

单词 fudge

Definition of fudge in English:


noun fʌdʒfədʒ
  • 1mass noun A soft crumbly or chewy sweet made from sugar, butter, and milk or cream.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And I'll have some more of the coconut fudge and milk toffees, thank-you!
    • An organic dairy producer, Roskilly's make ice-cream, fudge and yoghurt with milk from their Jersey herd.
    • Copper bowls may be used for beating egg whites, or copper kettles for cooking high sugar foods like fudge, for these foods are alkaline.
    • There is nothing remotely healthy about the crumbly fudge from the Burnt Sugar Sweet Company but it is simply the best around and my secret vice.
    • The dairy farms supply Orkney's creameries with milk and cream for ice-cream, cheese and fudge.
    • Lollipops and LifeSavers are amorphous candies; fudge and fondant (creamy candy or filling) are crystalline.
    • For something sweet, the Kone Kompany is a landmark for home-made fudge and old-fashioned ice cream cones.
    • After the meal, we retired to the drawing room for coffee and sweets (home-made fudge and Turkish delight), before falling exhausted into bed.
    • I've also put away all the toffees, fudge, chocolate, biscuits, chocolate covered biscuits and jubes so that I'm not tempted.
    • It even includes Christmas pudding fudge, which has cognac-soaked raisins and Greek cinnamon as ingredients.
    • More than most candies, fudge requires precision in temperature and technique.
    • Creamy and rich and thick divinity and taffy and fudge along with all kinds of rainbow-colored candy and cakes are also for sale.
    • Lewanna paused, tempted by the prospect of warm, moist cookies with rich chunks of fudge and sweet chocolate chips.
    • Following recent takeovers, it has now extended its range to include wine gums, fruit pastilles, jelly beans and traditional boiled sweets, toffees and fudge.
    • As well as stocking a range of handmade Belgian chocolates, the shop also sells fudge, sugar-free sweets, tobacco and cigars.
    • Toffee, butterscotch and fudge are as versatile as chocolate - and equally delicious.
    • By the age of 10 I was boiling up fudge, toffee and Turkish delight with, it seemed to me, only the merest hint of adult supervision.
    • Add frozen butter without stirring, then allow the fudge to cool.
    • There are many possibilities as far as flavor goes, including traditional chocolate, fudge, and peanut butter.
    • Mackinac Island is known for fudge made with only the finest and freshest ingredients.
    chewy sweet, toffee
    1. 1.1North American Rich chocolate, used especially as a sauce or a filling for cakes.
      a sundae with whipped cream, ice cream, hot fudge, and a cherry on top
      as modifier a fudge cake
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Things don't get better when I ask about dessert at the bar, and the barman confers with his superiors before revealing that all they've got left is hot chocolate fudge cake.
      • You are trying to diet and someone offers you a luscious rich slice of chocolate fudge cake.
      • The chocolatey cone is then filled with vanilla or chocolate ice cream and topped with fudge and chocolate chips before being lidded and heat-sealed.
      • Now, who wants some double fudge swirl ice cream?
      • Its like asking a kid if he wants hot fudge on his ice cream.
      • After a reasonable swim Maggie had Charney help her bring out a couple tubs of ice cream with the hot fudge and butterscotch sauces, cherries, chopped nuts, sprinkles and of course whipped cream.
      • A Broadway sundae with black chocolate cake and whipped cream and vanilla ice cream and fudge.
      • In other words, the product features strawberry and vanilla ice creams with strawberries, fudge-covered shortbread cookies with fudge and strawberry swirls.
      • If they didn't, I would of gone around smelling like a salad dressing sundae with whipped cream and fudge on top.
      • We would eat ice cream topped with hot fudge, and perhaps sprinkles.
      • Outside of the well-deserved worship of vanilla ice cream, fudge, caramel and peanut butter were noteworthy as popular flavors in new product introductions in the past year.
      • It may not look like much but its stuffed with hot fudge, bananas and peanut butter.
      • Top entire pan with: 1 bag chocolate chips, 1 pint chocolate ice cream, 1 pint chocolate mousse, hot fudge and whipped cream to taste.
      • Vicky's hot chocolate fudge cake, in particular, was excellent.
      • But, I gorged myself on prime rib and chocolate ice cream cake with hot fudge sauce.
      • A new flavor, Eagles Touchdown Sundae, features chocolate peanut butter footballs, smooth peanut butter swirls and fudge in a vanilla ice cream base.
      • It's an Oreo Brownie covered in soft-serve ice cream, smothered in marshmallow topping, hot fudge, and whipped cream, and sprinkled with crushed Oreo cookies.
      • Blake shoved a spoonful of ice cream mixed with hot fudge into his mouth.
      • Mom always made a big bowl of ice cream with hot fudge and nuts on the first day of school.
      • They asked for melting chocolate cake, topped with chocolate fudge and cream, and for marshmallow mountain, three scoops of creme caramel ice cream, covered in butterscotch sauce and topped with marshmallows.
  • 2An attempt to fudge an issue.

    the new settlement is a fudge rushed out to win cheers at the conference


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The fudge and compromise which will inevitably ensue means that it is unlikely the stadium which is eventually built will serve the best interests of the fans.
    • Such a stance invites a compromising fudge from the very beginning, on the part of applicants to central government.
    • Irrespective of whether a fudge is found on the policing issue, continuing tensions are inevitable.
    • Instead, they look like meetings of unelected elites, of technocrats who make decisions in secret and who rely upon intentionally impenetrable language, who settle differences through arcane fudges.
    • It's a simple matter of fairness and principle, but that would be far too much to expect of an organisation whose disciplinary committee has made a laughing stock of itself this season with various spineless fudges and cop-outs.
    • For a party whose being is so linked with core principles, government will mean painful compromises and fudges.
    • All we have had is whole lot of political fudges, while the industry has gone down, taking large numbers of other jobs with it.
    • A furious business leader has attacked City of York Council's suggested freeze on car parking spaces as ‘nothing more than a fudge.’
    • His supporters point to what they consider to be a moral clarity that has ended a lengthy period of fudges and rationalisations on crucial issues such as terrorism.
    • That is not accounting for all sorts of fudges which allow fishermen from different countries to find various ways of bending the rules.
    • There is every reason to suppose that the Labour-dominated committee in Parliament will make criticisms of the government that stop short of accusing it of lying - a classic fudge.
    • But residents fear that instead of saying yes the Government, concerned about its green image, will go for a political fudge - a public inquiry that could drag on for years.
    • Labor's attempts to dismiss the story as old was a fudge.
    • That the appalling York racecourse firework displays may be forced to end at 10 pm is a fudge by the leisure department.
    • Its success has been limited as the history of the era between 1914-18 and 1939-45 shows and the record of evasions, fudges, compromises and failures is a discouraging one.
    • He said: ‘We think this is a fudge because it's not going to go back to panel and that means if nothing's agreed then it will go ahead as it is.’
    • Television involved the sort of fudges and compromises that simply wouldn't occur to her.
    • That's why the opposition needs to start thinking now about these issues; a pre-election fudge is unlikely to pass muster.
    • Their laissez-faire attitude toward corporate accounting during the go-go years may have contributed to the fudge turning to fraud.
    • ‘It is a compromise, a fudge and a deferral,’ he taunted.
    compromise, cover-up, halfway house
    equivocation, spin, casuistry, sophistry, speciousness
    informal cop-out
    1. 2.1archaic mass noun Nonsense.
      I hope your marriage will cure you of your silly fudge
  • 3A piece of late news inserted in a newspaper page.


verb fʌdʒfədʒ
[with object]
  • 1Present or deal with (something) in a vague or inadequate way, especially so as to conceal the truth or mislead.


    the authorities have fudged the issue
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Once again it would appear that he is trying to fudge the issue.
    • So the obvious interpretation of his comments is that he used the suggestion of one association for Britain as a means of fudging the issue.
    • The law she never fudges: ‘You've got to say what you mean and mean what you say.’
    • When a big issue is on, do we want someone who might be prepared to fudge the realities of truth in order to meet his or her own ends?
    • So why does the council leaflet apparently fudge the issue by talking of education while not letting on that the education in question is of the private variety?
    • The problem which besets all mergers and acquisitions is the lack of clarity, with management issues being fudged.
    • Anyone who comes before her court who has failed to behave well - whether by ignoring a contract or just fudging the truth - can expect the fourth degree, often followed by a dose of withering sarcasm or outright scorn.
    • The court's message to universities and other selective, government-financed institutions is: We have fudged this dangerous issue.
    • Opposition to GE is strong in Thailand, but the Government there has fudged the issue, having just cancelled approval of GE crops that would have ended a three-year regulatory ban.
    • However, critics say the G8 has fudged many issues and put national self-interest before the international common good.
    • They would like to fudge the issue by conflating it with questions about how the war was prosecuted.
    • Some have claimed that this is fudging the issue, and that they have set in a committee where it will wither and die.
    • As they did not insist on punishing the guilty, his supporters could take recourse to the ambiguities in political procedures to fudge the issue of criminal responsibility altogether.
    • He does however still fudge the truth question somewhat in his analogy with writing.
    • A good lawyer might fudge the issue for his client - not sufficiently to get him off the hook, but sufficiently to suggest that he honestly felt himself justified in making a second marriage.
    • The conventional wisdom is that the church fudges issues such as child abuse in order to hold on to power.
    • Whenever awareness-raising is put forward as a solution, I smell an issue being fudged.
    • If you look at the way science fiction writers deal with this - well, most of them just fudge the whole issue.
    • They're fudging the issue and if they don't tackle this head on, they will be seen to shield those who commit heinous crimes on children.
    • Trying to fudge the issue will only invite China's bullying and eventual invasion.
    evade, dodge, skirt, avoid, duck, shift ground about
    hedge, prevaricate, vacillate, be non-committal, shuffle, parry questions, stall, shilly-shally, beat about the bush, mince (one's) words
    British hum and haw
    informal waffle, cop out, flannel, sit on the fence
    rare tergiversate
    1. 1.1 Adjust or manipulate (facts or figures) so as to present a desired picture.
      the government has been fudging figures to make it look as though targets have been met
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Disputing the official version that an average two or three lions are poisoned to death each year, he believes the forest department figures are fudged.
      • The government, which often fudges numbers, doesn't want you to know the truth, just as your parents shielded you from many of life's unpleasantries.
      • According to media reports, the corporation has been accused of fudging facts and figures regarding funds that were used for reconstruction and rehabilitation.
      • If a woman fudges on her income tax, how can you be sure that she is not fudging on the results of her sociological experiments, or picking and choosing the results which corroborate her theories?
      • But if you don't feel comfortable with such blatant figure fudging, you can tinker with the words.
      • And how does crime compare, even with these fudged statistics, with what it was in the 1970's and 1980's?
      • I think that it is clear that the numbers were fudged, that we shaded the truth, because I think there was a predisposition to go in, and wasn't based on facts on the ground.
      • How he fudges the numbers on the cost side or deals with benefit cuts remains a bit muddled.
      • There's a clever way in which companies fudge and fiddle with their earnings figures, and you should know about it.
      • Corporate scandals, political scandals, journalists fabricating stories, researchers fudging data - does anyone ever tell the truth anymore?
      • And a lie from the White House - or a fib or a misrepresentation or a fudged number - can go a long way toward distorting the national discussion.
      • That's why I respect him so much - he gave an honest answer, rather than trying to fudge up data to support his desires, as do many, many figures on both the left and the right.
      • Certainly one can distort the truth without fudging figures or Photoshopping images, simply by clever juxtaposition.
      • But it'll never be done by 2005, which will mean that managers will again spent too much time fudging performance figures and not enough get the system right.
      falsify, fake, distort, manipulate, misrepresent, misreport, bend, spin, put a spin on, massage, tamper with, tinker with, interfere with, change, doctor, juggle
      embellish, embroider, warp, colour
      informal cook, fiddle with
exclamation fʌdʒfədʒ
  • Nonsense! (expressing disbelief or annoyance)


    ‘You know how she despises me!’ ‘Fudge! She dotes on you’


Early 17th century: probably an alteration of obsolete fadge 'to fit'. Early usage was as a verb in the sense 'turn out as expected', also 'merge together': this probably gave rise to its use in confectionery. In the late 17th century the verb came to mean 'fit together in a clumsy or underhand manner', which included facts or figures being cobbled together in a superficially convincing way: this led to the exclamation 'fudge!' and to noun sense 3 of the noun.

  • Today we think of fudge as primarily a sweet, and maybe also as a word thrown around as an insult by politicians who are always accusing each other of ‘fudging’ facts or figures. But the first use of the word was in the sense ‘to turn out as expected’, and also ‘to merge together’. It then came to mean ‘to fit together in a clumsy or underhand manner’, or ‘to manipulate facts and figures’. People started exclaiming ‘fudge!’ to express scorn or annoyance in the 18th century. The word probably came from the old term fadge, which meant ‘to fit’. People have been enjoying the sweet since the 1890s or so, originally in America. The meaning was probably suggested by the old sense ‘to merge together’, because of the way in which you mix up the sugar, butter, and milk or cream to make the fudge.


adjudge, begrudge, bludge, budge, drudge, grudge, judge, misjudge, nudge, pudge, sludge, smudge, trudge

Definition of fudge in US English:


  • 1A soft candy made from sugar, butter, and milk or cream.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Lollipops and LifeSavers are amorphous candies; fudge and fondant (creamy candy or filling) are crystalline.
    • Mackinac Island is known for fudge made with only the finest and freshest ingredients.
    • Add frozen butter without stirring, then allow the fudge to cool.
    • It even includes Christmas pudding fudge, which has cognac-soaked raisins and Greek cinnamon as ingredients.
    • After the meal, we retired to the drawing room for coffee and sweets (home-made fudge and Turkish delight), before falling exhausted into bed.
    • For something sweet, the Kone Kompany is a landmark for home-made fudge and old-fashioned ice cream cones.
    • Following recent takeovers, it has now extended its range to include wine gums, fruit pastilles, jelly beans and traditional boiled sweets, toffees and fudge.
    • There is nothing remotely healthy about the crumbly fudge from the Burnt Sugar Sweet Company but it is simply the best around and my secret vice.
    • By the age of 10 I was boiling up fudge, toffee and Turkish delight with, it seemed to me, only the merest hint of adult supervision.
    • Toffee, butterscotch and fudge are as versatile as chocolate - and equally delicious.
    • More than most candies, fudge requires precision in temperature and technique.
    • An organic dairy producer, Roskilly's make ice-cream, fudge and yoghurt with milk from their Jersey herd.
    • Creamy and rich and thick divinity and taffy and fudge along with all kinds of rainbow-colored candy and cakes are also for sale.
    • And I'll have some more of the coconut fudge and milk toffees, thank-you!
    • There are many possibilities as far as flavor goes, including traditional chocolate, fudge, and peanut butter.
    • Lewanna paused, tempted by the prospect of warm, moist cookies with rich chunks of fudge and sweet chocolate chips.
    • Copper bowls may be used for beating egg whites, or copper kettles for cooking high sugar foods like fudge, for these foods are alkaline.
    • As well as stocking a range of handmade Belgian chocolates, the shop also sells fudge, sugar-free sweets, tobacco and cigars.
    • I've also put away all the toffees, fudge, chocolate, biscuits, chocolate covered biscuits and jubes so that I'm not tempted.
    • The dairy farms supply Orkney's creameries with milk and cream for ice-cream, cheese and fudge.
    chewy sweet, toffee
    1. 1.1North American Rich chocolate, used especially as a filling for cakes or a sauce on ice cream.
      as modifier a fudge cake
      chocolate cake filled with whipped cream and topped with hot fudge
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Things don't get better when I ask about dessert at the bar, and the barman confers with his superiors before revealing that all they've got left is hot chocolate fudge cake.
      • Now, who wants some double fudge swirl ice cream?
      • It's an Oreo Brownie covered in soft-serve ice cream, smothered in marshmallow topping, hot fudge, and whipped cream, and sprinkled with crushed Oreo cookies.
      • Its like asking a kid if he wants hot fudge on his ice cream.
      • Vicky's hot chocolate fudge cake, in particular, was excellent.
      • The chocolatey cone is then filled with vanilla or chocolate ice cream and topped with fudge and chocolate chips before being lidded and heat-sealed.
      • They asked for melting chocolate cake, topped with chocolate fudge and cream, and for marshmallow mountain, three scoops of creme caramel ice cream, covered in butterscotch sauce and topped with marshmallows.
      • Top entire pan with: 1 bag chocolate chips, 1 pint chocolate ice cream, 1 pint chocolate mousse, hot fudge and whipped cream to taste.
      • A Broadway sundae with black chocolate cake and whipped cream and vanilla ice cream and fudge.
      • Outside of the well-deserved worship of vanilla ice cream, fudge, caramel and peanut butter were noteworthy as popular flavors in new product introductions in the past year.
      • Mom always made a big bowl of ice cream with hot fudge and nuts on the first day of school.
      • But, I gorged myself on prime rib and chocolate ice cream cake with hot fudge sauce.
      • A new flavor, Eagles Touchdown Sundae, features chocolate peanut butter footballs, smooth peanut butter swirls and fudge in a vanilla ice cream base.
      • You are trying to diet and someone offers you a luscious rich slice of chocolate fudge cake.
      • It may not look like much but its stuffed with hot fudge, bananas and peanut butter.
      • Blake shoved a spoonful of ice cream mixed with hot fudge into his mouth.
      • If they didn't, I would of gone around smelling like a salad dressing sundae with whipped cream and fudge on top.
      • We would eat ice cream topped with hot fudge, and perhaps sprinkles.
      • In other words, the product features strawberry and vanilla ice creams with strawberries, fudge-covered shortbread cookies with fudge and strawberry swirls.
      • After a reasonable swim Maggie had Charney help her bring out a couple tubs of ice cream with the hot fudge and butterscotch sauces, cherries, chopped nuts, sprinkles and of course whipped cream.
  • 2An instance of faking or ambiguity.

    the new settlement is a fudge rushed out to win cheers at the conference


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He said: ‘We think this is a fudge because it's not going to go back to panel and that means if nothing's agreed then it will go ahead as it is.’
    • There is every reason to suppose that the Labour-dominated committee in Parliament will make criticisms of the government that stop short of accusing it of lying - a classic fudge.
    • But residents fear that instead of saying yes the Government, concerned about its green image, will go for a political fudge - a public inquiry that could drag on for years.
    • Irrespective of whether a fudge is found on the policing issue, continuing tensions are inevitable.
    • For a party whose being is so linked with core principles, government will mean painful compromises and fudges.
    • A furious business leader has attacked City of York Council's suggested freeze on car parking spaces as ‘nothing more than a fudge.’
    • It's a simple matter of fairness and principle, but that would be far too much to expect of an organisation whose disciplinary committee has made a laughing stock of itself this season with various spineless fudges and cop-outs.
    • His supporters point to what they consider to be a moral clarity that has ended a lengthy period of fudges and rationalisations on crucial issues such as terrorism.
    • Instead, they look like meetings of unelected elites, of technocrats who make decisions in secret and who rely upon intentionally impenetrable language, who settle differences through arcane fudges.
    • Their laissez-faire attitude toward corporate accounting during the go-go years may have contributed to the fudge turning to fraud.
    • Labor's attempts to dismiss the story as old was a fudge.
    • That is not accounting for all sorts of fudges which allow fishermen from different countries to find various ways of bending the rules.
    • That's why the opposition needs to start thinking now about these issues; a pre-election fudge is unlikely to pass muster.
    • All we have had is whole lot of political fudges, while the industry has gone down, taking large numbers of other jobs with it.
    • That the appalling York racecourse firework displays may be forced to end at 10 pm is a fudge by the leisure department.
    • Such a stance invites a compromising fudge from the very beginning, on the part of applicants to central government.
    • ‘It is a compromise, a fudge and a deferral,’ he taunted.
    • The fudge and compromise which will inevitably ensue means that it is unlikely the stadium which is eventually built will serve the best interests of the fans.
    • Television involved the sort of fudges and compromises that simply wouldn't occur to her.
    • Its success has been limited as the history of the era between 1914-18 and 1939-45 shows and the record of evasions, fudges, compromises and failures is a discouraging one.
    compromise, cover-up, halfway house
    1. 2.1archaic Nonsense.
  • 3A piece of late news inserted in a newspaper page.


[with object]
  • 1Present or deal with (something) in a vague, noncommittal, or inadequate way, especially so as to conceal the truth or mislead.


    a temptation to fudge the issue and nudge grades up
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Trying to fudge the issue will only invite China's bullying and eventual invasion.
    • So the obvious interpretation of his comments is that he used the suggestion of one association for Britain as a means of fudging the issue.
    • He does however still fudge the truth question somewhat in his analogy with writing.
    • The court's message to universities and other selective, government-financed institutions is: We have fudged this dangerous issue.
    • They would like to fudge the issue by conflating it with questions about how the war was prosecuted.
    • They're fudging the issue and if they don't tackle this head on, they will be seen to shield those who commit heinous crimes on children.
    • The problem which besets all mergers and acquisitions is the lack of clarity, with management issues being fudged.
    • As they did not insist on punishing the guilty, his supporters could take recourse to the ambiguities in political procedures to fudge the issue of criminal responsibility altogether.
    • The conventional wisdom is that the church fudges issues such as child abuse in order to hold on to power.
    • A good lawyer might fudge the issue for his client - not sufficiently to get him off the hook, but sufficiently to suggest that he honestly felt himself justified in making a second marriage.
    • Whenever awareness-raising is put forward as a solution, I smell an issue being fudged.
    • The law she never fudges: ‘You've got to say what you mean and mean what you say.’
    • Anyone who comes before her court who has failed to behave well - whether by ignoring a contract or just fudging the truth - can expect the fourth degree, often followed by a dose of withering sarcasm or outright scorn.
    • When a big issue is on, do we want someone who might be prepared to fudge the realities of truth in order to meet his or her own ends?
    • So why does the council leaflet apparently fudge the issue by talking of education while not letting on that the education in question is of the private variety?
    • However, critics say the G8 has fudged many issues and put national self-interest before the international common good.
    • Once again it would appear that he is trying to fudge the issue.
    • If you look at the way science fiction writers deal with this - well, most of them just fudge the whole issue.
    • Some have claimed that this is fudging the issue, and that they have set in a committee where it will wither and die.
    • Opposition to GE is strong in Thailand, but the Government there has fudged the issue, having just cancelled approval of GE crops that would have ended a three-year regulatory ban.
    evade, dodge, skirt, avoid, duck, shift ground about
    1. 1.1 Adjust or manipulate (facts or figures) so as to present a desired picture.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Corporate scandals, political scandals, journalists fabricating stories, researchers fudging data - does anyone ever tell the truth anymore?
      • That's why I respect him so much - he gave an honest answer, rather than trying to fudge up data to support his desires, as do many, many figures on both the left and the right.
      • I think that it is clear that the numbers were fudged, that we shaded the truth, because I think there was a predisposition to go in, and wasn't based on facts on the ground.
      • Certainly one can distort the truth without fudging figures or Photoshopping images, simply by clever juxtaposition.
      • And how does crime compare, even with these fudged statistics, with what it was in the 1970's and 1980's?
      • And a lie from the White House - or a fib or a misrepresentation or a fudged number - can go a long way toward distorting the national discussion.
      • According to media reports, the corporation has been accused of fudging facts and figures regarding funds that were used for reconstruction and rehabilitation.
      • How he fudges the numbers on the cost side or deals with benefit cuts remains a bit muddled.
      • But it'll never be done by 2005, which will mean that managers will again spent too much time fudging performance figures and not enough get the system right.
      • Disputing the official version that an average two or three lions are poisoned to death each year, he believes the forest department figures are fudged.
      • There's a clever way in which companies fudge and fiddle with their earnings figures, and you should know about it.
      • The government, which often fudges numbers, doesn't want you to know the truth, just as your parents shielded you from many of life's unpleasantries.
      • If a woman fudges on her income tax, how can you be sure that she is not fudging on the results of her sociological experiments, or picking and choosing the results which corroborate her theories?
      • But if you don't feel comfortable with such blatant figure fudging, you can tinker with the words.
      falsify, fake, distort, manipulate, misrepresent, misreport, bend, spin, put a spin on, massage, tamper with, tinker with, interfere with, change, doctor, juggle
  • Nonsense! (expressing disbelief or annoyance).



Early 17th century: probably an alteration of obsolete fadge ‘to fit’. Early usage was as a verb in the sense ‘turn out as expected’, also ‘merge together’: this probably gave rise to its use in confectionery. In the late 17th century the verb came to mean ‘fit together in a clumsy or underhand manner’, which included facts or figures being cobbled together in a superficially convincing way: this led to the exclamation ‘fudge!’ and to noun fudge (sense 3 of the noun).





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