A method of reducing the number of bits (zeros and ones) in a digital signal by using mathematical algorithms to eliminate redundant information.
Example sentencesExamples
Although the film is shot on low quality tape, there is no evidence of digital compression or flaws during the transfer.
Additionally, VEIL data will carry through on home video recordings and also survive digital compression, thereby ensuring availability through time-shift recordings and existing analog TVs and VCRs.
Visually, the transfer is technically perfect, pushing the very limits of the digital compression and space to provide a platform for the stunning visuals.
Three French start-ups that specialize in digital compression and imaging technology have been funded in the past couple of weeks.
Recent technological advancements such as digital compression now allow music videos and other video programming to be transmitted via the Internet from one location to another for subsequent viewing.
Lately, much has been written on the compatibility of digital compression and interdiction.
I could detect no edge enhancement and there was no digital compression present either.
Then you combine that with the digital compression on these discs and you are left with an overall image that leaves a great deal to be desired.
The people who digitally remastered the print and who were responsible for the digital compression are all worthy of a standing ovation.
The need for digital compression is really questionable.
Definition of digital compression in US English:
digital compression
A method of reducing the number of bits (zeros and ones) in a digital signal by using mathematical algorithms to eliminate redundant information.
Example sentencesExamples
Recent technological advancements such as digital compression now allow music videos and other video programming to be transmitted via the Internet from one location to another for subsequent viewing.
Three French start-ups that specialize in digital compression and imaging technology have been funded in the past couple of weeks.
Additionally, VEIL data will carry through on home video recordings and also survive digital compression, thereby ensuring availability through time-shift recordings and existing analog TVs and VCRs.
The people who digitally remastered the print and who were responsible for the digital compression are all worthy of a standing ovation.
Then you combine that with the digital compression on these discs and you are left with an overall image that leaves a great deal to be desired.
Lately, much has been written on the compatibility of digital compression and interdiction.
I could detect no edge enhancement and there was no digital compression present either.
The need for digital compression is really questionable.
Although the film is shot on low quality tape, there is no evidence of digital compression or flaws during the transfer.
Visually, the transfer is technically perfect, pushing the very limits of the digital compression and space to provide a platform for the stunning visuals.