

单词 bold
释义 bold /bəʊld/ a. | n. | phr.
I a.
1. 勇敢的,无畏的;敢作敢为的
a bold warrior 勇敢的武士
2. 显示勇气胆识的;需要冒风险的
a bold plan of attack 大胆的进攻计划
I finally decided on a bold step. 最后,我决定采取一个需冒风险的步骤。
3. 冒失的,唐突的,鲁莽的;放肆的
a bold little urchin 一个冒失的小顽童
be hurt by a bold remark 被一句唐突无礼的话所伤害
Would you think me bold if I asked how much your hat cost? 倘若我问一问你的帽子是花多少钱买的,你会觉得我冒失放肆吗?
He apologized for being so bold as to speak to the emperor. 他对自己如此放肆,竟对皇帝说话,表示歉意。
4. 无拘无束的,活跃的
a bold thinker 思想没有框框的人
a bold imagination 自由驰骋的想像力
the bold plot of a novel 富于想像力的小说情节
5. 醒目的;显著的,轮廓清晰的
write a bold hand 写一手醒目的字
be decorated in bold colours 以大红大绿的色彩装饰
The mountains stood in bold outline against the sky. 群山在天空辉映下轮廓分明地屹立着。
6. 陡的,险峻的
a bold cliff 绝壁
7. 黑体的,粗体的;以黑体排印的
in bold type 用黑体字
bold advertising 黑体字广告
8. 强烈的,猛烈的
bold winds 劲风
9. 有信心的,确信的

II n.
in smaller bold 用小一号的黑体
[ME < OE beald]
phr. (as) boldas brass 极其胆大妄为;极为唐突放肆,极为粗率无礼
The thief must be as bold as brass to have carried out a robbery at mid-day. 这窃贼居然在中午光天化日之下行劫,一定是胆大包天。
He sat there as bold as brass and refused to leave. 他大模大样坐在那儿,竟然拒绝离去。
make (或 be) (so) bold (as)... 不顾唐突…,不揣冒昧…
be so bold as to ask for an interview 不顾唐突要求接见
I made bold to offer my suggestion. 我不揣冒昧提出我的建议。
make bold with 擅自动用,随意对待
make bold with sb.'s cigarettes during his absence 趁某人不在擅自拿他的香烟
In his article he made bold with the facts. 他在文章中任意篡改事实。
The boss made too bold with the girls in the office. 老板以过分狎昵的态度对待办公室女职员。




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