

单词 strain¹
释义 strain¹ /streɪn/
1. 世系,家系;血缘;血统;种,族
He comes of a tough peasant strain. 他出身于一个吃苦耐劳的农民世家。
He is of a noble strain. 他出身高贵。
His Irish strain gives him a sense of humour. 他的爱尔兰血统赋予他一种幽默感。
2. (动、植物的)系,品系;(菌)株,(菌)系;品种;种类,类型
There is a genetic strain of red hair among our people. 我们这个民族中有一个红头发的遗传种系。
a high-yielding strain of winter wheat 高产冬小麦品系
a rare strain of orchid 一个稀有的兰花品种
a mysterious strain of influenza 一种起因不明的流行性感冒
discussions of a lofty strain 高级商讨
3. (继承或内在的)品质;气质;素质;生性;个性特点
A strain of musical talent seems to run in the family. 这个家庭中似乎人人都有音乐天赋。
There is a strain of weakness in him. 他生性软弱。
4. [常作 strains] 乐曲;旋律,曲调;音乐片段;歌曲
pathetic strains 悲哀的乐曲
the strains of a hymn 赞美诗乐曲
a soft strain of music 一支柔和的乐曲
5. 诗歌,抒情诗
6. 笔调;口吻,语气;情调;格调
He writes in a happier strain about his childhood. 他用一种比较欢快的笔调描述自己的童年。
He continued to speak in the same angry strain. 他用同样的愤怒语气继续往下讲。
7. 连珠炮似的雄辩(或亵渎言语等)
8. 后代,后裔,子女
9. 生殖,生育
[< OE strēon; 与 OHG gistriuni gain¹ < L struere to construct, 见 STREW]




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