释义 |
con·geal /kənˈdʒiːl/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 使冻结;使凝结 Fear congealed his very blood. 恐惧使他全身的血液都凝结了。 2. 使固定,使一成不变;使瘫痪 Some philosophic systems lost their vitality and became wholly congealed. 有些哲学体系失去了生命力,变得完全僵化了。 ❷ vi. 1. 冻结;凝结 Discard the fat that congeals at the top. 把结在上面的脂肪撇掉。 The mixed emotion of the masses congealed into an antiwar sentiment. 群众的各种感情凝成了反战情绪。 2. 固定,一成不变;瘫痪 His thought lost its vivacity, congealing into a closed system. 他的思想失去了活力,结果僵化成为闭塞的思想体系。 Traffic congealed in the city centre. 市中心的交通瘫痪了。 3. 〈喻〉合为一体 The symphony failed to congeal as a single oeuvre. 这部交响乐未能融为有机整体。 [<OFr congeler < L congelāre < gelāre to freeze] |