释义 |
com·mis·er·ate /kəˈmɪzəreɪt/ vt. | vi. | a. I ❶ vt. 同情,怜悯 commiserate the state of one's poor friend 同情贫穷朋友的处境 ❷ vi. 表示同情(或怜悯、慰问) (with) commiserate with sb. about his missing fingers 对某人失去手指表示同情 He helicoptered to Pittsburgh to commiserate over the cold. 他乘直升机去匹兹堡,对当地遭严寒袭击表示慰问。
II a. 表示同情(或怜悯)的 [< L commiserārī < com- together + miserārī to bewail, pity < miser wretched] |