释义 |
tor·ture /ˈtɔːtʃə(r)/ n. | vt. I n. 1. 拷打,拷问;酷刑 put sb. to torture 拷问某人 Many of the prisoners died under torture. 许多犯人死于严刑拷打。 instruments of torture 刑具 use torture to extract confessions 使用酷刑逼供 2. 折磨;痛苦;苦恼;引起痛苦(或苦恼)的事物 suffer tortures from a toothache 受牙痛的折磨 the tortures of jealousy 妒忌引起的苦恼 3. (对意义、论点等的)歪曲,曲解 No torture in interpretation would be required. 不应该有任何的曲解。 4. (对材料、设备等进行的)破坏性试验 Cars are put through thousands of miles of torture. 汽车要经受行驶数千英里的破坏性试验。
II vt. 1. 拷打,拷问;虐待;用拷打的方法获得,拷打出 torture prisoners 拷打犯人 torture a name from sb. 用拷打逼某人供出姓名 torture a confession from a prisoner 对犯人逼供 2. 折磨,使痛苦;使苦恼;使为难 be tortured with neuralgia 受神经痛的折磨 be tortured with anxiety 为焦虑所苦 be tortured by the problem 因那个问题而困惑不解 3. 歪曲,曲解 torture a word 曲解词义 4. 使扭曲;使弯曲;使成畸形 trees tortured by storms 被暴风雨吹打得歪歪斜斜的树 [<LL tortūra a twisting < TORT + -URE] |