释义 |
stool /stuːl/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 凳子 sit on a stool 坐在凳子上 2. 搁脚凳,垫脚凳;跪凳 3. 【建】内窗台 4. (表示职权的)座位;酋长身份(或统治) 5. 马桶;厕所;(一次)大便;粪便 go to stool 去大便 “How many stools in the past 24 hours?” asked the doctor. 医生问道:“过去24小时内大便几次?” loose stool 稀粪 6. (生长新芽的)根株,根蘖(束) 7. 囮鸽的栖木 8. = stool pigeon
II ❶ vi. 1. (根株)长新芽,分蘖 2. 〈美口〉作囮鸽;充当密探 3. 〈古〉去大便 ❷ vt. (用囮鸽)诱捕(野鸟);引诱 [< OE stōl; 与 ON stōll, Goth stōls, OHG stuol chair, Gr stulos pillar 有关] phr. a stool of repentance 【宗】悔罪席 at stool 【医】排便时 fall between two stools 〈英〉两头落空 |