There is a certain amount of logic in this proposal but wouldn't it be more simple to increase the speed restriction to 40 mph on the non-dangerous sections of road in question?
It's bad enough with speed cameras sited in very obviously non-dangerous locations just in order to make money, without the prospect of speed limiters controlled by government.
Non-dangerous offenders don't need to be warehoused in expensive prison cells.
Students, for example, are constantly pestered to get tested for non-fatal, non-dangerous STIs such as chlamydia.
Non-violent and non-dangerous prisoners can be freed up to 135 days early if the prison governor agrees to their application.
Cattle are classed as a non-dangerous species and by and large are generally docile.
The waste products from fusion plants are short-lived, decaying to non-dangerous levels in a decade or two.
The current laws of football were not differentiating sufficiently between potentially dangerous and nondangerous tackles, and therefore, they were not providing players with an adequate level of protection from injury.
Sea kraits are usually of inoffensive disposition, they frequently do not attempt to bite even when caught and handled and are therefore considered non-dangerous.
She will be allowed to apply for an electronic tagging scheme which frees well-behaved, non-dangerous inmates up to 135 days early.