un·com·mit·ted /ˌʌnkəˈmɪtɪd/ a. 1. 未遂的 a crime left uncommitted 未遂罪 2. 不受约束的;未作保证的;未表态的;中立的;未定用途的 She has no family and is quite uncommitted. 她无家室之累,因而自由自在。 They were uncommitted to buying. 他们未作购买的保证。 a delegate uncommitted to either candidate 对两位候选人都未作承诺的代表 an uncommitted country 中立国 3. 未被监禁的 an uncommitted felon 未被监禁的重罪犯 4. 未关进精神病院的 5. 未提交议会的 The bill remains uncommitted. 议案仍未提交议会。