

单词 oligarchy

Definition of oligarchy in English:


nounPlural oligarchies ˈɒlɪɡɑːkiˈɑləˌɡɑrki
  • 1A small group of people having control of a country or organization.


    the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The war is a policy supported by and conducted in the interests of a ruling oligarchy that both major parties represent and defend.
    • Businesses created by the Internet are undermining the control of traditional business-government oligarchies.
    • Team Progressives is trying to take over the UNC, which will mean the parasitic oligarchy will take control.
    • At home, war will exacerbate social polarization as an ever-greater share of the national income is transferred to both the financial oligarchy and the military.
    • He went on to say that the demonstrations, and the fact that the war was being carried out despite such enormous opposition, expressed the deep chasm that exists between a ruling oligarchy and the vast majority of the world's population.
    • Thus it created an outlet for the social concerns of these groups while enabling the party oligarchy to retain control over the competing sectors within the single movement.
    • The oligarchy's determination to control extended well beyond the political arena to pervade all aspects of social life in the city.
    • The corporation controlled by the financial oligarchy eclipses the modern state and replaces the legal framework within which even the most authoritarian state operates with its sole Law - the urge for profit.
    • Since the political system validates the commercial order, the oligarchy is vulnerable to a reassertion of control by the owners of public institutions.
    • Venice was controlled by a financier oligarchy.
    • We must break the present supranational controls over nation-states, by the financial oligarchy.
    • More and more, a financial oligarchy has wrested control of society.
    • The real power in U.S. political parties flows as money from the corporate oligarchy to a party oligarchy.
    • Since independence, the blue in the flag has symbolized support for the ruling oligarchy, while the red has symbolized support for communism or resistance.
    • No longer will this planet be controlled by financier oligarchies controlling central banking systems, and dictating to governments, what governments can and can not do.
    • The way it controlled the subject peoples, the way the empires of Mesopotamia, in their time, controlled subject peoples: How does a small oligarchy control a large mass of people?
    • Whether at home or overseas, the US government serves the interests of the financial oligarchy that controls both the Democrats and the Republicans.
    • He and the Democrats have adopted a reactionary platform not because they think it is necessary to win the popular vote, but because such a program is required by the financial oligarchy that controls both major political parties.
    • You organize the world into different religions, and then set the religions to fight each other, as a way a small power, an oligarchy, can control the world: setting one group of people against the other.
    • The power resided in an oligarchy, a financier oligarchy, which were the leading families of Venice, who were, in their financial aspect, called fondi, or funds.
    1. 1.1 A country governed by an oligarchy.
      he believed that Britain was an oligarchy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Analysis of the rhetorical strategies shows how prophetic religion in El Salvador was related to the political struggle between the oligarchy and the popular movements as the country descended into civil war.
      • This too prevented an oligarchy from developing in Israel as it had in ancient Canaanite society.
      • Ancient Athens emerged from tyranny for about 100 years and then self-destructed and the Roman republic was never more than an oligarchy until it too became an empire.
      • Switzerland was still controlled by cantonal oligarchies who would cede very little of their sovereignty to the Federal Diet or Federal Directory.
      • This happened because Britain alone had a culture of individualism which regarded individual property ownership as the natural state for everything - and it was governed by an oligarchy of property owners.
      • We are turning back toward an oligarchy that this country should never have.
      • The result of short-term royal success in eviscerating local government was a system of degenerate petty oligarchies dependent on government initiative.
      • For more than a millennium, until its fall in 1797, the Republic of Venice was governed by an oligarchy, comprising a limited number of patrician families.
      • The Roman Republic was an oligarchy but there was some element of political participation by the lower classes - the votes were weighted so those of the rich counted for more than those of the poor, but there was voting nevertheless.
      • Several oligarchies had laws against citizens making money in trade.
      • Egypt is a mock democracy, and Saudi Arabia is a theological monarchy oligarchy run by dictators called the Royal Family.
      • The Caliphate became a monarchy, first absolute, then nominal, controlled by oligarchies, feudal lords, warlords, tribal chiefs and regional chieftains.
    2. 1.2mass noun Government by an oligarchy.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Gone are the days when democracy was a window dressing for an oligarchy.
      • As you all know, General Fabyein has made plans to abolish the oligarchy and take control of Hilajinn.
      • Chile established a parliamentary style democracy in the late 19th century, but degenerated into a system protecting the interests of the ruling oligarchy.
      • The leaders of the party and its principal organizations now formed a new oligarchy of privileged citizens.
      • But Sparta, the champion of oligarchies, set up an oligarchical regime whenever it took control of a city.
      • The city's artisans rebelled against the ruling oligarchy of merchants and nobles.
      • Consequently it reflects, to a considerable extent, the political evolution of the nation, from governing monarchy, through oligarchy and aristocracy, to parliamentary democracy.
      • The magnificent mobilisation of the workers which put an end to the coup of 11 April was a sharp reverse for the oligarchy and imperialism.
      • Your goal is to radically transform our constitutional republic into a judicial oligarchy operated by individuals with a leftist agenda.
      • Most former European colonies began their independence as nominal democracies, then rapidly moved either to single-party oligarchies, military rule, or both at once.
      • The Spartan constitution was mixed, containing elements of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy.
      • They were ruled by oligarchies or councils of elders, or some mixture of the two, and might therefore best be called tribal republics.
      • One answer may be that if you want a knowledge society, then it should preferably be a democracy, not a timocracy, an oligarchy or an intellectual dictatorship.
      • To all but the ruling oligarchy in China, Falun Gong looks like any other of countless sects and groups, benign and unthreatening.
      • According to Rhodes, ‘the political system of the South was an oligarchy under the republican form.’
      • Generations of people around the world have endured autocracy and dictatorship, totalitarianism, fascism, monarchy, oligarchy and even anarchy without knowing freedom.
      • In a totalitarian regime or even an oligarchy we have a ruler, or a group of elites ruling over the masses.
      • As monarchies, dictatorships, even oligarchies gradually are replaced by some form of government that is at least struggling to become democratic, we have all become aware of Tocqueville's prescience.
      • He explains that the best state has a large number of these people of moderate wealth, because they will support neither an extreme oligarchy nor an extreme democracy.
      • Democracies are really oligarchies with a populist face.


  • oligarchic

  • adjective ɒlɪˈɡɑːkɪk
    • Maybe in some aspects such as corruption, bureaucratization, and the domination of superpowerful oligarchic groups, the situation is probably worse than it was before.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was defending the mixed system that existed in the Britain of his day - a combination of aristocratic, commercial, oligarchic, and democratic elements.
      • Whereas the protection racket dominates Russian business at the street level, the government serves as the roof for oligarchic businesses that have their own security and are thus not vulnerable to crude racketeering.
      • Having collected less than 5 percent of the vote each, they have been ejected from the Duma, despite the massive cash infusions by the various oligarchic clans and their active campaign in mass media.
      • The question is posed, will the working class be thrust back under the oligarchic and authoritarian boot of big business or will working people take the political lead in reorganizing society on a democratic and socialist basis?
      • This oligarchic social structure is increasingly maintained by means of repressive laws, police violence and racism.
      • It will spur corruption and create an oligarchic elite that opposes the emergence of competitive markets.
      • The open consolidation of American oligarchic rule has put paid to all that.
      • Using this as a basis, the oligarchic man resembles the oligarchy in many ways, such as prizing money above everything else, gratifying only his desires and refusing to make expenditures for anything else.
      • A fragile center-right parliamentary majority emerged, composed of free-market liberals, conservative nationalists, and parties with ties to oligarchic clans and big business.
      • Not one of the speakers related the assault on democratic rights to the increasingly oligarchic structure of American society, in which economic and political power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy elite.
      • The new president, like the old, is a representative of some 100 oligarchic families who have long monopolized wealth and power in Bolivia.
      • The current system represents the end of oligarchic capitalism in Russia.
      • In so far as we can infer the Buddha's own preferences, they were for the sort of oligarchic egalitarian or republican political organization that seems to have held among his own people.
      • By the time of the 2000 election, the concentration of wealth in the hands of an oligarchic elite had reached unprecedented proportions.
      • Could this oligarchic enterprise fund the production of truly subversive art?
      • These new private capitalists developed into oligarchic clans to protect their members and compete with the others.
      • This reading certainly invites us to look at Timon as an early modern critique of the growing and rapacious power of capitalism, which robs the aristocracy of its idealized form of patriarchy, based upon oligarchic, homosocial bonds.
      • With the institution of privatization programmes around the world in the 1980s and the end of the Cold War, the welfare state has been dismantled while the oligarchic state has emerged unscathed.
      • With Athens’ defeat its own propertied class, backed by Sparta, imposed an oligarchic constitution.
  • oligarchical

  • adjective ɒlɪˈɡɑːkɪk(ə)l
    • This economic boom, however, contained the seeds of the destruction of the oligarchical order.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Yes, you had right-wing forces, you called them, or the oligarchical or wealthy forces.
      • Moreover, while some of the enterprises of the old oligarchical families were jeopardized by free trade, their personal fortunes were generally not.
      • The eighteenth century will for ever be associated with the amusements of a fashionable oligarchical society, represented most notably in the prime of the first of the great spa towns.
      • Great Britain was a prime example of the constitutional, representative, oligarchical system.
      • Two Acts, in 1856 and 1877, did much to break the oligarchical nature of the government of the university.
      • But Sparta, the champion of oligarchies, set up an oligarchical regime whenever it took control of a city.
      • The mass media are controlled by a financier oligarchical cabal.
      • There is a natural-law conception of economics, as opposed to a Venetian-style, oligarchical, financier conception.
      • The other system, is the system under which man is subjected to the oligarchical conception, which is what we have today.
      • A retrograde and oligarchical government has just been overthrown by the heroic people of Paris.
      • In addition, the fewer people involved in making decisions, the more oligarchical and less susceptible to democratic pressures the system becomes.
      • Despite the personal motives of those that create file-sharing Web sites or of those that consume free music, the fact that their actions offend the oligarchical music industry makes their behaviour political.
      • These results, combined with the ever-larger size of enterprises, point toward a greater oligarchical control of both the state and the economy.
      • So, the intent was, from before the end of World War II, the intent of this circle, in the United States and Britain, was to establish a permanent world empire, of English-speaking power, oligarchical power.
      • The institutions set up to run the common market were exclusively oligarchical; none was elected, and all governed, and still do, in the interests of the world's rich against the interests of the world's poor.
      • It is of especially questionable value in today's world, when so many countries are in fact only shell democracies, in which democratic government acts as a cover for oligarchical rule.
      • It has been dominated by the IMF and the Anglo-Americans, by the English-speaking oligarchical factions, financial oligarchical factions of the world.
      • The central institution of that oligarchical power, in the continent of Europe, is the central banking system.
      • ‘The Republic’ is nothing but a nightmarish vision of a totalitarian society ruled by an oligarchical elite, devoid of all respect for individual rights and freedom.
  • oligarchically

  • adverbɒlɪˈɡɑːkɪk(ə)li
    • From its birth to the present, capitalism has faced three imperatives: to exploit, to expand, and to rule oligarchically.


Late 15th century: from Greek oligarkhia, from oligoi 'few' and arkhein 'to rule'.

Definition of oligarchy in US English:


  • 1A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.


    the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Team Progressives is trying to take over the UNC, which will mean the parasitic oligarchy will take control.
    • He went on to say that the demonstrations, and the fact that the war was being carried out despite such enormous opposition, expressed the deep chasm that exists between a ruling oligarchy and the vast majority of the world's population.
    • The real power in U.S. political parties flows as money from the corporate oligarchy to a party oligarchy.
    • The war is a policy supported by and conducted in the interests of a ruling oligarchy that both major parties represent and defend.
    • Since the political system validates the commercial order, the oligarchy is vulnerable to a reassertion of control by the owners of public institutions.
    • The corporation controlled by the financial oligarchy eclipses the modern state and replaces the legal framework within which even the most authoritarian state operates with its sole Law - the urge for profit.
    • The oligarchy's determination to control extended well beyond the political arena to pervade all aspects of social life in the city.
    • No longer will this planet be controlled by financier oligarchies controlling central banking systems, and dictating to governments, what governments can and can not do.
    • Since independence, the blue in the flag has symbolized support for the ruling oligarchy, while the red has symbolized support for communism or resistance.
    • The power resided in an oligarchy, a financier oligarchy, which were the leading families of Venice, who were, in their financial aspect, called fondi, or funds.
    • You organize the world into different religions, and then set the religions to fight each other, as a way a small power, an oligarchy, can control the world: setting one group of people against the other.
    • He and the Democrats have adopted a reactionary platform not because they think it is necessary to win the popular vote, but because such a program is required by the financial oligarchy that controls both major political parties.
    • Thus it created an outlet for the social concerns of these groups while enabling the party oligarchy to retain control over the competing sectors within the single movement.
    • Whether at home or overseas, the US government serves the interests of the financial oligarchy that controls both the Democrats and the Republicans.
    • Venice was controlled by a financier oligarchy.
    • The way it controlled the subject peoples, the way the empires of Mesopotamia, in their time, controlled subject peoples: How does a small oligarchy control a large mass of people?
    • Businesses created by the Internet are undermining the control of traditional business-government oligarchies.
    • At home, war will exacerbate social polarization as an ever-greater share of the national income is transferred to both the financial oligarchy and the military.
    • We must break the present supranational controls over nation-states, by the financial oligarchy.
    • More and more, a financial oligarchy has wrested control of society.
    1. 1.1 A country governed by an oligarchy.
      the English aristocratic oligarchy of the 19th century
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Egypt is a mock democracy, and Saudi Arabia is a theological monarchy oligarchy run by dictators called the Royal Family.
      • This too prevented an oligarchy from developing in Israel as it had in ancient Canaanite society.
      • We are turning back toward an oligarchy that this country should never have.
      • The Roman Republic was an oligarchy but there was some element of political participation by the lower classes - the votes were weighted so those of the rich counted for more than those of the poor, but there was voting nevertheless.
      • This happened because Britain alone had a culture of individualism which regarded individual property ownership as the natural state for everything - and it was governed by an oligarchy of property owners.
      • Ancient Athens emerged from tyranny for about 100 years and then self-destructed and the Roman republic was never more than an oligarchy until it too became an empire.
      • The Caliphate became a monarchy, first absolute, then nominal, controlled by oligarchies, feudal lords, warlords, tribal chiefs and regional chieftains.
      • The result of short-term royal success in eviscerating local government was a system of degenerate petty oligarchies dependent on government initiative.
      • Several oligarchies had laws against citizens making money in trade.
      • For more than a millennium, until its fall in 1797, the Republic of Venice was governed by an oligarchy, comprising a limited number of patrician families.
      • Switzerland was still controlled by cantonal oligarchies who would cede very little of their sovereignty to the Federal Diet or Federal Directory.
      • Analysis of the rhetorical strategies shows how prophetic religion in El Salvador was related to the political struggle between the oligarchy and the popular movements as the country descended into civil war.
    2. 1.2 Government by an oligarchy.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To all but the ruling oligarchy in China, Falun Gong looks like any other of countless sects and groups, benign and unthreatening.
      • The Spartan constitution was mixed, containing elements of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy.
      • One answer may be that if you want a knowledge society, then it should preferably be a democracy, not a timocracy, an oligarchy or an intellectual dictatorship.
      • But Sparta, the champion of oligarchies, set up an oligarchical regime whenever it took control of a city.
      • They were ruled by oligarchies or councils of elders, or some mixture of the two, and might therefore best be called tribal republics.
      • The leaders of the party and its principal organizations now formed a new oligarchy of privileged citizens.
      • Your goal is to radically transform our constitutional republic into a judicial oligarchy operated by individuals with a leftist agenda.
      • Consequently it reflects, to a considerable extent, the political evolution of the nation, from governing monarchy, through oligarchy and aristocracy, to parliamentary democracy.
      • Gone are the days when democracy was a window dressing for an oligarchy.
      • According to Rhodes, ‘the political system of the South was an oligarchy under the republican form.’
      • In a totalitarian regime or even an oligarchy we have a ruler, or a group of elites ruling over the masses.
      • He explains that the best state has a large number of these people of moderate wealth, because they will support neither an extreme oligarchy nor an extreme democracy.
      • The magnificent mobilisation of the workers which put an end to the coup of 11 April was a sharp reverse for the oligarchy and imperialism.
      • Generations of people around the world have endured autocracy and dictatorship, totalitarianism, fascism, monarchy, oligarchy and even anarchy without knowing freedom.
      • Chile established a parliamentary style democracy in the late 19th century, but degenerated into a system protecting the interests of the ruling oligarchy.
      • Democracies are really oligarchies with a populist face.
      • As you all know, General Fabyein has made plans to abolish the oligarchy and take control of Hilajinn.
      • The city's artisans rebelled against the ruling oligarchy of merchants and nobles.
      • Most former European colonies began their independence as nominal democracies, then rapidly moved either to single-party oligarchies, military rule, or both at once.
      • As monarchies, dictatorships, even oligarchies gradually are replaced by some form of government that is at least struggling to become democratic, we have all become aware of Tocqueville's prescience.


See aristocracy


Late 15th century: from Greek oligarkhia, from oligoi ‘few’ and arkhein ‘to rule’.





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