on.
      • But I will say this: if this conflict should widen, or go on much longer than anticipated, I have little doubt that public support will only harden.
      • He looks as if he wants to speak, but then his eyes harden as she remains impassive.
      • Jeff Leighton, FBU Executive Council member for the Yorkshire region, said there was no doubt attitudes had continued to harden since the strike began.
      • Within the airline, attitudes appear to be hardening considerably.
      toughen, desensitize, inure, make insensitive, make tough, make unfeeling, case-harden, harden someone's heart
      deaden, numb, benumb, anaesthetize
      brutalize, make callous
      rare indurate
    2. 1.2 Make or become tougher and more clearly defined.
      no object suspicion hardened into certainty


      with object this served only to harden the resolve of the island nations
      Example sentencesExamples
      • His eyes hardened into bright emeralds and… I could be imagining it, but they had a somewhat reproachful gleam.
      • A surprised burst of laughter softened Adrienne's face before it hardened into familiar lines.
      • Michael Howard has finally stopped wittering on about immigration after discovering that this is hardening up the Labour support.
      • The generalised irreverence of his earlier films has hardened into a focused attack on the equal absurdities of war and the British class system.
      • No doubt plenty of people will harden in their support for the Democrats in the next election.
      • The problem is not that America has hardened into red states and blue ones.
      • He wasn't terribly popular in our part of the constituency and rumours, some of which have hardened into allegations, abounded.
      • He did this to harden up electoral support and build a core of activists committed not just to racism, but to fascism.
      • The spectacle has now hardened into tradition.
      • The Tories seem to believe that they can harden up their core support through scapegoating.
      • With the Lebanese government balking at an international investigation into the murder, tensions are rising and positions hardening.
      • As far as the office itself is concerned, companies have to break away from their traditional reliance on the perimeter firewall and look to harden up defences from within.
      • They see that his supporters are hardening in their views but not increasing their numbers.
      • The lightness of the first film had hardened into a frantic, unpleasant quality - it's easily the worst of the series.
      • And those opinions hardened into a kind of religious conviction beyond change when Hoddle left England in 1987.
      • It defends faith by preventing it from being hardened into abstractions.
      • The country has long since hardened into its own shape, and whether it holds together or breaks into pieces is largely up to the Iraqis who now have it in their hands.
      • Its pure white heart of snow often is hardened into grey and traitorous sleet.
      • The US has hardened into two virulently opposed ideological and cultural camps that are almost equal in numbers.
      • His heart froze into muddy ice and his eyes hardened into a wide glance.
      toughen, desensitize, inure, make insensitive, make tough, make unfeeling, case-harden, harden someone's heart
    3. 1.3no object (of prices of shares, commodities, etc.) rise and remain steady at a higher level.
      if oil prices harden at the end of this century
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Goldman Sachs believes oil prices are continuing to harden and that buying at $55 per barrel forward offers huge potential gains to investors.
      • Property in Switzerland is becoming more popular with British skiers, as the French market hardens and becomes more expensive.
      • The latest polling evidence suggests that while opposition to Britain joining the euro is hardening, popular support for the UK staying in membership of the European Union is at its strongest in nearly a decade.
      • Harper puts great stock in the role of insurance as a way of both incentivizing efficient levels of target hardening and of coping with the risks of loss from such events.
      • Similarly, the authors of a number of country case studies report evidence of greater wage and price flexibility with the hardening of the exchange rate commitment.
      • ‘By the time the standards harden, we have something that has been used by a lot of people,’ said Bob Sutor, IBM's director of e-Business strategy.
      • This boom has been fuelled by the Indian shipping rates which are an all time high due to tonnage charges hardening in the international market.
      • Consequently less speculative accommodation is now being provided, which we believe will lead to rents hardening and a build-to-suit market becoming more preeminent.
      • Record low yields are being set this year, and yields will harden further for the foreseeable future.
      • ICICI's chief executive officer K.V.Kamath said that in spite of steel prices hardening globally, ICICI will not lend any further to the industry.
      • Bord Gáis has not hiked prices by anything like that amount to the consumer, but it is coming under increasing pressure due to the hardening of prices on the wholesale market in Britain.
      • The market is hardening all the time and I feel it will remain active over the coming months,’ said Stanley.
      • Tighter supplies of beef cattle in the midlands and northern regions of the country has led to a further hardening on prices for this weeks kill.
      • Trade has kept pretty steady over the past week, with lamb prices hardening in response to smaller numbers on the market.
      • Regardless, companies would be wise to let others take the initial plunge for at least six months while XP hardens in the marketplace.
      • Lamb prices are still holding pretty steady, with the odd sign they might be hardening.
      • However, this is looking increasingly unrealistic as the view hardens that a sustained DRAM price recovery must happen for the PC industry's traditional uptick period to start in September.
      • The commercial insurance market is hardening, as they say in the insurance business.
      • ‘This is evident in a number of markets where rents are falling, but yields are not only holding steady, but in most instances hardening,’ he said.
      • He said ‘As the prospects of a bumper EU harvest fade rapidly due to adverse weather conditions, market prices for grain will harden.’

Phrasal Verbs

  • harden something off

    • Inure a plant to cold by gradually increasing its exposure to it.


      the cuttings can be left in the frame until mid May, when they can be hardened off and planted out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • First the seedlings are hardened off by moving them outside in the flats for an hour or two the first day and increasing the time until, in a week, they stay out around the clock.
      • I hardened it off for growing outside and transferred the whole lot into a large, blue glazed pot.
      • Add moisture retaining granules and slow release fertiliser to the compost and gradually harden the plants off before putting them outside completely at the end of the month.
      • Place them out of direct sun on a light windowsill or in the greenhouse to grow on until they can be hardened off and planted out at the end of May.
      • Gradually harden them off over three to five days by putting them in a protected shady spot, first for half a day, then a full day, and then gradually into full sun.
      • We've hardened the turf off with some high-potassium fertilizers and tried to keep any water on the surface of the greens to a minimum.
      • Eggplants are very sensitive to transplant shock, so take extra care to harden them off properly.
      • Don't put them outdoors, though, until all danger of frost has passed, and remember to harden them off properly.
      • Not everyone has the luxury of a greenhouse, but plants can be hardened off by taking them outdoors during the day and bringing them in again in the late evening.
      • A week or so before transplanting outdoors, harden them off, stop fertilizing and watering, and put plants outside each day to help them adjust to new growing conditions.


  • hardener

  • noun ˈhɑːd(ə)nəˈhɑrd(ə)nər
    • They are made of chemo ceramic - a mixture of ceramic powder with 15 hardeners, including sodium bentonite, quartz and felspur, and burnt over 24 hours.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Andre Plouffe, owner of Designs in Concrete, Thousand Oaks, Calif., and Glen Roman started their work on a buff-colored slab cast with dry shake color hardeners broadcast at twice the normal rate (1.2 pounds per square foot).
      • Every time you uncover a little bit of bone, you pour hardener over it to help protect it from being scratched or shattered.
      • Retail values should continue to harden as rents increase.
      • Liquid hardeners can penetrate some slabs as much as 1/8 inch, and can increase the surface abrasion resistance by 25% or more, according to Dianne Carey, senior chemist for W.R. Meadows, Hampshire, Ill.
      • To accomplish this easily in production, rich alloy ingot, or ‘hardener’, is employed; hardeners contain from less than 1% to as much as 50% of alloying elements.


Baden, Baden-Baden, Coloradan, garden, lardon, Nevadan, pardon

Definition of harden in US English:


  • 1Make or become hard or harder.


    no object wait for the glue to harden


    with object bricks that seem to have been hardened by firing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • If it hardens in the firing pin hole, we may have to use a Dremel tool and a pick to get it out.
    • This isn't as much of a concern in the winter months, when the ground freezes over and hardens.
    • Linseed oil putty is used because when it hardens, it contributes to the structure of the window.
    • These oils harden when exposed to air and seal the wood.
    • Heather has coped with a genetic disorder which thickens and hardens her bones and Tom gained his award for rescuing his toddler sister from drowning.
    • Don't bother trying to resist Jim Garrahy's Fudge Kitchen, where the fudge is made in front of you, spread out on a huge marble slab and left to harden before being passed around for sampling.
    • But this extra water doesn't just sit there as the concrete hardens; it moves through the concrete to an exposed surface and evaporates.
    • As the crystals form connections, the concrete stiffens, hardens, and gains strength.
    • Thermoplastics, which soften when heated and harden when cooled, run the gamut from commodity to engineering plastics.
    • The MIT team made the tags by randomly mixing microscopic glass spheres into transparent epoxy and then hardening the glue into wafers about the size of Chiclets.
    • The outside would immediately harden, but the inside would remain soft.
    • Tung oil will harden, not stay soft and oily as the typical oil finish you mention.
    • These are essential for keeping fat and water dispersed evenly in an emulsion, and then binding the free water after freezing and hardening so ice crystal formation is negligible.
    • I have seen soft teeth harden after cod liver oil and lots of butter are added to the diet.
    • Instead of being mixed with liquid, they are mixed with a rubbery material that stays rubbery and doesn't harden like glue.
    • Since Wegener's day, scientists have mapped and explored the great system of oceanic ridges, the sites of frequent earthquakes, where molten rock rises from below the crust and hardens into new crust.
    • The glue-on patches have been just as ineffective, with most failures coming when the glue hardens and cracks and the patch peels away.
    • If the weather warms up the pitch will harden and produce variable bounce,’ says Charles Downes.
    • The Brazilian Rosewood oil penetrates wood, hardening and protecting individual fibers.
    • They include any type of oil or fat that hardens when cold.
    solidify, set, become hard, become solid, congeal, clot, coagulate, stiffen, thicken, cake, freeze, bake, crystallize
    1. 1.1 Make or become more severe and less sympathetic.
      with object she hardened her heart


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A glut of sob stories, short memories and disenchantment over aid funds will create a backlash that hardens people's hearts toward tragedy.
      • You could feel the concern across the house about what action will be taken and the effect that it may have - but you could also sense that people were bracing themselves and hardening their hearts for tough decisions and a very long haul.
      • Once again, the Labour Court has intervened in a bid to resolve the issues, but the trades unions' attitude to flotation is hardening.
      • Within the airline, attitudes appear to be hardening considerably.
      • Over the years of life I had hardened my heart with hatred and mistrust.
      • Drivers' expressions harden and freeze as ruts deepen, mud thickens and the suspicion dawns that 4WD may not after all be the complete antidote to the laws of gravity and friction, but still they press on.
      • The mood among the high command of the Israel Defence Forces and the soldiers battling on the streets hardened.
      • If the truth be told, Biskind doesn't sound all that hardened to it.
      • War hardens hearts, eats the economy, and cramps political liberty.
      • They'll trumpet their exemplar's views when he says too much gothic severity hardens the heart, but probably don't care to publicise such statements as this.
      • As the scale of the deal struck with the PDs emerges, that resentment is hardening.
      • They had been rejected, first, by the father of the child and then by a number of people who, after giving them shelter, eventually hardened their hearts and turned them out.
      • He looks as if he wants to speak, but then his eyes harden as she remains impassive.
      • Softly the wind blew his wispy hair, and his cheeks hardened, the shadows falling down as the sun set farther into the sky.
      • But I will say this: if this conflict should widen, or go on much longer than anticipated, I have little doubt that public support will only harden.
      • Jeff Leighton, FBU Executive Council member for the Yorkshire region, said there was no doubt attitudes had continued to harden since the strike began.
      • My heart should not be hardening against him but it has and yet it feels like porcelain and as if it is starting to crack.
      • An instant later her eyes seemed to harden and become as hard and cold as the rock whose color they took.
      • Pro-Agreement loyalists in north Belfast report that attitudes are hardening.
      • The opening line was, ‘Immigration, it seems, hardens hearts and softens brains like few other issues’.
      toughen, desensitize, inure, make insensitive, make tough, make unfeeling, case-harden, harden someone's heart
    2. 1.2 Make or become tougher and more clearly defined.
      no object suspicion hardened into certainty


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He wasn't terribly popular in our part of the constituency and rumours, some of which have hardened into allegations, abounded.
      • And those opinions hardened into a kind of religious conviction beyond change when Hoddle left England in 1987.
      • He did this to harden up electoral support and build a core of activists committed not just to racism, but to fascism.
      • The problem is not that America has hardened into red states and blue ones.
      • The lightness of the first film had hardened into a frantic, unpleasant quality - it's easily the worst of the series.
      • Its pure white heart of snow often is hardened into grey and traitorous sleet.
      • The country has long since hardened into its own shape, and whether it holds together or breaks into pieces is largely up to the Iraqis who now have it in their hands.
      • No doubt plenty of people will harden in their support for the Democrats in the next election.
      • They see that his supporters are hardening in their views but not increasing their numbers.
      • A surprised burst of laughter softened Adrienne's face before it hardened into familiar lines.
      • Michael Howard has finally stopped wittering on about immigration after discovering that this is hardening up the Labour support.
      • As far as the office itself is concerned, companies have to break away from their traditional reliance on the perimeter firewall and look to harden up defences from within.
      • The generalised irreverence of his earlier films has hardened into a focused attack on the equal absurdities of war and the British class system.
      • It defends faith by preventing it from being hardened into abstractions.
      • With the Lebanese government balking at an international investigation into the murder, tensions are rising and positions hardening.
      • His eyes hardened into bright emeralds and… I could be imagining it, but they had a somewhat reproachful gleam.
      • His heart froze into muddy ice and his eyes hardened into a wide glance.
      • The US has hardened into two virulently opposed ideological and cultural camps that are almost equal in numbers.
      • The spectacle has now hardened into tradition.
      • The Tories seem to believe that they can harden up their core support through scapegoating.
      toughen, desensitize, inure, make insensitive, make tough, make unfeeling, case-harden, harden someone's heart
    3. 1.3no object (of prices of stocks, commodities, etc.) rise and remain steady at a higher level.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Similarly, the authors of a number of country case studies report evidence of greater wage and price flexibility with the hardening of the exchange rate commitment.
      • However, this is looking increasingly unrealistic as the view hardens that a sustained DRAM price recovery must happen for the PC industry's traditional uptick period to start in September.
      • The commercial insurance market is hardening, as they say in the insurance business.
      • This boom has been fuelled by the Indian shipping rates which are an all time high due to tonnage charges hardening in the international market.
      • Harper puts great stock in the role of insurance as a way of both incentivizing efficient levels of target hardening and of coping with the risks of loss from such events.
      • Lamb prices are still holding pretty steady, with the odd sign they might be hardening.
      • Regardless, companies would be wise to let others take the initial plunge for at least six months while XP hardens in the marketplace.
      • Consequently less speculative accommodation is now being provided, which we believe will lead to rents hardening and a build-to-suit market becoming more preeminent.
      • Trade has kept pretty steady over the past week, with lamb prices hardening in response to smaller numbers on the market.
      • The latest polling evidence suggests that while opposition to Britain joining the euro is hardening, popular support for the UK staying in membership of the European Union is at its strongest in nearly a decade.
      • ICICI's chief executive officer K.V.Kamath said that in spite of steel prices hardening globally, ICICI will not lend any further to the industry.
      • ‘This is evident in a number of markets where rents are falling, but yields are not only holding steady, but in most instances hardening,’ he said.
      • ‘By the time the standards harden, we have something that has been used by a lot of people,’ said Bob Sutor, IBM's director of e-Business strategy.
      • Goldman Sachs believes oil prices are continuing to harden and that buying at $55 per barrel forward offers huge potential gains to investors.
      • Property in Switzerland is becoming more popular with British skiers, as the French market hardens and becomes more expensive.
      • He said ‘As the prospects of a bumper EU harvest fade rapidly due to adverse weather conditions, market prices for grain will harden.’
      • Tighter supplies of beef cattle in the midlands and northern regions of the country has led to a further hardening on prices for this weeks kill.
      • Record low yields are being set this year, and yields will harden further for the foreseeable future.
      • Bord Gáis has not hiked prices by anything like that amount to the consumer, but it is coming under increasing pressure due to the hardening of prices on the wholesale market in Britain.
      • The market is hardening all the time and I feel it will remain active over the coming months,’ said Stanley.

Phrasal Verbs

  • harden something off

    • Inure a plant to cold by gradually increasing its exposure to it.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Place them out of direct sun on a light windowsill or in the greenhouse to grow on until they can be hardened off and planted out at the end of May.
      • Add moisture retaining granules and slow release fertiliser to the compost and gradually harden the plants off before putting them outside completely at the end of the month.
      • Not everyone has the luxury of a greenhouse, but plants can be hardened off by taking them outdoors during the day and bringing them in again in the late evening.
      • A week or so before transplanting outdoors, harden them off, stop fertilizing and watering, and put plants outside each day to help them adjust to new growing conditions.
      • Gradually harden them off over three to five days by putting them in a protected shady spot, first for half a day, then a full day, and then gradually into full sun.
      • Don't put them outdoors, though, until all danger of frost has passed, and remember to harden them off properly.
      • Eggplants are very sensitive to transplant shock, so take extra care to harden them off properly.
      • I hardened it off for growing outside and transferred the whole lot into a large, blue glazed pot.
      • We've hardened the turf off with some high-potassium fertilizers and tried to keep any water on the surface of the greens to a minimum.
      • First the seedlings are hardened off by moving them outside in the flats for an hour or two the first day and increasing the time until, in a week, they stay out around the clock.




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更新时间:2024/10/19 12:40:58