Photo of Repertor ‘Repertor’ was the first steel barge built by Horlocks, the famous bargemasters of Mistley, on the River Stour in Essex, in 1924.
Nowell Warner, the King's bargemaster, was at the forefront.
Following the Jervoises’ ownership, the House was owned by the More family, Mr More being the local bargemaster and coal merchant to the King.
As shareholder his involvement in the numerous disputes with bargemasters, mill owners and navvies maintaining the canal was quite demanding.
Co-owner Phil Dunham, a 45-year-old bargemaster from Runcorn, admitted it was sad to see the two docks close.
To navigate safely through the waterways of Europe you will need to know CEVNI - the Waterway Code - whose rules, signs and signals are understood by bargemasters of all nationalities.
The bargemaster hollered at his helper to tie them up with a rope as big around as my leg.
Only management - the bargemaster, engineer, captain and pilot - doesn't fall in the bargemate category.
At 4: 30AM the Elsie I rolled over and capsized, taking the life of the bargemaster, Joseph Showalter.
S.B. Repertor was the first iron barge built by Horlocks, the famous bargemasters of Mistley in Essex, in 1924.
The growing trade of the area served the bargemasters and wharfingers of Bourne End well, for both incoming raw materials and outgoing products were chiefly carried on the Thames barges.
David & Charles, 1969 pp.291, b/w illustrations, ‘from the days of the early engineers, the flashlocks, and the bargemasters at war with the mill owners for right of passage, down to the present day.’
The son of a poor Lithuanian bargemaster, Zorach was taken to America when he was four, eventually settled in the ‘little Italy’ district of Cleveland.