释义 |
dis·so·ci·ate /dɪˈsəʊʃɪeɪt/ vt. | vi. | phr. ❶ vt. 1. (在实际或思想上)把…分开,使分离,使脱离 (from) One must dissociate these two ideas. 我们在思想上必须把这两个概念分开。 The author never dissociated his characters from their social context. 作家从不将他笔下的人物同他们的社会环境分离开来考虑。 2. 【化】使离解 3. 【心】使分裂,使不相联 ❷ vi. 1. 分开,分离,脱离 2. 【化】离解 Salts and acids dissociate in water. 盐和酸离解于水。 [< L dissociāre < DIS-² + sociāre to join] phr. dissociate oneself from 否认同…有关系;断绝和…的关系 The chairman of the union dissociated himself from the views expressed in the report. 工会主席否认自己与报告中的观点有关系。He tried to dissociate himself from the evil in his past. 他想同过去的罪恶一刀两断。 |