

单词 chain
释义 chain /tʃeɪn/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. 链,链条;表链;轮胎防滑链;自行车链;(作装饰或职标用的)项链
an anchor chain 锚链
a gold wristwatch on a gold chain 配着金表带的金手表
He wore a chain of office around his neck. 他脖子上挂着一条标志公职的项链。
2. [常作chains] 枷锁,镣铐;囚禁;束缚
He had spent many years in chains. 他曾在监牢里度过好多年。
the chains of poverty 贫穷的束缚
the chains of duty 职务的羁绊
3. 一连串,一系列;连锁;山脉
a chain of events 一连串的事件
After a long chain of contacts, we have finally found out the truth. 经过多次联系,我们终于查明了真相。
the Micronesian island chains 密克罗尼西亚的岛群
4. 联号(指一个企业主或公司下属的一组类似的商店、旅馆或剧院等)(设有许多联号的)大企业
a Japanese fast-food chain in New York City 日本快餐馆在纽约市的联号
the Hilton chain in Manila 在马尼拉的希尔顿集团大宾馆
a TV-radio station owned by a chain 一家设有许多联号的大企业所属的电视及电台
5. 手拉手的一行跳舞者
6. 链,线性有序集
7. 测链;工程测链;航海测链
8. 经纱
9. 电路
11. = chain shot
12. 舷侧支索扣板

II vt.
1. 用链条拴住 (或拦住、护住)
The bike was chained to a lamppost. 自行车给用链条拴在路灯柱上。
It's time the dogs were chained up for the night. 是把那些狗拴起来过夜的时候了。
The authorities had chained off the access road and positioned police in strategic places. 当局用链条把进路拦断,并在要害地点布置警察站岗。
2. 束缚;拘禁
Through all that lovely summer, I remained chained to my desk. 在那风光宜人的整个夏天,我一直被牵制在书桌边。
chain sb. to a decision 使某人受一项决定的约束
chain one's attention to sb. 全神贯注地注意某人
3. 用测链测量
4. 用链状针脚缝

III a.
1. 链条的;链状的
2. 接连进行的,连续发生的
a chain reader of detective stories 一本接一本地看侦探小说的读者
3. 累积的,渐增的
the chain effects of radiation on the heredity of fruit flies 放射对果蝇的遗传特征所产生的累积效果
4. 老是一样的,老一套的
chain thinking 老一套的想法
[<OFr chaeine < L catēna]
phr. A (或 The) chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 一环薄弱,全链易断。(常指一个破绽便使整个论点站不住脚)
pull(或yank) sb.'s chain使某人信以为真,戏弄某人




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