释义 |
re·fuse¹ /rɪˈfjuːz, riː-/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 拒绝;回绝;拒绝接受;拒绝服从 I refused his invitation politely. 我婉拒了他的邀请。 refuse a gift 拒收礼品 She refused the money. 她拒绝收钱。 It was an offer he felt he couldn't refuse. 这是一个他觉得自己无法不接受的提议。 refuse a command 拒绝执行命令 2. 拒绝给予,不肯给予 The bank refused him the loan. 银行拒绝向他贷款。 He was refused burial in consecrated ground. 他被禁葬于神圣墓地。 She refused him even a kiss. 她甚至不许他吻一下。 She feels she doesn't have the heart to refuse him. 她感到自己实在舍不得拒绝他。 The cinema owners have the right to refuse admission to anyone under seventeen years of age. 影院老板有权不准17岁以下少年入场。 He was told visas were refused. 他被告知,签证未获准。 3. 〈口〉拒不;不肯,不愿;未做应该做的事情 He refused to change his mind. 他拒不改变主意。 She refused to tell her age. 她不愿说出自己的年龄。 The motor refused to start. 马达怎么也发动不起来。 I refuse to believe that it can't be done. 我决不相信此事不可为。 4. (马)在(障碍物)前急停而拒绝跳越 refuse a fence 不肯跳越栅栏 The horse refused the water jump. 马不肯跳越水沟障碍。 5. 【军】调动(侧翼部队)折回 the refused flank 与正面成90°的侧翼 6. 〈古〉【牌】(因无同花色的牌)不能跟(牌) refuse hearts 不跟红桃牌 7. 〈废〉屏弃;放弃 ❷ vi. 1. 拒绝;〈旧〉不接受(婚姻等);不允;不同意 He asked her to marry him, but she refused. 他要求她跟自己结婚,但她拒绝了。 2. (马)不肯跳越障碍物 [< OFr refuser<L refundere to pour back; 见 REFUND, FUSE¹] |