they thought he was a meshuggener, and they locked him in his room
Example sentencesExamples
For the overwhelmingly Italian audience phrases such as ‘world-class meshuggana’ probably lost something in translation.
And say its possible that all of these meshuggeners manage to have lucrative careers with the intelligence services.
My Jewish friend turned to me incredulously and said, ‘A fine man, but on this he's a meshuggener.’
I find it strange that some meshuggener will post a moderate to short reply on the search function when in the same amount of effort they could have answered the question.
My biggest fear, of course, is swimming slower than the hundreds of other meshuggeners and being left behind, solitary in the open sea and crashing waves.
If you can't recall most of the madness surrounding those murderous meshuggeners, you are not alone.
One thing that bothers me is those meshuggeners at the gaming magazines who have the chutzpah to kvell all over their games, even when they're dreck.
The key to understanding the meshuggana, is that he requires an emotional response from those he dislikes.
Every time she tries to visit him, though, his jealous stepmother and meshuggener tutor make him fall into a deep sleep.
So Shlomo the tomato turned round and shouted at Benjy, ‘You meshuggener, ketch-up.’
So while Crossing Delancey is mellow and ‘nice,’ you're not meshuggener if you come away wondering if it could have offered more beneath its surface.
If you see me walking down the street waving my hands around and swaying like a meshuggana, I'm just conducting the orchestra to music I hear in my head.
I'm a hayseed for wanting decent beer, and you're a meshuggener.
Some Swedish meshuggeners are presently designing some new meshuggah pages, and have offered med to move my news over to their site eventually.
Early 20th century (as an adjective): variant of meshuga.