

单词 spread
释义 spread /spred/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr.
I (spread)

1. 摊开;铺开;展开;张开;伸开
spread a map on the table 把地图摊在桌上
spread (out) a carpet on the floor 在地板上铺地毯
The eagle spread its wings. 老鹰展翅。
Jack lay with his arms spread (out). 杰克张开双臂躺着。
The peacock raised his tail and spread it. 孔雀翘起尾巴开屏。
The trees spread their branches to the light. 树把枝条伸向阳光。
2. 涂;敷
spread toast with marmalade (或 spread marmalade on toast) 在烤面包上涂果酱
spread ointment on a burn 在灼伤处敷药膏
3. 撒;施
Spread the grass seeds over the yard. 把草籽撒在院子里。
spread fertilizer over the fields 在田里施肥
4. 分散;分布;分摊
spread papers on the desk 把文件摊放在书桌上
China's minority nationalities are spread over 50-60 percent of its territory. 中国的少数民族分布在占全国领土50%到60%的区域内。
spread out the work to more people 把工作分摊给更多一些人去做
5. 把…分期完成;使延续
He spread the payments over a six-month period. 他在6个月内分期偿还欠款。
The exams were spread over a period of ten days. 各科考试延续10天结束。
6. 散布(谣言等);传播(新闻、知识等),使被更多的人知道(或分享);使(疾病等)蔓延
spread gossip 散布流言蜚语
spread news (scientific knowledge) 传播消息(科学知识)
spread a religion 传播宗教
spread education 普及教育
spread an epidemic 传播传染病
7. 散发(烟、气等)
flowers spreading their fragrance 散发香气的花朵
8. (餐桌)上摆好饭菜;把(饭菜)摆在餐桌上;端出
The table was spread with good things to eat. 餐桌上已摆出好吃的东西。
Supper was spread. 晚饭已摆上餐桌了。
The hostess spread afternoon tea for us. 女主人给我们端上午后茶点。
9. 陈列;展示
spread goods for sale 陈列供出售的货品
the view spread out before sb. 展现在某人面前的景色
10. 记录,把…记入 (on, upon)
Achievements in that field are naturally not spread on the record. 那一行当的成就自然是不会记录在案的。
spread resolutions upon the minutes 把决议案记入议事录
11. 辗宽;敲平(铆钉头)
The locomotive spread the rails. 机车把钢轨辗宽了。
spread the end of a rivet by hammering 把铆钉头锤平
12. 展开(双唇)发音;将…发成展元音
13. 蔓延于,完全覆盖
1. 伸展;伸开;张开;扩展
The forest spreads out as far as the eye can see. 森林伸展至目所能及的地方。
Here the river spreads out. 河面从这儿变宽。
2. 延长,延续
The economic unrest spread over several years. 经济的动荡不安延续了数年之久。
Payments spread out for 12 years. 应付款项在12年内分期偿还。
3. 传开;传染;蔓延
Word spread quickly about the accident. 关于这一事故的传闻不胫而走。
The boy's measles soon spread to other children in the class. 这个男孩的麻疹很快传染给班里其他小朋友了。
The fire spread to the next house. 火势蔓延到邻屋。
4. 变得日益常见
High-rise buildings were now beginning to spread across the area. 在这一地区,高层建筑正在日益多起来。
5. (液体)流向四处;(烟、人群等)散开
The milk spread all over the floor. 牛奶淌了一地。
A stain was spreading on the bathroom ceiling. 浴室天花板上的污渍正在渗开。
The crowd began to spread. 人群开始散开。
6. (人口等向某一方向)迁移
Settlers spread inland. 殖民者们向内地迁移。
7. 被涂开;被敷开
This paint spreads easily. 这种油漆容易涂开。
8. 被辗宽,被压宽;(椅腿在压力下)向外伸开
The rails of the track have spread. 铁路的钢轨已被辗宽了。
The chair legs spread under his weight. 椅腿在他身体重量的压迫下向外撑开。

II n.
1. 展开;伸展;扩展
boats with a spread of white sails 一艘艘张开白帆的小船
the spread of the city 城市的扩展
2. (伸)展性
the spread of gold (elastic) (松紧带)的展性
3. (飞机的)翼展;(鸟的)两翼全长
The aircraft's wings have a spread of 30 m. 飞机两翼的翼展有30米。
the spread of a bird's wings 鸟的两翼全长
4. 散布;传播;普及;蔓延;扩散
the spread of a rumour 谣言的散布
the spread of information 信息传播
the spread of higher education 高等教育的普及
the spread of cholera (fire) 霍乱(火势)的蔓延
the spread of nuclear arms 核武器的扩散
5. 差异,差距;(买价和卖价之间的)差额
Why is the spread between the upper- and lower-income groups so difficult to shrink? 为什么高收入阶层与低收入阶层之间的差距这么难以缩小?
6. (一片)广阔的区域;幅员
a wide spread of country 一片辽阔的乡村地区
The spread of the prairies was breathtaking. 草原的浩瀚使人为之惊叹。
7. (报刊上)横贯两版的篇幅;整版(或跨数栏)的文章(或广告等)
a spread on fashions in a 2003 Fashion magazine 2003年的一期《时装》杂志上横贯两版篇幅的时装广告
8. 发胖
try to stave off an elderly spread 设法阻止老年发胖
(a) middle-age spread 中年发福
9. 床单;桌布
10. 涂抹食品的酱(或膏)
a cheese spread 干酪酱
11. 丰盛的饭菜,盛宴
prepare a large picnic spread 准备一顿丰盛的野餐饭菜
put on quite a decent spread 摆出一桌很像样的筵席
12. (宝石的)表观大小
a diamond with a spread of four carats 一粒表观大小有4克拉的钻石
13. 美口大牧场,大农场;(家畜的)
a spread of sheep 一群绵羊
14. 美口大房子,大宅

III a.
1. 展开的
a peacock with a spread tail 开屏的孔雀
2. 双唇展开的
/i:/ in English “meet”is a spread vowel. 英语“meet”中的/i:/是个展元音。
3. (报纸或期刊上)跨两栏(或多栏)篇幅的
a two-page spread advertisement 横贯两页篇幅的广告
4. (宝石)扁薄无光的
[< OE sprǣdan; 与 OHG spreiten to spread, OLith sprainas stiff 有关]
phr. spread it on thick 拼命奉承,拼命讨好
He's spreading it on thick because he wants you to do him a favour. 他拼命讨好你,因为他要你帮他个忙。
spread oneself
1. 努力,尽力;拼命讨好;大献殷勤
He had promised to spread himself in the preparation of this meal. 他已答应尽力准备好这顿饭。
The girl was spreading herself in order to impress the handsome visitor. 姑娘为了给那个英俊的来客留下好印象,正向他大献殷勤。
2. 夸耀,吹嘘
He often spreads himself on his achievement. 他常常吹嘘自己的成就。
3. 伸展四肢仰卧
He spread himself on the bed. 他伸展四肢仰卧床上。
spread oneself thin 同时承担过多工作致使一样没干好;战线拉得过长而捉襟见肘
spread one's wings 见 wing




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