释义 |
si·lence /ˈsaɪləns/ n. | vt. | int. | phr. I n. 1. 寂静,无声 the silence of night 夜的寂静 There is nothing but silence in the empty house. 空屋里一片死寂。 enjoy the silence and serenity of the country 喜爱乡村的宁静和安谧 2. 默不作声,沉默;一段时间的沉默 The teacher asked for silence. 教师要求学生安静。 There was a short silence and then uproar broke out. 短时间沉默后突然喧哗起来。 3. 静默;默哀;(2分钟的)“第一次世界大战纪念日”(或“阵亡将士纪念日”)默哀仪式 The meeting was preceded by a two-minute silence in memory of the dead. 会前为纪念死者默哀了两分钟。 4. 缄默;不提,不谈;不答 Jean's silence on the subject was unnerving. 琼闭口不谈这个问题令人不安。 5. 不写信;不联系;不写作;沉寂;沉寂期 What can his silence mean? I hope he's not ill. 他久久不来信不知出了什么事? 但愿他没有生病。 long silences between letters 通信的长期中断 6. 隐匿;被忘却 7. 保密,秘而不宣 Can I rely on your silence? 我能指望你守口如瓶吗?
II vt. 1. 使安静;使沉默;使哑口无言;使停止发表意见 silence sb. with a gesture 用手势示意某人别作声 Whatever specious arguments would silence an opponent. 无论什么似是而非的论点都会使对手哑口无言。 2. 压制;镇压;制止,使停息 She silenced the feeling of guilt. 她强自压下心头的负疚感。 silence an uprising 镇压起义 The President's firm speech failed to silence opposition. 总统的强硬讲话未能压制反对意见。 silence dissent 压制歧见 3. 消除…的噪声 The air intake must be silenced to some degree. 进气口的噪声太大,必须在一定程度上加以消除。 4. 打哑(敌人炮火) The enemy's guns were silenced by repeated bombings. 敌人的炮火被轮番轰炸打哑了。
III int. 安静!别作声!
phr. break silence 打破沉默,开口讲话 This is the first time he has broken silence for an interview. 这是他第一次打破沉默接受采访。in silence 安静地;沉默地;无声地 listen in silence 静静地听 keep silence 保持安静;保持沉默;不讲话 You will have to keep silence throughout the ceremony. 你们必须在仪式的进行过程中始终保持安静。pass into silence 湮没于无声无息之中 pass over in silence 不提及 pass over a fact in silence 对一事实保持缄默 put (或 reduce) sb. to silence 驳得某人哑口无言,驳倒某人 His forceful arguments reduced his opponent to silence. 他的有力论据驳得对手哑口无言。Silence gives consent. 〈谚〉沉默即同意。 Silence is golden. 〈谚〉什么也不说最好。 (或沉默是金。)“I'll tell you the rest on the way back.” He sealed her lips with a finger. “Meanwhile, silence is golden.”“其他的情况等回来的路上再告诉你,”他用一只手指掩住了她嘴唇。“眼下最好什么也不讲。” two minutes' silence (上午11时举行的2分钟)“阵亡将士纪念日”默哀仪式 |