The forms backpedaling and back-pedaled are used in American English. 美国英语中使用backpedaling和back-pedaled。
1 VERB 改变立场;软化;退缩 If you back-pedal, you express a different or less forceful opinion about something from the one you have previously expressed. 改变立场;软化;退缩
Allen back-pedalled, saying that he had had no intention of offending them. [VERB]
He appeared to back-pedal on that statement. [VERB + on]
SYN backtrack, go back, reverse, reconsider
2 VERB 变卦;出尔反尔;背弃诺言 If you say that someone back-pedals, you disapprove of their behaviour because they are not doing what they promised. 变卦;出尔反尔;背弃诺言 [disapproval]