

单词 plot

Definition of plot in English:


nounPlural plots plɒtplɑt
  • 1A plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful.


    with infinitive there's a plot to overthrow the government


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She and her brother had planned the getaway plot for so long, and they were so sure that it would work.
    • Some believe that the whole plot was a government conspiracy to convince James that Catholics could not be trusted.
    • He muttered something under his breath, and started planning his next plot to kill her.
    • The clothing firm boss was the ringleader in a plot which swindled the Inland Revenue and Benefits Agency out of almost £500,000 over three years.
    • The two senatorial candidates were earlier listed among alleged masterminds of a plot to overthrow the government that could be arrested without warrant.
    • I have no ulterior motives, no plots or secret schemes.
    • The author ushers in the names of the conspirators and their plot to kidnap Lincoln.
    • It will be one long series of conspiracies and plots aimed at regaining the spot.
    • In July plots were discovered against James and Raleigh was arrested and charged with high treason.
    • His son Erwin was suspected of being involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler on 20 July 1944 and was executed by the Gestapo early in 1945.
    • She became totally oblivious to his plots, his plans, his thoughts once more.
    • The plot had been perfectly planned, perfectly executed.
    • She'd thrown us together to protect us; it had all been a secret plot to save her family.
    • He succeeds in persuading Krishna to go, not letting on that the real purpose was a plot by Kamsa to kill Krishna.
    • We know that we've got these people out in the world now that are looking for us, looking for an opportunity, whatever their plans or plots may be.
    • He has not been implicated in the coup plot and has remained silent on the affair.
    • Eight other terror suspects, cleared of the poison plot, were also illegal immigrants.
    • Police had said the plan to kill him was part of a larger plot to overthrow the President.
    • Subsequent interrogations of him and other accomplices revealed that a series of plots were being planned.
    • A bungling thief who masterminded a plot to defraud cashpoint customers by installing a camera in an ATM machine has been jailed for two-and-a-half years.
    conspiracy, intrigue, secret plan/scheme, stratagem
    rare cabal, complot, covin
  • 2The main events of a play, novel, film, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.


    the plot consists almost entirely of a man and woman falling in love
    with modifier he outlined his idea for a movie plot
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The events of his three years on the road, except for a few short asides, make up the plot of the novel.
    • The plot of Dostoevsky's novel paralleled real-life events.
    • There is a certain kind of movie viewer who wants to know the entire plot of a film before it opens.
    • The plot is far from novel in cinematic history, but is at least a bit of a twist on the standard formulation.
    • It is sometimes difficult to discern the main thrust of the plot because of a host of subplots.
    • I will now explain precisely what I mean, but warn you all that I will be giving away all of the secret plots twists from the first two seasons.
    • In fact, the plot of the novel constantly moves around, traveling from place to place like tourists and travel books.
    • The complex plot of the novel explores many things.
    • Plus, I planned out the plot and then added in the fact that she had known them after I wrote the third chapter, so I had to go back and change many things.
    • The plot of the novel deals with the re-entry into society of a girl who seven years before murdered three children in her care.
    • Like many adaptations from novels, the plot has too much material to give justice to the main theme.
    • So we can say that in all his films the plot leads to a fatal end, a tragic destiny which the characters cannot avoid because it is presented as an absolute truth.
    • It's truly remarkable to think about these simple films with their simple plots and simple characters and realize what big hits they were.
    • The great weakness in the love plot of the novel, as Trollope perceived, was that Ralph the Heir is so chronically and incurably ‘weak’.
    • There are several dozen speaking parts in the film and numerous plots and sub-plots.
    • The film has a brilliant plot, devoid of holes or implausibility, but is only secondary to the characters.
    • The plot of a film noir, generically speaking, is an ironic romance in which the knight's quest is driven by vice instead of virtue.
    • Don't you hate it when movie titles give away the entire plot of the film?
    • It doesn't take long to complete and repeated play will likely be only to unlock the many secrets embedded within the plot.
    • As promised in the title, the main plot of the novel revolves around a surgical operation of epic proportions.
    storyline, story, chain of events, scenario, action, thread
    rare diegesis, mythos
  • 3A small piece of ground marked out for a purpose such as building or gardening.


    a vegetable plot


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He gives five prisoners a sizable plot on the prison grounds to make the most gorgeous garden they can.
    • The plot itself is designed for businesses, offices and service space.
    • Over the last two months everybody at the school has been busy with the planting of a bog garden, a vegetable plot and a Spring Clean of the grounds.
    • Another area where councils have lost revenue is the rampant and illegal allocation of plots in many of the local authorities.
    • Speaking on national radio this week, the minister said would-be growers in the Cook Islands were being encouraged to plan small plots of trees that would be easy to manage.
    • Just because a plot of ground has outline planning permission does not mean that whoever buys that land will now get permission to build so why have it in the first place?
    • I am planning to purchase a plot in Bangalore.
    • Dozens of residents and travellers crammed in the centre's room one for the first day of an appeal hearing against the council's decision to evict travellers from 11 illegal plots.
    • We wandered upstairs and downstairs, through the garden, past the vegetable plot and back to a bus stop.
    • The land surrounding this section is farmland and small plots of vegetable gardens.
    • In order to survive, most inhabitants of the big cities are forced to grow their own vegetables in garden plots or in collaboration with their families.
    • The compost is then used by the children's gardening club in tending the vegetable and flower plots at the 123-pupil school.
    • The original owners of Ellenborough Park also owned the surrounding land, which they sold off in plots for building purposes.
    • There was also a piece of ground which my mum and dad kept as a vegetable plot.
    • They planned to sell the plot to reinvest in their fish farms business.
    • I heard a figure of something like 5000 new building sites and plots now offered in greater Plettenberg Bay.
    • When I went back to see the room where I was born, it was just a grassy plot between two apartment buildings.
    • There was no trace it had ever existed, except blank plots where the buildings once stood.
    • The residential plots and buildings have been transformed into commercial spaces, complexes and offices.
    • Men in the garden weeding the vegetable plot, while others are tending to the animals meet us.
    piece of ground, patch, area, location, parcel, tract, allotment, acreage
    North American lot, plat
    North American &amp Australian/New Zealand homesite
    South African stand, yard, erf
  • 4A graph showing the relation between two variables.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A plot of the data shows some interesting features.
    • A funnel plot showed noticeable asymmetry in the 11 placebo controlled trials.
    • One of the easiest ways to spot the patterns in the data is to produce ternary plots which emphasise how the elements in a sample are associated with one another.
    • A plot of the theoretical relationship between stress and deformation in metal shows a linear portion that represents the elastic region.
    • We performed an exploratory analysis of each variable included in the study by univariate statistics and distribution plots.
    • Figure 3 shows the three scatter plots generated for the three replicates of a representative sample.
    • Based on these results, we propose the relation plot as an instrument to distinguish different interaction schemes.
    • The prediction isn't nearly as accurate, as seen in the plot of differences between the real and expected values.
    • He was able to draw the plots in such a way that the coefficient of regression became the slope of the regression line.
    • Such a plot shows that the system cycles through precisely the same state of motion again and again at regular intervals.
    • Ternary plots are then produced to show the similarities of the populations in the database, in particular between those samples in the same population as the sample being identified.
    • Interpreting that information is not like interpreting a simple plot or graph.
    • Line drawings are more suitable than variable-area-wiggle plots for displaying large seismic sections at a size appropriate for publication.
    • Figure 3 shows the plot of void ratio versus pressure for sample 1.
    • Figure 3 shows the scatter plot of estimated versus measured cloudless values for the three data sets.
    • Panels A and B represent a plot of the expected ratio coefficients versus the fitted ones.
    1. 4.1US A diagram, chart, or map.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Goodness of fit was assessed by diagnostic plots and the statistical significance of the Pearson chi-square of the fitted model.
      • Generally, it was the more recently conducted reviews that had considered or tested for funnel plot asymmetry.
      • Understanding how numeric data plots depict behavior is certainly an important skill.
      • We used funnel plot asymmetry to detect any bias in the trials retrieved.
      • Scatterplots and residual plots were visually examined to insure that model assumptions were met.
      • Therefore, data were checked for assumptions of parametric tests by histogram plots and Kolmogorov Smirnov tests.
      • In the contour plot, red indicates the most probable conformations.
      • Data were checked for assumptions of parametric tests by histogram plots.
      • Residual plots indicate a well-specified model where there is a lack of pattern between the standardized residuals and their predicted values.
      • We examined publication bias and related biases in funnel plots and carried out a test of funnel plot asymmetry.
      • Rather than compressing all of the information into a single diagram, plots represent the distribution of the quartet distance geometries.
      plan, blueprint, drawing, scale drawing, sketch, outline, map, plot, diagram, delineation, draft, depiction, representation, artist's impression, scheme, model, prototype, proposal
verbplotting, plotted, plots plɒtplɑt
[with object]
  • 1Secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action)


    the two men are serving sentences for plotting a bomb campaign


    no object brother plots against brother


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The main enemy was the evil Cardinal Richelieu who was plotting against the easily led King and secretly working for the Spanish.
    • He remained an assertive influence at William III's court, however, quarrelling and plotting against those whom he believed were thwarting his own ambitions.
    • I know you've been plotting against me ever since the day I became queen.
    • But he is promoted over his former superior, who pretends to be pleased at his old friend's success while secretly plotting his downfall.
    • I think we have to work on the assumption that there are people out there plotting against us, wanting to do us grave damage.
    • Because several of the nobles to the north of us are plotting against the King.
    • But I still think he may be secretly plotting his next move.
    • Only six months after assuming power, he imprisoned many of his opponents on the Left, claiming that they had been plotting against him.
    • If he is indeed plotting against us, his plans will be foiled.
    • He probably was plotting something secretly evil.
    • The assassin's friends were already plotting against the girl and their opportunity for vengeance soon all too soon.
    • Part of that freedom means actually taking the unpleasant decisions of having to support a security infrastructure and the apparatus necessary to find out who is plotting against us.
    • It would appear that our ‘enemies’ have been plotting against us for some time.
    • Back in England, old Edmund Dudley got his head chopped off for plotting against King Henry VII.
    • But he was beginning to see that to Gwyn, everyone had been plotting against him and every lord and general had planned to kill their family.
    • France nurtured what was essentially a myth of a united people, secretly despising and plotting against the occupiers for five years.
    • Not since Stephen's reign had the country seen so much of its ruler, but there was little pleasure or profit to be got from a king who constantly suspected that men were plotting against him.
    • I think that when I sleep, or when I'm out doing whatever, they are secretly plotting against me.
    • His mother's lover, General Victor Lahorie, her husband's former commanding officer, was executed for plotting against Napoleon in 1812.
    • I meet people all the time who are terrified walking around because they think everybody is making fun of them or plotting against them.
    plan, scheme, arrange, organize, lay, hatch, concoct, devise, frame, think up, dream up, cook up, brew, conceive
    conspire, scheme, participate in a conspiracy, intrigue, collude, connive, manoeuvre
    rare machinate, cabal, complot
  • 2Devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, film, or similar work)


    she would plot a chapter as she drove
    no object in a crime story you have to plot carefully to achieve the surprise at the end
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Lucas plotted the film and acted as a consultant on the script.
    • And the Greeks, famous for their tragedies, really knew how to plot a story for maximum impact.
    • Is there a particular process when you begin plotting your work or does it differ?
    • I'm hoping I can divert my attention and go back to plotting my novel.
    • So certainly, our storylines are plotted ahead of time.
    • So there was no ego involved in plotting this film, casting this film, directing, editing - the only thing that mattered was the movie.
    • The five stories are intricately plotted and seamlessly woven together.
    • Brave new storylines are plotted, tackling issues like illiteracy, drink driving and vote rigging.
    • Perry plots each novel out thoroughly in advance, starting with the solution of the mystery and working backward to its beginnings.
    • Every angle is carefully plotted, and tension builds steadily throughout the film.
    • There were frank and humorous references to the Bard's weaknesses when it came to plotting his plays and his tendency to ‘borrow’ from the works of other writers.
    • Measure for Measure is one of Shakespeare's later comedies and one of his most intricately plotted plays.
    • Although the film is strongly plotted, its leisurely pace and quiet tone take it more in the direction of character study than the rollicking caper promised by the packaging.
    • Sayle is on familiar ground here, and the story is well plotted and both dialogue and historical description are credible.
    • But after watching it again for the first time in 30 years, Williams has changed his mind and revealed he is plotting a shocking sequel, with plenty of murderous revenge.
    • In answering a question about his collages he talks about why he could never plot a novel.
    • The work is clearly very well planned and organise, and the story has been carefully plotted to be tight and layered.
  • 3Mark (a route or position) on a chart.


    he started to plot lines of ancient sites


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Thus, the expeditioners are reliant solely on their radio contacts with the base to plot positions and for an aircraft to be available to pick them up at the end of the expedition.
    • The Thai Marines used compasses to mark the minefield and plotted the locations of the mines.
    • A compass, sextant and charts were the necessary tools for plotting a course.
    • Then it was back to the charts, where each team planned a route and then plotted a magnetic course to steer for each leg of the 13-mile trip to Block Island.
    • However, instead of plotting a straight path, why not create a winding tour through other interesting areas of the garden on the way there?
    • At each study site, we plotted the location of all nest predators seen or heard relative to robin nests.
    • They also have to plot the aircraft's position on a chart as a backup to verify their location at all times.
    • There are two modes: one plots a route to a chosen destination, the other allows you to create a more complex itinerary with any number of stops on the way to your final destination.
    • He took one last look at his map, plotting his route and continued on.
    • Council officers have had no choice but to plot a route using roads, which they accept is not ideal.
    • All navigation begins with plotting your position on a chart.
    • However, the key to all these innovations was the written word and the chart on which you plotted your course.
    • The Council has created a new cycle map plotting all routes which cyclists can use to get about the city.
    • Many hardboat skippers have PCs by the helm, displaying electronic charts, plotting their position from a GPS interface and even steering the boat's auto-pilot.
    • Simply enter the address and the system plots the best route and guides you with voice instructions.
    • Furthermore, the bike can't stop to evaluate its position and plot a new route; everything must be done in real time.
    • The system, which can plot a route from a wide range of driver inputs, always shows the most direct route.
    • Drivers punch in their starting point and destination and the quickest route is automatically plotted on a screen.
    • I had plotted the route in detail and made a road book.
    • The old leather chart spilled out to show a cleverly plotted route of the swamplands.
    mark, chart, map, indicate, represent, graph
    1. 3.1 Mark out or allocate (points) on a graph.
      the dependent variable's points are plotted on the Y axis
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A graphical display of attitudes about distance education and the delivery of course materials were plotted.
      • Lines connect all data points but symbols representing only every twelfth data point were plotted.
      • With previous records, inexperienced technicians had interpreted relatively simple information from an oscilloscope and plotted it on a graph.
      • Approximately, only every fifth data point is actually plotted on the graphs.
      • The time ranges of events have been plotted to take account of the errors on radiometric dates.
      • The outcomes for a range of spins and velocities can be plotted on a graph.
      • Note that sometimes a new point will be plotted further to the right than any previous one.
      • Once points are plotted, the information is stored in a job file on the data collector for future use.
      • We then placed this lumped linear genetic map on both x- and y-axes and plotted the positions of the epistatic interactions detected.
      • Points are plotted according to their natural color.
      • Such numbers can be plotted as points on a graph.
      • The article abounds with graphs sporting unlabeled axes, imprecise axis scales, inaccurately plotted points, and confused methods explanations.
      • Surely the chaos game algorithm will plot the same point multiple times.
      • In the next graph we have plotted the monthly price of U.S. dollar Gold and the year-to-year change in U.S. currency circulation, inverted.
      • In addition, the clear zones and entry control points were also plotted.
      trace, draw up, delineate
    2. 3.2 Make (a curve) by marking out a number of points on a graph.
      a cooling curve is plotted and the freezing point determined
      Example sentencesExamples
      • These ages plot as a normal curve, supporting the assumption that they all derive from a single thermal event.
      • The doctor will then plot these values on a growth curve that shows the height and weight ranges in a large population of children of the same age and sex.
      • A standard curve was plotted from the data obtained.
      • Survival curves were plotted using the product limit estimates.
      • This exact curve has been plotted as a dotted line in Fig 2A.
      • When analysing survival data, the survival curves should always be plotted.
      • They plotted the survival curves for each species and found significant sex differences in life expectancy favouring whichever sex took most parental responsibility.
      • When these curves are plotted on the same axes, their intersection points define the stable points of the system.
      • Finally, frequencies versus displacement amplitude curves were plotted for different layered systems.
      • Survival curves were plotted and the significance of differences between life spans of strains was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test.
      • The total cost curves (total means not divided by numbers of vehicles as for average cost curves) are plotted for each capacity.
      • You can plot a curve (a reaction function) showing the cost or benefit to firm A for each price.
      • Receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for the early and late stages of the disease in both the areas.
    3. 3.3 Illustrate by use of a graph.
      it is possible to plot fairly closely the rate at which recruitment of girls increased


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Page 7 of the PDF has a nice set of graphs that plot the measured personality characteristics as a function of age.
      • The graph plots the cancer rate for each sex within 10-year age bands for the UK in 1999.
      • He holds up a graph plotting the dramatically dropping rates of the hormone over a woman's life, a drop that parallels the drop in estrogen levels.
      • Figure 2 plots the individual study results and the receiver operator characteristics curve for all seven studies.


  • lose the plot

    • informal Lose one's ability to understand or cope with what is happening.


      many people believe that he is feeling the strain or has lost the plot


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Local government spending priorities seem to have lost the plot with the focus moving from the essential to the fashionable.
      • Then, they'd thought I'd lost the plot when I suggested buying the lease.
      • He never had any ambition to make tons of money, he just wanted to produce great ads, and when people couldn't understand his vision he'd totally lose the plot.
      • I looked at him a bit strangely, and wondered if he'd lost the plot.
      • The manager has lost the plot completely, he's got to go.
      • Have we as a nation lost the plot as regards law and order?
      • Sometimes I really think my parents have lost the plot.
      • At this point I lost the plot and started screaming at Abby who awoke in a panic.
      • Always eccentric, he was rumoured to have lost the plot completely.
      • The world around him was an illusion; he had lost the plot.


  • plotless

  • adjective ˈplɒtləsˈplɑtləs
    • As a result, the film feels plotless because none of the big moments are big, none resonate emotionally the way they need to.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The film has been described as plotless, which is unfair.
      • Like the novel, the movie is essentially plotless.
      • I knew they were stupid and essentially plotless, but they were so much fun to read.
      • Both film and play are essentially plotless, depending heavily on strong performances from the leading couple.


Late Old English (in sense 3 of the noun), of unknown origin. The sense 'secret plan', dating from the late 16th century, is associated with Old French complot 'dense crowd, secret project', the same term being used occasionally in English from the mid 16th century Compare with plat1.

  • The first meaning of plot was ‘a small piece of ground’. The sense ‘secret plan’ dates from the late 16th century and was probably developed out of the sense ‘map, plan’ influenced by Old French complot ‘dense crowd, secret project’. Guy Fawkes' Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is thought to have spread the use of this sense. From another sense of plot, ‘the main sequence of events in a play, novel, or film’, comes the expression the plot thickens. The person to thank for it is George Villiers, the 2nd Duke of Buckingham, whose satirical drama The Rehearsal (1671) includes the line ‘Ay, now the plot thickens very much upon us.’


allot, begot, Bernadotte, blot, bot, capot, clot, cocotte, cot, culotte, dot, forgot, garrotte (US garrote), gavotte, got, grot, hot, jot, knot, lot, Mayotte, motte, not, Ott, outshot, pot, rot, sans-culotte, Scot, Scott, shallot, shot, slot, snot, sot, spot, squat, stot, swat, swot, tot, trot, undershot, Wat, Watt, what, wot, yacht

Definition of plot in US English:


  • 1A plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful.


    with infinitive there's a plot to overthrow the government


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Subsequent interrogations of him and other accomplices revealed that a series of plots were being planned.
    • She'd thrown us together to protect us; it had all been a secret plot to save her family.
    • I have no ulterior motives, no plots or secret schemes.
    • Police had said the plan to kill him was part of a larger plot to overthrow the President.
    • We know that we've got these people out in the world now that are looking for us, looking for an opportunity, whatever their plans or plots may be.
    • He muttered something under his breath, and started planning his next plot to kill her.
    • In July plots were discovered against James and Raleigh was arrested and charged with high treason.
    • She became totally oblivious to his plots, his plans, his thoughts once more.
    • Some believe that the whole plot was a government conspiracy to convince James that Catholics could not be trusted.
    • He succeeds in persuading Krishna to go, not letting on that the real purpose was a plot by Kamsa to kill Krishna.
    • She and her brother had planned the getaway plot for so long, and they were so sure that it would work.
    • A bungling thief who masterminded a plot to defraud cashpoint customers by installing a camera in an ATM machine has been jailed for two-and-a-half years.
    • His son Erwin was suspected of being involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler on 20 July 1944 and was executed by the Gestapo early in 1945.
    • The plot had been perfectly planned, perfectly executed.
    • The two senatorial candidates were earlier listed among alleged masterminds of a plot to overthrow the government that could be arrested without warrant.
    • He has not been implicated in the coup plot and has remained silent on the affair.
    • It will be one long series of conspiracies and plots aimed at regaining the spot.
    • Eight other terror suspects, cleared of the poison plot, were also illegal immigrants.
    • The clothing firm boss was the ringleader in a plot which swindled the Inland Revenue and Benefits Agency out of almost £500,000 over three years.
    • The author ushers in the names of the conspirators and their plot to kidnap Lincoln.
    conspiracy, intrigue, secret plan, secret scheme, stratagem
  • 2The main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In fact, the plot of the novel constantly moves around, traveling from place to place like tourists and travel books.
    • It's truly remarkable to think about these simple films with their simple plots and simple characters and realize what big hits they were.
    • There is a certain kind of movie viewer who wants to know the entire plot of a film before it opens.
    • The complex plot of the novel explores many things.
    • I will now explain precisely what I mean, but warn you all that I will be giving away all of the secret plots twists from the first two seasons.
    • As promised in the title, the main plot of the novel revolves around a surgical operation of epic proportions.
    • The plot of a film noir, generically speaking, is an ironic romance in which the knight's quest is driven by vice instead of virtue.
    • The plot is far from novel in cinematic history, but is at least a bit of a twist on the standard formulation.
    • The events of his three years on the road, except for a few short asides, make up the plot of the novel.
    • There are several dozen speaking parts in the film and numerous plots and sub-plots.
    • Like many adaptations from novels, the plot has too much material to give justice to the main theme.
    • The great weakness in the love plot of the novel, as Trollope perceived, was that Ralph the Heir is so chronically and incurably ‘weak’.
    • It doesn't take long to complete and repeated play will likely be only to unlock the many secrets embedded within the plot.
    • So we can say that in all his films the plot leads to a fatal end, a tragic destiny which the characters cannot avoid because it is presented as an absolute truth.
    • The film has a brilliant plot, devoid of holes or implausibility, but is only secondary to the characters.
    • Don't you hate it when movie titles give away the entire plot of the film?
    • The plot of Dostoevsky's novel paralleled real-life events.
    • Plus, I planned out the plot and then added in the fact that she had known them after I wrote the third chapter, so I had to go back and change many things.
    • The plot of the novel deals with the re-entry into society of a girl who seven years before murdered three children in her care.
    • It is sometimes difficult to discern the main thrust of the plot because of a host of subplots.
    storyline, story, chain of events, scenario, action, thread
  • 3A small piece of ground marked out for a purpose such as building or gardening.


    a vegetable plot


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The land surrounding this section is farmland and small plots of vegetable gardens.
    • The original owners of Ellenborough Park also owned the surrounding land, which they sold off in plots for building purposes.
    • The plot itself is designed for businesses, offices and service space.
    • Dozens of residents and travellers crammed in the centre's room one for the first day of an appeal hearing against the council's decision to evict travellers from 11 illegal plots.
    • They planned to sell the plot to reinvest in their fish farms business.
    • The residential plots and buildings have been transformed into commercial spaces, complexes and offices.
    • When I went back to see the room where I was born, it was just a grassy plot between two apartment buildings.
    • We wandered upstairs and downstairs, through the garden, past the vegetable plot and back to a bus stop.
    • Over the last two months everybody at the school has been busy with the planting of a bog garden, a vegetable plot and a Spring Clean of the grounds.
    • He gives five prisoners a sizable plot on the prison grounds to make the most gorgeous garden they can.
    • Speaking on national radio this week, the minister said would-be growers in the Cook Islands were being encouraged to plan small plots of trees that would be easy to manage.
    • Just because a plot of ground has outline planning permission does not mean that whoever buys that land will now get permission to build so why have it in the first place?
    • I heard a figure of something like 5000 new building sites and plots now offered in greater Plettenberg Bay.
    • Another area where councils have lost revenue is the rampant and illegal allocation of plots in many of the local authorities.
    • I am planning to purchase a plot in Bangalore.
    • There was no trace it had ever existed, except blank plots where the buildings once stood.
    • The compost is then used by the children's gardening club in tending the vegetable and flower plots at the 123-pupil school.
    • Men in the garden weeding the vegetable plot, while others are tending to the animals meet us.
    • There was also a piece of ground which my mum and dad kept as a vegetable plot.
    • In order to survive, most inhabitants of the big cities are forced to grow their own vegetables in garden plots or in collaboration with their families.
    piece of ground, patch, area, location, parcel, tract, allotment, acreage
  • 4A graph showing the relation between two variables.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Panels A and B represent a plot of the expected ratio coefficients versus the fitted ones.
    • He was able to draw the plots in such a way that the coefficient of regression became the slope of the regression line.
    • Figure 3 shows the plot of void ratio versus pressure for sample 1.
    • Ternary plots are then produced to show the similarities of the populations in the database, in particular between those samples in the same population as the sample being identified.
    • Based on these results, we propose the relation plot as an instrument to distinguish different interaction schemes.
    • A plot of the theoretical relationship between stress and deformation in metal shows a linear portion that represents the elastic region.
    • Line drawings are more suitable than variable-area-wiggle plots for displaying large seismic sections at a size appropriate for publication.
    • A funnel plot showed noticeable asymmetry in the 11 placebo controlled trials.
    • Figure 3 shows the three scatter plots generated for the three replicates of a representative sample.
    • Such a plot shows that the system cycles through precisely the same state of motion again and again at regular intervals.
    • We performed an exploratory analysis of each variable included in the study by univariate statistics and distribution plots.
    • One of the easiest ways to spot the patterns in the data is to produce ternary plots which emphasise how the elements in a sample are associated with one another.
    • Interpreting that information is not like interpreting a simple plot or graph.
    • A plot of the data shows some interesting features.
    • The prediction isn't nearly as accurate, as seen in the plot of differences between the real and expected values.
    • Figure 3 shows the scatter plot of estimated versus measured cloudless values for the three data sets.
    1. 4.1US A diagram, chart, or map.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Goodness of fit was assessed by diagnostic plots and the statistical significance of the Pearson chi-square of the fitted model.
      • In the contour plot, red indicates the most probable conformations.
      • Therefore, data were checked for assumptions of parametric tests by histogram plots and Kolmogorov Smirnov tests.
      • Understanding how numeric data plots depict behavior is certainly an important skill.
      • Rather than compressing all of the information into a single diagram, plots represent the distribution of the quartet distance geometries.
      • We examined publication bias and related biases in funnel plots and carried out a test of funnel plot asymmetry.
      • Scatterplots and residual plots were visually examined to insure that model assumptions were met.
      • Data were checked for assumptions of parametric tests by histogram plots.
      • We used funnel plot asymmetry to detect any bias in the trials retrieved.
      • Generally, it was the more recently conducted reviews that had considered or tested for funnel plot asymmetry.
      • Residual plots indicate a well-specified model where there is a lack of pattern between the standardized residuals and their predicted values.
      plan, blueprint, drawing, scale drawing, sketch, outline, map, plot, diagram, delineation, draft, depiction, representation, artist's impression, scheme, model, prototype, proposal
[with object]
  • 1Secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action)


    the two men are serving sentences for plotting a bomb campaign


    no object Erica has been plotting against me all along
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He remained an assertive influence at William III's court, however, quarrelling and plotting against those whom he believed were thwarting his own ambitions.
    • Because several of the nobles to the north of us are plotting against the King.
    • Part of that freedom means actually taking the unpleasant decisions of having to support a security infrastructure and the apparatus necessary to find out who is plotting against us.
    • I know you've been plotting against me ever since the day I became queen.
    • The main enemy was the evil Cardinal Richelieu who was plotting against the easily led King and secretly working for the Spanish.
    • The assassin's friends were already plotting against the girl and their opportunity for vengeance soon all too soon.
    • But he is promoted over his former superior, who pretends to be pleased at his old friend's success while secretly plotting his downfall.
    • Only six months after assuming power, he imprisoned many of his opponents on the Left, claiming that they had been plotting against him.
    • He probably was plotting something secretly evil.
    • I meet people all the time who are terrified walking around because they think everybody is making fun of them or plotting against them.
    • But he was beginning to see that to Gwyn, everyone had been plotting against him and every lord and general had planned to kill their family.
    • France nurtured what was essentially a myth of a united people, secretly despising and plotting against the occupiers for five years.
    • Back in England, old Edmund Dudley got his head chopped off for plotting against King Henry VII.
    • It would appear that our ‘enemies’ have been plotting against us for some time.
    • If he is indeed plotting against us, his plans will be foiled.
    • But I still think he may be secretly plotting his next move.
    • Not since Stephen's reign had the country seen so much of its ruler, but there was little pleasure or profit to be got from a king who constantly suspected that men were plotting against him.
    • His mother's lover, General Victor Lahorie, her husband's former commanding officer, was executed for plotting against Napoleon in 1812.
    • I think that when I sleep, or when I'm out doing whatever, they are secretly plotting against me.
    • I think we have to work on the assumption that there are people out there plotting against us, wanting to do us grave damage.
    plan, scheme, arrange, organize, lay, hatch, concoct, devise, frame, think up, dream up, cook up, brew, conceive
    conspire, scheme, participate in a conspiracy, intrigue, collude, connive, manoeuvre
  • 2Devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, movie, or similar work).


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So there was no ego involved in plotting this film, casting this film, directing, editing - the only thing that mattered was the movie.
    • Is there a particular process when you begin plotting your work or does it differ?
    • So certainly, our storylines are plotted ahead of time.
    • Every angle is carefully plotted, and tension builds steadily throughout the film.
    • Brave new storylines are plotted, tackling issues like illiteracy, drink driving and vote rigging.
    • Lucas plotted the film and acted as a consultant on the script.
    • There were frank and humorous references to the Bard's weaknesses when it came to plotting his plays and his tendency to ‘borrow’ from the works of other writers.
    • The five stories are intricately plotted and seamlessly woven together.
    • Although the film is strongly plotted, its leisurely pace and quiet tone take it more in the direction of character study than the rollicking caper promised by the packaging.
    • Sayle is on familiar ground here, and the story is well plotted and both dialogue and historical description are credible.
    • But after watching it again for the first time in 30 years, Williams has changed his mind and revealed he is plotting a shocking sequel, with plenty of murderous revenge.
    • Measure for Measure is one of Shakespeare's later comedies and one of his most intricately plotted plays.
    • In answering a question about his collages he talks about why he could never plot a novel.
    • The work is clearly very well planned and organise, and the story has been carefully plotted to be tight and layered.
    • Perry plots each novel out thoroughly in advance, starting with the solution of the mystery and working backward to its beginnings.
    • And the Greeks, famous for their tragedies, really knew how to plot a story for maximum impact.
    • I'm hoping I can divert my attention and go back to plotting my novel.
  • 3Mark (a route or position) on a chart.


    he started to plot lines of ancient sites


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Simply enter the address and the system plots the best route and guides you with voice instructions.
    • The old leather chart spilled out to show a cleverly plotted route of the swamplands.
    • He took one last look at his map, plotting his route and continued on.
    • The Council has created a new cycle map plotting all routes which cyclists can use to get about the city.
    • There are two modes: one plots a route to a chosen destination, the other allows you to create a more complex itinerary with any number of stops on the way to your final destination.
    • They also have to plot the aircraft's position on a chart as a backup to verify their location at all times.
    • At each study site, we plotted the location of all nest predators seen or heard relative to robin nests.
    • However, instead of plotting a straight path, why not create a winding tour through other interesting areas of the garden on the way there?
    • Furthermore, the bike can't stop to evaluate its position and plot a new route; everything must be done in real time.
    • Council officers have had no choice but to plot a route using roads, which they accept is not ideal.
    • The Thai Marines used compasses to mark the minefield and plotted the locations of the mines.
    • Thus, the expeditioners are reliant solely on their radio contacts with the base to plot positions and for an aircraft to be available to pick them up at the end of the expedition.
    • All navigation begins with plotting your position on a chart.
    • I had plotted the route in detail and made a road book.
    • Many hardboat skippers have PCs by the helm, displaying electronic charts, plotting their position from a GPS interface and even steering the boat's auto-pilot.
    • However, the key to all these innovations was the written word and the chart on which you plotted your course.
    • A compass, sextant and charts were the necessary tools for plotting a course.
    • Drivers punch in their starting point and destination and the quickest route is automatically plotted on a screen.
    • Then it was back to the charts, where each team planned a route and then plotted a magnetic course to steer for each leg of the 13-mile trip to Block Island.
    • The system, which can plot a route from a wide range of driver inputs, always shows the most direct route.
    mark, chart, map, indicate, represent, graph
    1. 3.1 Mark out or allocate (points) on a graph.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We then placed this lumped linear genetic map on both x- and y-axes and plotted the positions of the epistatic interactions detected.
      • In addition, the clear zones and entry control points were also plotted.
      • Note that sometimes a new point will be plotted further to the right than any previous one.
      • Points are plotted according to their natural color.
      • Such numbers can be plotted as points on a graph.
      • With previous records, inexperienced technicians had interpreted relatively simple information from an oscilloscope and plotted it on a graph.
      • In the next graph we have plotted the monthly price of U.S. dollar Gold and the year-to-year change in U.S. currency circulation, inverted.
      • Lines connect all data points but symbols representing only every twelfth data point were plotted.
      • A graphical display of attitudes about distance education and the delivery of course materials were plotted.
      • Surely the chaos game algorithm will plot the same point multiple times.
      • Once points are plotted, the information is stored in a job file on the data collector for future use.
      • The outcomes for a range of spins and velocities can be plotted on a graph.
      • The time ranges of events have been plotted to take account of the errors on radiometric dates.
      • Approximately, only every fifth data point is actually plotted on the graphs.
      • The article abounds with graphs sporting unlabeled axes, imprecise axis scales, inaccurately plotted points, and confused methods explanations.
      trace, draw up, delineate
    2. 3.2 Make (a curve) by marking out a number of points on a graph.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This exact curve has been plotted as a dotted line in Fig 2A.
      • Survival curves were plotted using the product limit estimates.
      • These ages plot as a normal curve, supporting the assumption that they all derive from a single thermal event.
      • The doctor will then plot these values on a growth curve that shows the height and weight ranges in a large population of children of the same age and sex.
      • A standard curve was plotted from the data obtained.
      • Survival curves were plotted and the significance of differences between life spans of strains was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test.
      • They plotted the survival curves for each species and found significant sex differences in life expectancy favouring whichever sex took most parental responsibility.
      • The total cost curves (total means not divided by numbers of vehicles as for average cost curves) are plotted for each capacity.
      • When analysing survival data, the survival curves should always be plotted.
      • Receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for the early and late stages of the disease in both the areas.
      • You can plot a curve (a reaction function) showing the cost or benefit to firm A for each price.
      • Finally, frequencies versus displacement amplitude curves were plotted for different layered systems.
      • When these curves are plotted on the same axes, their intersection points define the stable points of the system.
    3. 3.3 Illustrate by use of a graph.
      it is possible to plot fairly closely the rate at which recruitment of girls increased


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He holds up a graph plotting the dramatically dropping rates of the hormone over a woman's life, a drop that parallels the drop in estrogen levels.
      • The graph plots the cancer rate for each sex within 10-year age bands for the UK in 1999.
      • Page 7 of the PDF has a nice set of graphs that plot the measured personality characteristics as a function of age.
      • Figure 2 plots the individual study results and the receiver operator characteristics curve for all seven studies.


  • lose the plot

    • informal Lose one's ability to understand or cope with what is happening.


      many people believe that he is feeling the strain or has lost the plot


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then, they'd thought I'd lost the plot when I suggested buying the lease.
      • I looked at him a bit strangely, and wondered if he'd lost the plot.
      • The manager has lost the plot completely, he's got to go.
      • He never had any ambition to make tons of money, he just wanted to produce great ads, and when people couldn't understand his vision he'd totally lose the plot.
      • At this point I lost the plot and started screaming at Abby who awoke in a panic.
      • Have we as a nation lost the plot as regards law and order?
      • Local government spending priorities seem to have lost the plot with the focus moving from the essential to the fashionable.
      • Sometimes I really think my parents have lost the plot.
      • The world around him was an illusion; he had lost the plot.
      • Always eccentric, he was rumoured to have lost the plot completely.


Late Old English (in plot (sense 3 of the noun)), of unknown origin. The sense ‘secret plan’, dating from the late 16th century, is associated with Old French complot ‘dense crowd, secret project’, the same term being used occasionally in English from the mid 16th century Compare with plat.





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