

单词 warning
释义 warn·ing /ˈwɔːnɪŋ/ n. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. 警告;告诫;警报;空袭警报
issue a warning that... 发出…的警告
The General received a warning of the coming attack. 将军接到了敌方即将发起进攻的警告。
War generally erupts without warning. 战争通常是在没有任何警告的情况下爆发的。
They attacked without giving a warning. 他们不宣而战地发动了攻击。
a warning not to go there 要人们别去那里的劝告
She went with him in spite of her mother's constant warning against his company. 尽管母亲一再劝她别与他为伴,她仍与他一起去了。
a gale (an air raid) warning 大风(空袭)警报
2. 预告
I am sorry to appear without warning. 对不起,我就这么事先不通知地来了。
3. 预兆,前兆
Palpitation is a warning of heart trouble. 心悸是心脏病的前兆。
The branch fell without the slightest warning. 树枝掉落,事先人们一无觉察。
4. 前车之鉴;鉴戒;起警告作用的东西
Let this be a warning to you. 希望这事能成为你的鉴戒。
Take that for a warning of what may happen. 把那作为将来可能会发生什么事的鉴戒吧。
He is a warning to us all of what happens to people who drink too much. 关于酗酒者的下场,他是我们大家的前车之鉴。
5. (解除雇佣关系或契约等的)预先通知

II a.
a warning sign (signal) 警告标志(信号)
a warning light 警告灯标
a warning bell 警钟(或信号钟)
fire a warning shot 鸣枪警告
He fired a warning glance that she was to say nothing. 他投去警告性的一瞥,让她什么也别说。
The trains are equipped with early warning systems. 这些火车装有预警系统。
When he seemed a little out of control, his counsel placed a warning hand upon his sleeve. 在他显得有点不能自制时,他的律师就用手放在他的袖子上,提醒他注意。
phr. give (sb.)warning 预先通知(某人)离职(或终止协议)
I have given the cook warning. 我已通知厨子离职。
The gardener has given me a week's warning. 园丁已通知我他一星期后离职。
take warning 接受警告改变行动方针,引以为戒
take warning by another's example 引他人先例为戒
You should take warning from what happened to me. 你应该把我的遭遇引以为戒。




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